Closed Bug 192191 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Tech Evang description on Enter Bug page


( :: Administration, task)

Not set





(Reporter: susiew, Assigned: ian)




On I think the Tech Evangelism description might not be totally clear which is why people may use Browser General for filing website bugs. SUGGESTED NEW: For reporting problems on a website that only occur in Mozilla-based browsers, that you believe are not due to bugs in the browser. (more info) CURRENT: For reporting web pages that need to be upgraded to support web standards and Gecko-based browsers
Assignee: myk → ian
Component: User Interface → Bugzilla: Keywords & Components
Product: Bugzilla →
QA Contact: matty → timeless
Version: unspecified → other
Where do you think the "moreinfo" link should point to?
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
How are people to know if the bug is with Mozilla or with the Web page?
I'm not saying this change will educate people more who don't know how to test on different browsers to see if the problem is Mozilla-only. My idea is that for people who just started using Mozilla who previously used another browser where a site worked, this new description could help direct them on where to file. Is there anywhere on Tech Evangelism that guides someone in determining if a bug is evangelism? I looked quickly and didn't find one. Identifying Tech Evangelism Bugs -Test in another browser like Netscape 4.x or IE. -If using a recent Mozilla build, test the page on a released version to make sure it's not a recent browser bug -If your cookies or JS are off, turn them on. If this works, do not file a bug. Instead complain to the site. etc. I think file-new could be a good page to link to from More INfo, and with a few tips as part of item #1, hopefully this will help people filing bugs.
If you find a page that only fails with Mozilla, that's just as likely to be a Mozilla bug as it is a site bug. So I don't see how this helps.
If you believe there is no way to help someone, who is motivated, to determine if a bug is an evangelism bug vs. a browser bug, then we don't need to change the description.
I believe that this should be marked WONT FIX. It is best to have evangelism bugs go through browser general unless the user is knowledgeable enough. This is because we do not triage our evangelism bugs in a timely fashion. Browser bugs in Browser:General are triaged quickly and by very knowledgeable people. Browser bugs that are incorrectly filed as Tech Evangelism bugs may sit for months before anyone looks at them.
Agreed. Deciding if a bug is an evang bug or a Mozilla bug is _hard_. It requires quite detailed knowledge of the specs. The current Browser General triagers are quite adept at the common features of evang bugs. WONTFIX.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Bugzilla: Keywords & Components → Administration
Product: →
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