Bug 1934435
Opened 3 months ago
Closed 2 months ago
Intermittent /shadow-dom/crashtests/move-to-new-tree-1343016.html | assertion count 1 is more than expected 0 assertions
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P5)
DOM: Core & HTML
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)
Filed by: abutkovits [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.029Z] 10:50:42 INFO - TEST-START | /shadow-dom/crashtests/move-to-new-tree-1343016.html
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.035Z] 10:50:42 INFO - PID 15925 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpz60jzkl8/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15954.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.075Z] 10:50:42 INFO - Setting pref dom.shadowdom.selection_across_boundary.enabled to true
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.166Z] 10:50:42 INFO - PID 15925 | [Child 15952, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/intl/l10n/L10nRegistry.cpp:385
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.329Z] 10:50:42 INFO - PID 15925 | [Child 15952, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/intl/l10n/L10nRegistry.cpp:385
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.350Z] 10:50:42 INFO - PID 15925 | [Child 15952, Main Thread] WARNING: Can't add a range if the end is older that the start.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/html/TimeRanges.cpp:86
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:42.390Z] 10:50:42 INFO - PID 15925 | JavaScript error: http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testdriver.js, line 1705: Error: Tried to run in a non-testharness window without a call to set_test_context
[task 2024-12-01T10:50:43.326Z] 10:50:43 INFO - PID 15925 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpz60jzkl8/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15955.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:17.568Z] 10:51:17 INFO - Got chrome assert count 1
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:17.580Z] 10:51:17 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /shadow-dom/crashtests/move-to-new-tree-1343016.html | assertion count 1 is more than expected 0 assertions
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:17.580Z] 10:51:17 INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /shadow-dom/crashtests/move-to-new-tree-1343016.html | took 35551ms
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:17.581Z] 10:51:17 INFO - Restarting browser for new test group
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:17.583Z] 10:51:17 INFO - PID 15925 | 1733050277582 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52836
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.150Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15925 | [Parent 15925, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:240
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.214Z] 10:51:18 INFO - Browser exited with return code -15
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.215Z] 10:51:18 WARNING - Firefox didn't exit cleanly, not processing leak logs
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.215Z] 10:51:18 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.216Z] 10:51:18 INFO - queue closed
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.236Z] 10:51:18 INFO - Application command: /opt/worker/tasks/task_173302745112850/build/application/Firefox --marionette about:blank -foreground -profile /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpppa0yxyw
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.243Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.244Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | fcntl(F_SETLK) failed. errno = 35
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.244Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | fcntl(F_SETLK) failed. errno = 35
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.245Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [15942, RegisterFonts] WARNING: Called GetMainThread but there isn't a main thread and we're not the main thread.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp:635
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.245Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [15942, RegisterFonts] WARNING: Called GetMainThread but there isn't a main thread and we're not the main thread.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp:635
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.246Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | fcntl(F_SETLK) failed. errno = 35
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.246Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | fcntl(F_SETLK) failed. errno = 35
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.247Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [WARN rkv::backend::impl_safe::environment] `load_ratio()` is irrelevant for this storage backend.
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.247Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | GL_VENDOR: Intel Inc.
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.248Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | mVendor: Intel
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.248Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | GL_RENDERER: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.249Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | mRenderer: Unknown
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.249Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | mIsMesa: 0
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.250Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | 1733050238420 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.250Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_socket_pid15948.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.251Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | 1733050246245 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52848
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.251Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [WARN rkv::backend::impl_safe::environment] `load_ratio()` is irrelevant for this storage backend.
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.252Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [WARN rkv::backend::impl_safe::environment] `load_ratio()` is irrelevant for this storage backend.
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.252Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15960.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.253Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, GMPThread] WARNING: Failed to delete GMP storage directory: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/media/gmp/GMPServiceParent.cpp:1888
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.253Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_rdd_pid15961.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.254Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, Main Thread] WARNING: Please do not use mouseenter/leave events in chrome. They are slower than mouseover/out!: '!nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(window->GetExtantDoc())', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp:462
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.254Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15963.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.255Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [WARN webrender::device::gl] Missing optimized shader source for gpu_cache_update
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.255Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mPresShell) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/generic/nsFrameSelection.cpp:1670
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.256Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, sqldb:places.sqlite #2] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 0x18736d380 ( file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp:114
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.257Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, sqldb:places.sqlite #2] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 0x18736d380 ( file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp:114
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.257Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to retarget HTML data delivery to the parser thread.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/parser/html/nsHtml5StreamParser.cpp:1215
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.258Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mNameHashtable.Get(aName, &index)) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/storage/mozStorageRow.cpp:91
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.258Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [Parent 15942, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mNameHashtable.Get(aName, &index)) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/storage/mozStorageRow.cpp:91
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.259Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [ERROR error_support::handling] logins-unexpected: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.259Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | [ERROR error_support::handling] suggest-unexpected: Error from Remote Settings: Remote settings error: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.260Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | console.error: URLBar - QuickSuggest.SuggestBackendRust: "Error initializing SuggestStore" (new Error("reason: Error from Remote Settings: Remote settings error: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base", "resource://gre/modules/RustSuggest.sys.mjs", 2228))
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.260Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_utility_pid15964.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.261Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15966.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.261Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15965.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.262Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /var/folders/py/s6z6j44x1c948949d7cpl9hm000014/T/tmpgksmfko1/runtests_leaks_12840_tab_pid15967.log
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.263Z] 10:51:18 INFO - PID 15942 | 2024-12-01 10:51:08.567 firefox[15942:274567] Persistent UI failed to open file file:///Users/cltbld/Library/Saved%20Application%20State/org.mozilla.nightlydebug.savedState/ No such file or directory (2)
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.263Z] 10:51:18 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2024-12-01T10:51:18.778Z] 10:51:18 INFO - TEST-START | /shadow-dom/event-on-pseudo-element-crash.html
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 2•2 months ago
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Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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