Closed Bug 1935217 Opened 2 months ago Closed 1 month ago

Intermittent /fetch/api/abort/keepalive.html | single tracking bug


(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)

Filed by: amarc [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2024-12-04T17:35:08.309Z] 17:35:08     INFO - TEST-START | /fetch/api/abort/keepalive.html
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:08.310Z] 17:35:08     INFO - Setting pref dom.fetchKeepalive.enabled to true
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:08.311Z] 17:35:08     INFO - Setting pref browser.opaqueResponseBlocking.javascriptValidator to true
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:08.317Z] 17:35:08     INFO - Setting pref dom.fetchKeepalive.enabled to true
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:08.322Z] 17:35:08     INFO - Closing window 3c44a74b-b7f8-4a94-a224-736d1935eb21
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.475Z] 17:35:18     INFO - 
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.475Z] 17:35:18     INFO - TEST-PASS | /fetch/api/abort/keepalive.html | aborting a keepalive fetch should work 
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.475Z] 17:35:18     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /fetch/api/abort/keepalive.html | aborting a detached keepalive fetch should not do anything - Test timed out
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.476Z] 17:35:18     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /fetch/api/abort/keepalive.html | expected OK
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.476Z] 17:35:18     INFO - TEST-INFO took 10174ms
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:18.478Z] 17:35:18     INFO - PID 144 | 1733333718477	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 54175
[task 2024-12-04T17:35:28.481Z] 17:35:28  WARNING - Forcibly terminating runner process
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.632Z] 17:36:28     INFO - Browser exited with return code 572
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.796Z] 17:36:28     INFO - Application command: D:\task_173333202128235\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe -marionette about:blank --wait-for-browser -profile C:\Users\task_173333202128235\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_3co6i1k
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.803Z] 17:36:28     INFO - PID 2164 | 1733333702750	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.803Z] 17:36:28     INFO - PID 2164 | 1733333702839	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 54198
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.804Z] 17:36:28     INFO - PID 2164 | [ERROR error_support::handling] logins-unexpected: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.805Z] 17:36:28     INFO - PID 2164 | [ERROR error_support::handling] suggest-unexpected: Error from Remote Settings: Remote settings error: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.807Z] 17:36:28     INFO - PID 2164 | console.error: URLBar - QuickSuggest.SuggestBackendRust: "Error initializing SuggestStore" (new Error("reason: Error from Remote Settings: Remote settings error: Error parsing URL: relative URL with a cannot-be-a-base base", "resource://gre/modules/RustSuggest.sys.mjs", 2228))
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:28.807Z] 17:36:28     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2024-12-04T17:36:30.019Z] 17:36:30     INFO - TEST-START | /fetch/api/abort/request.any.worker.html
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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