WARNING: child1Index.isNothing() in dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp:3159 when moving mouse over clear data dialog
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)
(Reporter: manuel, Unassigned)
In debug mode these warnings get printed a lot. Saw while reviewing Bug 1888466. Not sure if and what needs to be done. Neither what is causing it. (a lot of lines 10-100 after having the dialog open and moving the mouse over it for ~10s)
[Parent 74337, Main Thread] WARNING: 'child1Index.isNothing()', file /home/user/dev/gecko/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp:3159
Permalink to warning: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/8c9c85c74e366c11ffacbb5a2e457b33b0acc9cd/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp#3159
- Compile with debug mode
- Go to
- Click on
Privacy & Security
- Click on
Clear Data...
- Move mouse over dialog
Comment 1•2 months ago
It looks like one node in nsContentUtils::ComparePoints()
is a shadow root and that somehow messes up how the points are compared?
Sean, you did a lot more on shadow DOM than me recently. Do you know what's going on?
Comment 2•2 months ago
Yeah, this happens when the parent is the shadow host and the child is the shadow root (I checked the recording, and this was the case). AFAIK, this was also the only possible case.
This is sort of expected as of today. We should probably better make it clear and let the callers handle it.