Bug 1935784
Opened 2 months ago
Closed 1 month ago
Intermittent browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_click_row_border.js | single tracking bug
(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P5)
Address Bar
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)
Filed by: agoloman [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.295Z] 21:20:27 INFO - TEST-OK | browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_caret_position.js | took 2755ms
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.309Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Child 1464: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 1b71f2c7800 == 2 [pid = 1464] [id = 63]
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.310Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Child 1464: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (1b71a57d600) [pid = 1464] [serial = 158] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.311Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Child 1464: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 4 (1b71f2c8400) [pid = 1464] [serial = 159] [outer = 1b71a57d600]
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.353Z] 21:20:27 INFO - checking window state
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.393Z] 21:20:27 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_click_row_border.js
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.440Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Parent 5192, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mOwner', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/Event.cpp:783
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.714Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Child 1504: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 1c291dca800 == 1 [pid = 1504] [id = 0]
[task 2024-12-06T21:20:27.715Z] 21:20:27 INFO - GECKO(6592) | [Child 1504: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (1c28d07de00) [pid = 1504] [serial = 1] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.087Z] 21:26:50 INFO - ==> process 5192 launched child process 9212 ("D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 6280 -prefsLen 36691 -prefMapHandle 7348 -prefMapSize 280834 -jsInitHandle 7220 -jsInitLen 320288 -parentBuildID 20241206201933 -ipcHandle 7444 -initialChannelId {4bc0b8e8-8eec-47bc-82fb-5e7cececbbeb} -parentPid 5192 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.5192" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\browser" - 112 tab)
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.088Z] 21:26:50 INFO - ==> process 5192 launched child process 1504 ("D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 7116 -prefsLen 36691 -prefMapHandle 7312 -prefMapSize 280834 -jsInitHandle 5284 -jsInitLen 320288 -parentBuildID 20241206201933 -ipcHandle 6948 -initialChannelId {24721063-0035-488b-8fbd-225ae92c3c6b} -parentPid 5192 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.5192" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\browser" - 113 tab)
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.089Z] 21:26:50 INFO - ==> process 5192 launched child process 7016 ("D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 6904 -prefsLen 36605 -prefMapHandle 7500 -prefMapSize 280834 -jsInitHandle 5056 -jsInitLen 320288 -parentBuildID 20241206201933 -ipcHandle 6520 -initialChannelId {191c3650-517f-4b4c-ac80-e7752f6a1b73} -parentPid 5192 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.5192" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\browser" - 114 tab)
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.090Z] 21:26:50 INFO - ==> process 5192 launched child process 3276 ("D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 7976 -prefsLen 36605 -prefMapHandle 6808 -prefMapSize 280834 -jsInitHandle 7760 -jsInitLen 320288 -parentBuildID 20241206201933 -ipcHandle 6044 -initialChannelId {1621e2d9-8069-4a8b-b034-33893840d8ac} -parentPid 5192 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.5192" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173351585870044\build\application\firefox\browser" - 115 tab)
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.091Z] 21:26:50 INFO - Found child pids: {1544, 4108, 8732, 2592, 5668, 6696, 5160, 6188, 3120, 7220, 8256, 7232, 6212, 6724, 5192, 9800, 7240, 7752, 600, 7768, 3676, 1116, 8288, 2660, 5736, 3692, 8816, 4212, 6264, 5248, 7816, 2188, 7316, 9876, 4244, 9368, 9372, 6308, 8364, 1716, 9908, 4280, 8380, 7360, 5320, 6856, 3276, 2256, 724, 3800, 1764, 5348, 5864, 8936, 3308, 3824, 1264, 4364, 6924, 7448, 6944, 8488, 5932, 5432, 3896, 5440, 5952, 8520, 9548, 7016, 8044, 3440, 5488, 7544, 8572, 8576, 9600, 3464, 6024, 6536, 7052, 908, 5016, 8600, 9120, 3496, 4524, 1464, 7096, 9656, 8124, 5052, 5568, 4032, 964, 8648, 2508, 7120, 5588, 8148, 4576, 1504, 9188, 5608, 8680, 2536, 4588, 9200, 6644, 9212}
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.092Z] 21:26:50 INFO - Failed to get child procs
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.092Z] 21:26:50 INFO - Killing process: 1544
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.093Z] 21:26:50 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screenshot
[task 2024-12-06T21:26:50.186Z] 21:26:50 INFO - TEST-INFO | screenshot: exit 0
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 2•1 month ago
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Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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