Bug 1936836
Opened 2 months ago
Closed 1 month ago
Intermittent devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | single tracking bug
(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, defect, P5)
Accessibility Tools
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)
Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.803Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Global property added while loading chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js: REVEAL_PASSWORD_ENABLED
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.803Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Global property added while loading chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js: TEXT_RECOGNITION_ENABLED
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.803Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Global property added while loading chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js: STRIP_ON_SHARE_ENABLED
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.804Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Global property added while loading chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js: QueryStringStripper
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.805Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "initNSMouseEvent() is deprecated. Use the MouseEvent() constructor instead." {file: "chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js" line: 87}]
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.805Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.805Z] 14:38:02 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | Test timed out -
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.806Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 8244
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.806Z] 14:38:02 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.807Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.807Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Passed: 0
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.808Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Failed: 1
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.808Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.808Z] 14:38:02 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.809Z] 14:38:02 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results ***
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.844Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | 1734014282845 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.847Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | 1734014282845 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.852Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | 1734014282851 Marionette DEBUG Marionette stopped listening
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.871Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.874Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.874Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.876Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:02.887Z] 14:38:02 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:03.190Z] 14:38:03 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:03.248Z] 14:38:03 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:03.249Z] 14:38:03 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:03.451Z] 14:38:03 INFO - GECKO(9972) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/server/connectors/js-process-actor/ContentProcessWatcherRegistry.sys.mjs, line 394: InvalidStateError: Cannot get actor 'DevToolsProcess'. Native 'PContent' actor is destroyed.
[task 2024-12-12T14:38:06.119Z] 14:38:06 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 2•1 month ago
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Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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