Bug 1936862
Opened 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago
When navigating backwards with keyboard, the Animation toggle button is hidden behind a header while it is focused
( :: General, defect)
(Accessibility Severity:s3)
Accessibility Severity | s3 |
(Reporter: ayeddi, Assigned: mholland)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(Keywords: access)
(1 file)
When navigating backwards on the page by pressing Tab
, the focus moves to the animation toggle button and this control is focused, but it is hidden behind the header making the location of the focus indication hard to locate. Keyboard users may be confused when loosing the focus indication and would not know what, in fact, would be activated if Enter
is pressed in that moment.
Making sure the focused element is always visible is needed.
This is a lower severity access-S3 bug, because the control is only hidden while going backwards on the page, but fixing it would help in general for the main content of the website to remain visible when focused (with the same header present on the page)
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