Closed Bug 1937684 Opened 2 months ago Closed 2 months ago

GMail "unable to save mail to sent folder" - Retry hangs with weird dialog


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

Thunderbird 128


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhg, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image TB-Bug1.jpg

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0

Steps to reproduce:

Compose and send an email via GMail IMAP.
Got the "Unable to save mail to Sent folder", which has been occurring with high frequency lately... but that's not the issue here.
Then I clicked "Retry"

Actual results:

A modal dialog, consisting only of an empty title bar appeared (see image)

Expected results:

It should have retried the operation.

I have been encountering this error (failure to save to Sent folder) with regularity, along with slowness and occasional failure to even send the message.

In the past, I've gotten a dialog with options like:

Retry      Save to a Local folder     Cancel

When I've selected Cancel, the message window closes, losing the message contents. In that case it should do nothing, not close the message window. That's probably a separate bug, but I'll let the triager decide if they want another bug, and if I can reproduce it.

Closing the dialog by clicking the X in the title bar causes another identical dialog to appear. Closing the second dialog discards the message.


I found the network log in Developer Tools... it logs the mail-sending SMTP session, but there's nothing regarding the IMAP "copy to sent mail" that seems to fail with regularity.

How do I turn on IMAP logging? Where does IMAP logging appear? I've enabled mailnews.imap.jsmodule and set mailnews.imap.loglevel to "All".

Google isn't helpful since there are so many different versions of documentation for previous TB versions that no longer apply.

For IMAP logging, use

set MOZ_LOG=IMAP:5,timestamp
set MOZ_LOG_FILE=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\log_file
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe"

Do you have 'Place a copy in' unchecked in Account Settings, Copies & Folders? Gmail automatically copies sent messages to Sent Mail, so the setting should be unchecked.

@sfhowes Good call, I did have it checked, it's been that way for many years. I unchecked it and verified that sent mail is automatically being placed in the right folder, which resolves my side issue but not the weird title-bar-only dialogs and corner-case disappearing mail.

With the "Place a copy" setting unchecked, I probably won't be able to reproduce the initial problem, so I'm leaving it up to Moz devs to decide if this should be closed INVALID (I won't mind :-).

If I see more title-bar-only dialogs I can open a new issue with more detail. Thanks.

I've never seen examples of that title-bar display, but I'd try safe mode (hold Shift on TB start) to check for add-on, layout and other possible issues.

Summary: GMail unable to save in sent mail folder - Retry hangs with weird dialog → GMail "unable to save mail to sent folder" - Retry hangs with weird dialog

@Magnus Melin [:mkmelin]

I tried your logging suggestion with


Two log files were created, TBird.log.moz_log and TBird.log.child-1.moz_log. Both are empty even after sending and receiving emails.


Closing WORKSFORME because I can't reproduce this any more after changing settings as suggested by @sfhowes

Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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