Open Bug 1938598 Opened 2 months ago Updated 1 month ago

Repos should be cloned asynchronously and not block the landing worker


(Conduit :: Lando, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: zeid, Assigned: zeid)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


When a new repo is added, it is cloned during the startup of the landing worker. This needlessly blocks the landing worker from continuing on and processing other jobs while the cloning is in process. The same situation could arise if the repos need to be recreated for any reason.

Instead, a separate command should run on the same pod as the landing worker, that periodically checks that all enabled repos are in a "cloned" state. This would necessitate adding a more robust status to the repo, so that the landing worker does not use a repo until it is fully cloned.

Assignee: nobody → zeid
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