Bug 1938627
Opened 2 months ago
Updated 11 days ago
Frequent browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | single tracking bug
(Firefox :: Shopping, defect, P5)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr128 | --- | unaffected |
firefox133 | --- | unaffected |
firefox134 | --- | unaffected |
firefox135 | --- | affected |
firefox136 | --- | affected |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned, NeedInfo)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase, regression)
Filed by: amarc [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.435Z] 16:57:36 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.448Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | console.error: (new TypeError("can't access property \"dataset\", this.toolbarButton is null", "chrome://browser/content/sidebar/browser-sidebar.js", 1097))
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.501Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mColorFilterWatcher', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/windows/nsLookAndFeel.cpp:69
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.559Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL aeac000 == 1 [pid = 9760] [id = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.560Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (5284380) [pid = 9760] [serial = 1] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.561Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (aead200) [pid = 9760] [serial = 2] [outer = 5284380]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.739Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: BounceTrackingState::OnDocumentStartRequest failed.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/ipc/DocumentLoadListener.cpp:2678
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.749Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (d81e100) [pid = 9760] [serial = 3] [outer = 5284380]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.758Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/intl/l10n/L10nRegistry.cpp:385
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.897Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/chrome/nsChromeRegistry.cpp:182
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.899Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/chrome/nsChromeProtocolHandler.cpp:73
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:36.905Z] 16:57:36 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 12 (1eea0500) [pid = 2532] [serial = 12] [outer = 1e467aa0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.007Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 3636: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 1295f600 == 4 [pid = 3636] [id = 3]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.007Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 3636: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 10 (5084ed0) [pid = 3636] [serial = 10] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.007Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 3636: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 11 (12439c00) [pid = 3636] [serial = 11] [outer = 5084ed0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.087Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 3636: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 12 (12996700) [pid = 3636] [serial = 12] [outer = 5084ed0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.568Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 2ae82600 == 6 [pid = 2532] [id = 5]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.568Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 13 (1e3ecec0) [pid = 2532] [serial = 13] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.568Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 14 (15af2d00) [pid = 2532] [serial = 14] [outer = 1e3ecec0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.667Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 15 (2b09ac00) [pid = 2532] [serial = 15] [outer = 1e3ecec0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.684Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to retarget HTML data delivery to the parser thread.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/parser/html/nsHtml5StreamParser.cpp:1215
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.693Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 768: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL bcbe300 == 2 [pid = 768] [id = 1] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.693Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 768: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL adbb400 == 1 [pid = 768] [id = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.719Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 768: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (5283250) [pid = 768] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.720Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 768: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (bc611b0) [pid = 768] [serial = 5] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.752Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL aeac000 == 0 [pid = 9760] [id = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.773Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (5284380) [pid = 9760] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.781Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (aead200) [pid = 9760] [serial = 2] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.781Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9760: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (d81e100) [pid = 9760] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:37.986Z] 16:57:37 INFO - GECKO(7820) | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to C:\Users\task_173471131861607\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpe3_298aq.mozrunner\runtests_leaks_tab_pid5816.log
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.291Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL abae000 == 1 [pid = 1284] [id = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.292Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (4f84380) [pid = 1284] [serial = 1] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.294Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (abaf200) [pid = 1284] [serial = 2] [outer = 4f84380]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.395Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: BounceTrackingState::OnDocumentStartRequest failed.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/ipc/DocumentLoadListener.cpp:2678
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.411Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (d51a100) [pid = 1284] [serial = 3] [outer = 4f84380]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.422Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/intl/l10n/L10nRegistry.cpp:385
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:38.597Z] 16:57:38 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 13da0a00 == 5 [pid = 2532] [id = 0] [url = chrome://gfxsanity/content/sanityparent.html]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.058Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screenshot
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.203Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-INFO | screenshot: exit 0
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.204Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:57:36
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.205Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Entering setup bound setup
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.205Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Leaving setup bound setup
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.206Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Entering test bound test_integrated_sidebar_empty_state_opted_in_supported_site
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.207Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Console message: Invalid chrome URI (need path): chrome://browser/
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.207Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:57:37
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.208Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Review Checker is loaded - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.209Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have an image - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.210Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have a header - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.211Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have text - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.211Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should not have a list of sites for a supported site - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.212Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should show the analysis-explainer for a supported site - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.213Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have the settings card - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.213Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be a classname for empty state so that styles are applied - "is-empty-state" == "is-empty-state" -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.214Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Leaving test bound test_integrated_sidebar_empty_state_opted_in_supported_site
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.215Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Entering test bound test_integrated_sidebar_empty_state_opted_in_not_supported_site
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.215Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:57:38
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.216Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Review Checker is loaded - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.217Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have an image - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.218Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have a header - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.219Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have text - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.219Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have a list of sites for an unsupported site - {} == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.220Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should not show the analysis-explainer for an unsupported site - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.221Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Empty state should have the settings card - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.222Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be a classname for empty state so that styles are applied - "is-empty-state" == "is-empty-state" -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.223Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Leaving test bound test_integrated_sidebar_empty_state_opted_in_not_supported_site
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.223Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Entering test bound test_integrated_sidebar_no_empty_state_opted_in_pdp
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.224Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use <!DOCTYPE html>." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.225Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:57:39
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.225Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | Review Checker is loaded - [object HTMLElement] == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.227Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be no empty state image - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.227Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be no empty state header - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.228Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be no empty state text - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.229Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be no empty state list of supported sites - true == true -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.229Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.230Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be only one analysis-explainer - 0 == 1 -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.230Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.230Z] 16:57:39 INFO - resource://testing-common/content-task.js line 112 > eval:null:39
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.231Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.232Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be only one shopping-settings - 0 == 1 -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.232Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.232Z] 16:57:39 INFO - resource://testing-common/content-task.js line 112 > eval:null:45
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.232Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | There should be no classname for empty state - "" != "is-empty-state" -
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.232Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Leaving test bound test_integrated_sidebar_no_empty_state_opted_in_pdp
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.233Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 16 (1d88b400) [pid = 2532] [serial = 16] [outer = 1e467aa0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.234Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL abae000 == 0 [pid = 1284] [id = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.241Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (4f84380) [pid = 1284] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.247Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (abaf200) [pid = 1284] [serial = 2] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.247Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 1284: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (d51a100) [pid = 1284] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.277Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 3636, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(unknownOther) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp:2088
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.278Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/ShoppingSidebarChild.sys.mjs, line 504: NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIURI.equalsExceptRef]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.279Z] 16:57:39 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIURI.equalsExceptRef]" {file: "resource:///actors/ShoppingSidebarChild.sys.mjs" line: 504}]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.403Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to C:\Users\task_173471131861607\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpe3_298aq.mozrunner\runtests_leaks_tab_pid4760.log
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.528Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Parent 2532, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mColorFilterWatcher', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/windows/nsLookAndFeel.cpp:69
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.569Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 1139MB | vsizeMaxContiguous 1293MB | residentFast 325MB | heapAllocated 126MB
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.570Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-OK | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | took 3133ms
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.578Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9480: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL c18da00 == 3 [pid = 9480] [id = 2]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.578Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9480: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 5 (5783970) [pid = 9480] [serial = 5] [outer = 0]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.579Z] 16:57:39 INFO - GECKO(7820) | [Child 9480: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 6 (c18e600) [pid = 9480] [serial = 6] [outer = 5783970]
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.607Z] 16:57:39 INFO - checking window state
[task 2024-12-20T16:57:39.623Z] 16:57:39 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_exposure_telemetry.js
Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1916012
Summary: Intermittent browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | single tracking bug → Frequent browser/components/shopping/tests/browser/browser_empty_states.js | single tracking bug
Comment 1•2 months ago
Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1916012
--- → unaffected
--- → unaffected
--- → affected
--- → unaffected
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 5•1 month ago
Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1916012
--- → affected
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
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