Closed Bug 1938868 Opened 2 months ago Closed 2 months ago

Address bar QR-code scanner button doesn't work; goes to black screen saying "No camera available on device"


(Fenix :: QR, defect)



(firefox133 unaffected, firefox134 unaffected, firefox135+ verified)

135 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox133 --- unaffected
firefox134 --- unaffected
firefox135 + verified


(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: royang)




(Keywords: regression)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Tap the address bar.
  2. Tap the QR-code-scanner button at the right side of address bar.

Expected behavior

QR code scanner opens.

Actual behavior

Black screen, "No camera available on device"

Device information

  • Firefox version: Nightly 135.0a1 2024-12-19
  • Android device model: Pixel 6a, Pixel 8
  • Android OS version: Android 15

Any additional information?

This is a recent regression. With mozregression, I determined Nightly 2024-12-17 is "last good" and Nightly "2024-12-18" is "first bad". Using the hg revisions from "About Firefox" UI in those builds, I got this regression range:

Not sure what in there might be most-related; royang, maybe you have some ideas?

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: pretty substantial functional regression; can't scan QR codes in Firefox anymore.

Flags: needinfo?(royang)

(BTW, I checked Android's "app info" UI for Firefox Nightly, and I do see that "Camera" is in the "Allowed" section. So we do theoretically have camera access.)

(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #0)

Not sure what in there might be most-related; royang, maybe you have some ideas?

I wonder if this might have been "Bug 1938090 - Stop pinning the Android SDK platform-tools"? Just from the name at least, it sounds conceivable that a "platform-tools" version-change might be the sort of thing that could impact our ability to interface with hardware capabilities like the camera.

Anything is possible, I suppose, but those are just the tools used for creating the builds and running tests (adb, fastboot, etc). They shouldn't directly impact the binaries we ship to end users.

Does this reproduce in an emulator by chance? Might be easier to bisect with autoland builds there.

clues from logcat, filtered for "camera" (case-insensitive), the first time I open the camera, comparing bad/good nightlies (after/before the regression range):

In a "bad" Nightly, logcat just shows this and no mentions of "camera" afterwards:

I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service

In a "good" Nightly, logcat shows much more, starting with:

I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
D Camera3-Utils: Set real time priority for thread (tid 1077)
I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID 13444 "org.mozilla.fenix", camera ID 0) and Camera API version 2
I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: org.mozilla.fenix (PID 13444, UID 10414)
I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 0: Opened

Searching our codebase for CameraManager, for potentially-related files, I found
...which was added in Bug 1927695. I don't think that bug was directly related to this regression (it landed over a month earlier), but it does mention that we check for SDK-version-specific camera-features, which superficially at least lends credence to blaming a commit that has "SDK" in the commit message. :)

Component: Toolbar → QR
Assignee: nobody → royang
Flags: needinfo?(royang)

(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #3)

Anything is possible, I suppose, but those are just the tools used for creating the builds and running tests (adb, fastboot, etc). They shouldn't directly impact the binaries we ship to end users.

Shot in the dark, I wonder if it impacts some build-time check for how-to-talk-to-the-camera... (the equivalent of some #ifdef in C++ code)

There are very few Android/fenix commits in the regression pushlog, so I don't have any better theories at a regressor right now.

Does this reproduce in an emulator by chance? Might be easier to bisect with autoland builds there.

I don't have a fenix build environment right now, so I'm not sure. I did test gve (installed via mozregression) but unfortunately we don't show this button there.

[Aha, midair'ed with royang while typing this - I see he's self-assigned this, thanks royang!]

Severity: -- → S2
Regressed by: 1938824

Found the issue was caused by Bug 1938824 which is getting a fix and it has landed.

The fix works locally but I'll wait till the next Nightly to confirm.


No longer regressed by: 1938824
See Also: → 1938824
Regressed by: 1919488

Confirmed fixed for me by side-loading today's Nightly apk (build #2016063778) onto my Pixel 7. Will get it submitted for Play Store review as soon as possible.

Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 135 Branch

Confirmed issue fixed in latest Nightly

Fixed for me in my up-to-date Nightly from play store (datestamp 2024-12-25), too. Thanks!

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