Open Bug 1939906 Opened 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago

In Local Folders account - a selected folder does not 'Copy to' another folder in Local Folders - it moves the folder.


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 128


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: anjeyelf, Unassigned)


Windows 10
Thunderbird version 128.5.2

In 'Local Folders' account

  • Create a folder eg: 'Taxes' and it contains a subfolder. Put some emails into those folders.
  • Create another folder called 'Hold Taxes'
  • Right click on 'Taxes' folder - select 'Copy to' >hover over menu 'Local Folders > click on 'Hold Taxes'


  • Local Folders
    • Taxes
      • subfolder
    • Hold Taxes

Actual REsults:
Folder called 'Taxes' and it's subfolders are 'moved' into the folder called 'Hold Taxes'

  • Local Folders
    • Hold Taxes
      • Taxes
        • subfolder

Expected Results:
Folder called 'Taxes' is 'copied' into the folder called 'Hold Taxes'

  • Local Folders
    • Taxes
      • subfolder
    • Hold Taxes
      • Taxes
        • subfolder

So I have the original 'Taxes' folder still under 'Local Folders' and also a copy of 'Taxes' as a subfolder of 'Hold Taxes'

This issue was brought to my attention by another user in the Thunderbird Support Forum, so I tested and can confirm I can replicate.

For whatever reason, this seems to be done by design, see comments.

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