Open Bug 1940047 Opened 1 month ago Updated 1 month ago

trash_folder_name from autoconfig.js does not take effect


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Thunderbird 128


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: black4fire, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a subfolder under Trash named "inbox2025".

  2. Close Thunderbird.

  3. Under Thunderbird v 128.5.2-0.1, add the following content to the two files:

    pref("general.config.filename", "thunderbird.cfg");
    pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);

    /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird.cfg (Note mailbox number {11})

    // 1st line is ignored?
    pref("mail.server.server11.trash_folder_name", "Trash/inbox2025");
  4. Start Thunderbird.

  5. Remove an email for the affected mailbox from the inbox folder using the [Delete] key.

Actual results:

Even though the entry is created as desired under the advanced Thunderbird settings (about:config), the specified subfolder is neither visually marked as such nor does the email end up there. Instead, the email is stored in the default folder 'Trash'.

Expected results:

The setting for deleting an email using the delete key should be configured so that, when an email is deleted from a mailbox, it ends up in the desired folder /Trash/inbox2025.

Summary: trush_folder_name in autoconfig → trash_folder_name in autoconfig
Component: Build Config → General
Summary: trash_folder_name in autoconfig → trash_folder_name from autoconfig.js does not take effect
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