Bug 1940133
Opened 1 month ago
Closed 8 days ago
Intermittent toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_noToggleOnAudio.js | single tracking bug
(Toolkit :: Picture-in-Picture, defect, P5)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)
Filed by: nfay [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.796Z] 18:42:06 INFO - TEST-START | toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_noToggleOnAudio.js
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.810Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL aabfd00 == 1 [pid = 6964] [id = 0]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.811Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (4e83380) [pid = 6964] [serial = 1] [outer = 0]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.812Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (aac1800) [pid = 6964] [serial = 2] [outer = 4e83380]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.868Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL b1aca00 == 2 [pid = 6232] [id = 50] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.974Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL b1aa600 == 1 [pid = 6232] [id = 49] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.993Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (5483840) [pid = 6232] [serial = 104] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.993Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (54835e0) [pid = 6232] [serial = 102] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:06.994Z] 18:42:06 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (5483250) [pid = 6232] [serial = 100] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:07.926Z] 18:42:07 INFO - GECKO(6480) | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to C:\Users\task_173618538325673\AppData\Local\Temp\tmppgqos01p.mozrunner\runtests_leaks_tab_pid9320.log
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:09.690Z] 18:42:09 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 2416: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (abddd00) [pid = 2416] [serial = 115] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:09.691Z] 18:42:09 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 2416: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (ba16200) [pid = 2416] [serial = 117] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:09.718Z] 18:42:09 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 2416: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL ba16e00 == 0 [pid = 2416] [id = 57] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:11.103Z] 18:42:11 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 4 (b1aac00) [pid = 6232] [serial = 101] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:11.105Z] 18:42:11 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (dd44700) [pid = 6232] [serial = 105] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:11.105Z] 18:42:11 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (b1abe00) [pid = 6232] [serial = 103] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:13.892Z] 18:42:13 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 2416: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (d615b30) [pid = 2416] [serial = 118] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:14.285Z] 18:42:14 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 28dab800 == 4 [pid = 9472] [id = 86] [url = chrome://global/content/pictureinpicture/player.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:14.651Z] 18:42:14 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (27b2cbd0) [pid = 9472] [serial = 174] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://global/content/pictureinpicture/player.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:15.142Z] 18:42:15 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (2d238100) [pid = 9472] [serial = 175] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:42:18.037Z] 18:42:18 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 2416: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (ba17d00) [pid = 2416] [serial = 119] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.831Z] 18:43:36 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screenshot
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.967Z] 18:43:36 INFO - TEST-INFO | screenshot: exit 0
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.968Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 18:42:06
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.969Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Entering test bound test_no_toggle_on_audio
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.970Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "HTTPS-First Mode: Upgrading insecure speculative TCP connection to use https."]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.971Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "HTTPS-First Mode: Upgrading insecure request to use https."]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.971Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.972Z] 18:43:36 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_noToggleOnAudio.js | Test timed out -
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.973Z] 18:43:36 INFO - GECKO(6480) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 9472
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.974Z] 18:43:36 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.974Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.975Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Passed: 455
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.976Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Failed: 1
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.976Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.977Z] 18:43:36 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:36.977Z] 18:43:36 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results ***
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.034Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | 1736189017033 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.034Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | 1736189017033 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.039Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | 1736189017038 Marionette DEBUG Marionette stopped listening
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.105Z] 18:43:37 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_noToggleOnAudio.js | Uncaught exception received from previously timed out test bound test_no_toggle_on_audio - at resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:512 - Error: The window unloaded while we were waiting for the browser to load - this should never happen.
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - listener@resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:512:15
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - EventListener.handleEvent*browserLoaded/<@resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:527:27
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - browserLoaded@resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:477:12
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - openNewForegroundTab@resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:228:40
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - withNewTab@resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs:117:38
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - test_no_toggle_on_audio@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/browser_noToggleOnAudio.js:11:26
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - handleTask@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1147:26
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - _runTaskBasedTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1219:18
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1360:14
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1136:14
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.108Z] 18:43:37 INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1058:13
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.115Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: 'aOwner->IsDiscarded()', file /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/mozilla/dom/SyncedContextInlines.h:95
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.134Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 14f72400 == 4 [pid = 7404] [id = 4] [url = moz-extension://65cc447c-5ac9-407b-8ffc-29e4952e8f60/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.136Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL b3b4700 == 3 [pid = 7404] [id = 1] [url = moz-extension://938ed638-dd01-4c64-86bd-94ecc6039675/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.137Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 14fa0a00 == 2 [pid = 7404] [id = 5] [url = moz-extension://32b71d85-4220-47e6-ba33-ac15de215d3d/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.137Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL b3b2600 == 1 [pid = 7404] [id = 0] [url = moz-extension://c18a9288-0e69-4f57-9e49-29ec09551998/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.138Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 14f6fd00 == 0 [pid = 7404] [id = 2] [url = moz-extension://7f2591d3-df36-4dd6-bb49-356c2d4cfbb8/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.153Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 27ce1500 == 3 [pid = 9472] [id = 3] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.155Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 30edba00 == 2 [pid = 9472] [id = 4] [url = chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.159Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 1adf9000 == 1 [pid = 9472] [id = 2] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.168Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.168Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.169Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.170Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:562
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.171Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.172Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.173Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.174Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.214Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.234Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL aabfd00 == 0 [pid = 6964] [id = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.250Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL dd45000 == 0 [pid = 6232] [id = 51] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.253Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (4e83380) [pid = 6964] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.288Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (16dc9d90) [pid = 7404] [serial = 16] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://32b71d85-4220-47e6-ba33-ac15de215d3d/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.288Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (5884250) [pid = 7404] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://c18a9288-0e69-4f57-9e49-29ec09551998/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.288Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (5884bd0) [pid = 7404] [serial = 5] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://7f2591d3-df36-4dd6-bb49-356c2d4cfbb8/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.288Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (5884840) [pid = 7404] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://938ed638-dd01-4c64-86bd-94ecc6039675/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.288Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (5885090) [pid = 7404] [serial = 9] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://65cc447c-5ac9-407b-8ffc-29e4952e8f60/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.307Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (54842f0) [pid = 6232] [serial = 106] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.314Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6232: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (dd45c00) [pid = 6232] [serial = 107] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.316Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 4 (18444c00) [pid = 7404] [serial = 18] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://32b71d85-4220-47e6-ba33-ac15de215d3d/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.317Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (14fe4f00) [pid = 7404] [serial = 11] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://c18a9288-0e69-4f57-9e49-29ec09551998/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.318Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (14f9e000) [pid = 7404] [serial = 15] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://65cc447c-5ac9-407b-8ffc-29e4952e8f60/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.319Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (16d27c00) [pid = 7404] [serial = 13] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://7f2591d3-df36-4dd6-bb49-356c2d4cfbb8/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.320Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 7404: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (16d26400) [pid = 7404] [serial = 12] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://938ed638-dd01-4c64-86bd-94ecc6039675/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.335Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 6964: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (aac1800) [pid = 6964] [serial = 2] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.354Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 8160: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL afa5d00 == 0 [pid = 8160] [id = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.414Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 8160: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (5584380) [pid = 8160] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.438Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Child 8160: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (bf96100) [pid = 8160] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.554Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.564Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | console.warn: WindowsJumpLists: "Failed to fetch favicon for " "" ({})
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.565Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Jump List #3] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/windows/WinUtils.cpp:961
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.566Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 16677500 == 0 [pid = 9472] [id = 1] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.601Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: BlockShutdown: Init failed: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtectionStorage.cpp:378
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.648Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.662Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: initiateShutdownWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.662Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.663Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.664Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.666Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.667Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.667Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.668Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.669Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.669Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.670Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.670Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.672Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, QuotaManager IO] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: ShutdownStorageOp::DoDirectoryWork -> ShutdownStorageInternal.', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.672Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.015000s: stopKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.673Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.015000s: shutdownAndJoinWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.674Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.015000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.675Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.031000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.675Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.031000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.678Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.031000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.678Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.031000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.679Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.031000s: shutdownAndJoinIOThread', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.679Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.031000s: invalidatePendingDirectoryLocks', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.679Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.031000s: stopCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2316
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.866Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aWindowContext) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtection.cpp:437
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.888Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Utility 10164, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PUtilityProcess::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:557
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.889Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Utility AudioDecoder 9804, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PUtilityProcess::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:557
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.897Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [GPU 5636, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PGPU::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:557
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.901Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | Destroying context 6ec0000 surface 518b700 on display 6e57200
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:37.915Z] 18:43:37 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [RDD 5976, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PRDD::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:557
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.573Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (27d702e0) [pid = 9472] [serial = 8] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.581Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (1679fd90) [pid = 9472] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.583Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (289cdd00) [pid = 9472] [serial = 10] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.583Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 4 (1b0a08d0) [pid = 9472] [serial = 5] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.667Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (2686ed00) [pid = 9472] [serial = 7] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.674Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (27cdfa00) [pid = 9472] [serial = 9] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.675Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (30eded00) [pid = 9472] [serial = 11] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.675Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (16676000) [pid = 9472] [serial = 4] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.687Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.696Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.697Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.697Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.698Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.699Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.700Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.701Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.702Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.702Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.703Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.704Z] 18:43:38 INFO - GECKO(6480) | [Parent 9472, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.824Z] 18:43:38 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.837Z] 18:43:38 INFO - TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw 426 DOCSHELL created and 426 destroyed log strings.
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.838Z] 18:43:38 INFO - TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw 943 DOMWINDOW created and 943 destroyed log strings.
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.839Z] 18:43:38 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:04:09.151155
[task 2025-01-06T18:43:38.839Z] 18:43:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: C:\Users\task_173618538325673\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpkm2lahh3pidlog
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 3•8 days ago
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Closed: 8 days ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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