Closed Bug 1940316 Opened 1 month ago Closed 1 month ago

Requesting GitHub membership to the <mozilla-services> org for <kprust>


( :: Github: Administration, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kprust, Assigned: cknowles)


I've read, and need help adding a contributor to the org:

Mozilla Email:
Github Profile link: Staff MUST have their verified GitHub identity listed in their people.m.o entry
Github Team(s) REQUIRED: mozilla-services
NOTE: This is NOT the Org Name, but instead any teams inside the request org.

If this is not being requested by a team maintainer, please request their approval via need-info.

Flags: needinfo?(jthomas)

Alright - before I can start sending out invites, I need a couple things.

First, your profile needs to be linked with your github account per the directions here

Next - there is no team in the mozilla-services org named "mozilla-services" - do you have a team you're trying to access - though I see you've NI'd Jason - so perhaps he can fill in the blanks for me.

Once we have those questions sorted out, I"ll send out the invites.

Assignee: nobody → cknowles
Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

Hello Chris,

Thank you for help. I have a meeting with Jason tomorrow, I will ask him about what I might have missed.

Thank you

Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

That's great! In the meantime - please do make sure to link up your GitHub ID with your profile. That's required for any access.

is that sso? I went through the steps to connect it to duo, if that is what you are referring to. Otherwise this is the only request I have submitted so far.

No, I'm referring to the link I gave in comment 1 - --- you need to link your github account to your to sign into github.

Let me know if you have any concerns.

(In reply to Chris Knowles [:cknowles] from comment #1)

Alright - before I can start sending out invites, I need a couple things.

First, your profile needs to be linked with your github account per the directions here

Next - there is no team in the mozilla-services org named "mozilla-services" - do you have a team you're trying to access - though I see you've NI'd Jason - so perhaps he can fill in the blanks for me.

Once we have those questions sorted out, I"ll send out the invites.

Can you please add kprust to "everyone" team., I think that should give her the right access for


Flags: needinfo?(jthomas)

Great, I confirm that will get them read access to that repo.

Now, I just need the linkage of the github ID to people.m.o - and then I can send out the invites.

kprust - please update once you've followed the directions here -

Or if you have any questions.

Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

I was able to get part way through the github ID link to people.m.o. But when I get to github it asks for my user name and password and won't let me past even trying to reset my password is not working. It's giving me an error user name or password is incorrect, when i try to reset i get a different error "That address is either invalid, not a verified primary email or is not associated with a personal user account. Organization billing emails are only for notifications " I am sure how to attach screenshots to this request

Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

Sorry - perhaps there's an assumption here - You should already have an existing GitHub account before doing the linkage.

If you do not, you'll need to make one using the directions here from github, Making sure to turn on 2FA - and then you can link your mozilla people.m.o account to the GitHub account.

If that's not the issue - I'll happily reach out to you tomorrow (it's into my evening now) and see if we can't get a zoom session going to figure out the problem.

Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

I created a new github account and linked it to duo in order to submit this request. But it's not even going back though 2fa, i am not getting to that point, unless i am supposed to connect somewhere else.

all of the other linking requests came straight to people.m.o, so maybe I am missing a step?

Probably a good idea to meet, I seem to be going in circles on my side.

Flags: needinfo?(kprust)

Alright - I've thrown something at your calendar for tomorrow.

Thank you for the meeting!

Got you setup with the github user kp-mozilla, and that linked to people.m.o (don't forget to save those 2FA keys!)

And then did the invite dance, inviting you to the ghe_mozilla-services_users group in, and then inviting you to the mozilla-services org in GitHub, including the everyone team, per Jason.

Verified that you have access to the inventory repo per Jason in comment 6.

With that, I think we're good to go - but please reach out if there's any further questions or concerns.

Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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