Bug 1941038
Opened 27 days ago
Updated 17 days ago
Intermittent browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser_no_mcb_on_http_site.js | single tracking bug
(Firefox :: Site Identity, defect, P5)
Site Identity
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)
Filed by: amarc [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:07.296Z] 20:08:07 INFO - TEST-START | browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser_no_mcb_on_http_site.js
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.304Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screenshot
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.450Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-INFO | screenshot: exit 0
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.462Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 20:08:07
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.462Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Entering setup bound
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.463Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.464Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser_no_mcb_on_http_site.js | Test timed out -
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.465Z] 20:08:52 INFO - GECKO(6700) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 9244
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.466Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.466Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.467Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Passed: 1391
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.467Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Failed: 1
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.468Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.469Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.469Z] 20:08:52 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results ***
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.470Z] 20:08:52 INFO - GECKO(6700) | Exiting due to channel error.
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.470Z] 20:08:52 INFO - GECKO(6700) | Exiting due to channel error.
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.471Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.471Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser_no_mcb_on_http_site.js | Application shut down (without crashing) in the middle of a test!
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.471Z] 20:08:52 INFO - TEST-INFO took 44705ms
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.472Z] 20:08:52 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:03:05.333135
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.473Z] 20:08:52 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: C:\Users\task_173653817937154\AppData\Local\Temp\tmps2fpm8nypidlog
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.474Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 9556 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -prefsHandle 2268 -prefsLen 26409 -prefMapHandle 2272 -prefMapSize 281896 -ipcHandle 2344 -initialChannelId {4f908fda-0673-426a-a100-76890edf2959} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 1 gpu)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.475Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 5700 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 3000 -prefsLen 26165 -prefMapHandle 3004 -prefMapSize 281896 -jsInitHandle 3008 -jsInitLen 259924 -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -ipcHandle 3016 -initialChannelId {cbc26378-de64-4c6f-86f0-2b40acc4524d} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 2 tab)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.476Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 8124 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -prefsHandle 3256 -prefsLen 27669 -prefMapHandle 3260 -prefMapSize 281896 -ipcHandle 3268 -initialChannelId {ef54d738-4a72-4f1f-82d4-67bd26a47853} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 3 rdd)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.478Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 6580 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 3620 -prefsLen 27805 -prefMapHandle 3624 -prefMapSize 281896 -jsInitHandle 3632 -jsInitLen 259924 -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -ipcHandle 3600 -initialChannelId {d4102d75-438f-4eb5-8521-eb9dffe84c0d} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 4 tab)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.479Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 8420 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 3856 -prefsLen 26684 -prefMapHandle 3860 -prefMapSize 281896 -jsInitHandle 3864 -jsInitLen 259924 -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -ipcHandle 3872 -initialChannelId {e58ddad2-fded-45b3-8622-cc9a2275542a} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 5 tab)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.480Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 2740 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -sandboxingKind 0 -prefsHandle 4748 -prefsLen 38310 -prefMapHandle 4752 -prefMapSize 281896 -ipcHandle 3112 -initialChannelId {7c81ef32-eb89-414c-9a0c-80056bbf5d44} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 6 utility)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.481Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 8620 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 4720 -prefsLen 35773 -prefMapHandle 4752 -prefMapSize 281896 -jsInitHandle 4748 -jsInitLen 259924 -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -ipcHandle 4892 -initialChannelId {f2412983-243a-4c41-8d6c-fbde62cff388} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 7 tab)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.482Z] 20:08:52 INFO - ==> process 9244 launched child process 5316 ("D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe" -contentproc -isForBrowser -prefsHandle 4916 -prefsLen 35825 -prefMapHandle 4936 -prefMapSize 281896 -jsInitHandle 4940 -jsInitLen 259924 -parentBuildID 20250110191109 -ipcHandle 4948 -initialChannelId {a60bb959-873b-42aa-afcf-7409181dcb26} -parentPid 9244 -crashReporter "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.9244" -win32kLockedDown -appDir "D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\browser" - 8 tab)
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.786Z] 20:08:52 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2036
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.786Z] 20:08:52 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 8696
[task 2025-01-10T20:08:52.787Z] 20:08:52 INFO - Stopping web server
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.811Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Server shut down.
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.815Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Web server killed.
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.816Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Stopping web socket server
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.816Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Stopping ssltunnel
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.817Z] 20:15:46 WARNING - leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected!
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.817Z] 20:15:46 INFO - | Running tests: end.
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.889Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.898Z] 20:15:46 INFO - Running manifest: browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser.toml
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.898Z] 20:15:46 INFO - The following extra prefs will be set:
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:46.898Z] 20:15:46 INFO - sidebar.revamp=false
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.202Z] 20:15:47 INFO - PID 5032 | D:\task_173653817937154\build\tests\bin\pk12util.exe: PKCS12 IMPORT SUCCESSFUL
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.202Z] 20:15:47 INFO -
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.280Z] 20:15:47 INFO - MochitestServer : launching ['D:\\task_173653817937154\\build\\tests\\bin\\xpcshell.exe', '-g', 'D:\\task_173653817937154\\build\\application\\firefox', '-e', "const _PROFILE_PATH = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\task_173653817937154\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\tmptweqt9rv.mozrunner'; const _SERVER_PORT = '8888'; const _SERVER_ADDR = ''; const _TEST_PREFIX = undefined; const _DISPLAY_RESULTS = false; const _HTTPD_PATH = 'D:\\\\task_173653817937154\\\\build\\\\tests\\\\bin\\\\components';", '-f', 'D:\\task_173653817937154\\build\\tests\\mochitest\\server.js']
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.288Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Server pid: 9416
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.296Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Websocket server pid: 1452
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.304Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | SSL tunnel pid: 8784
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.505Z] 20:15:47 INFO - use http3 server: 0
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.508Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running with scheme: http
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.508Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running with e10s: True
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.509Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running with fission: True
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.509Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running with cross-origin iframes: False
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.510Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running with socketprocess_e10s: False
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.511Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Running tests: start.
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.511Z] 20:15:47 INFO -
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.609Z] 20:15:47 INFO - Application command: D:\task_173653817937154\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe -marionette --wait-for-browser -foreground -profile C:\Users\task_173653817937154\AppData\Local\Temp\tmptweqt9rv.mozrunner
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.621Z] 20:15:47 INFO - | Application pid: 8368
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:47.621Z] 20:15:47 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process GECKO(8368)
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.173Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148181 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.185Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148184 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification final-ui-startup
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.251Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | console.error: "Warning: unrecognized command line flag" "-foreground"
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.283Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148293 Marionette INFO Listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.295Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148296 Marionette DEBUG Marionette is listening
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.314Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148321 Marionette DEBUG Accepted connection 0 from
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.345Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148351 Marionette DEBUG Closed connection 0
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.352Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148351 Marionette DEBUG Accepted connection 1 from
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.532Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148544 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"strictFileInteractability":true}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:48.548Z] 20:15:48 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540148548 Marionette DEBUG Waiting for initial application window
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.276Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151269 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification browser-idle-startup-tasks-finished
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.281Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151278 RemoteAgent TRACE [11] ProgressListener Start: expectNavigation=false resolveWhenStarted=false unloadTimeout=5000 waitForExplicitStart=false
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.281Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151278 RemoteAgent TRACE [11] ProgressListener Setting unload timer (5000ms)
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.281Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151279 RemoteAgent TRACE [11] Wait for initial navigation: isInitial=false, isLoadingDocument=false
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.281Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151279 RemoteAgent TRACE [11] Document already finished loading: about:blank
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.281Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151279 RemoteAgent TRACE [11] ProgressListener Stop: has error=false url=about:blank
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.300Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151296 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"7a342257-89af-4dfa-8cef-1d69c7755a1b","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":false,"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"136.0a1","platformName":"windows","unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0","moz:buildID":"20250110191109","moz:headless":false,"moz:platformVersion":"10.0","moz:processID":5316,"moz:profile":"C:\\Users\\task_173653817937154\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmptweqt9rv.mozrunner","moz:shutdownTimeout":60000,"pageLoadStrategy":"normal","timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"setWindowRect":true,"strictFileInteractability":true,"moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true,"moz:windowless":false,"proxy":{}}}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.321Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151320 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,2,"Addon:Install",{"path":"C:\\Users\\task_173653817937154\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\","temporary":false}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.390Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151389 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.437Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151436 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,3,"Addon:Install",{"path":"C:\\Users\\task_173653817937154\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\","temporary":false}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.466Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151465 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,3,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.468Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151468 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,4,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.469Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151468 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,4,null,{"value":"content"}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.471Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151469 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,5,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.471Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151469 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,5,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.474Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151471 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,6,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"script":"/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distr ... s which flavor and url to load.\nlet ev = new CustomEvent(\"mochitest-load\", { detail: [flavor, url] });\nwin.dispatchEvent(ev);","args":[{"flavor":"browser-chrome","testUrl":"about:blank"}],"newSandbox":true,"sandbox":"default","line":2159,"filename":"D:\\task_173653817937154\\build\\tests\\mochitest\\"}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.479Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151478 RemoteAgent TRACE WebDriverProcessData actor created for PID 5316
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.480Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151479 Marionette TRACE [2] MarionetteCommands actor created for window id 4
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.509Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151509 RemoteAgent TRACE Received observer notification domwindowopened
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.515Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151514 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,6,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.519Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151518 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,7,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"content"}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.520Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151518 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,7,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.534Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151533 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,8,"WebDriver:DeleteSession",{}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.535Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151534 Marionette TRACE [2] MarionetteCommands actor destroyed for window id 4
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.537Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151536 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,8,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.552Z] 20:15:51 INFO - | Waiting for browser...
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.555Z] 20:15:51 INFO - GECKO(8368) | 1736540151554 Marionette DEBUG Closed connection 1
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.681Z] 20:15:51 INFO - *** Start BrowserChrome Test Results ***
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.707Z] 20:15:51 INFO - checking window state
[task 2025-01-10T20:15:51.749Z] 20:15:51 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_addBookmarkForFrame.js
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
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