Bug 1941789
Opened 25 days ago
Closed 25 days ago
'Firefox is being updated by another instance' message shown if two profiles are opened of an up to date Firefox
(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect)
(Reporter: bmaris, Unassigned)
(1 file)
1.24 MB,
Details |
Found in
- Firefox 136.0a1
Affected versions
- Firefox 136.0a1
- Firefox 135.0b4
- Firefox 134.0.1
- Firefox 115.19.0esr
Tested platforms
- Affected platforms: Windows 11, macOS 13 and Ubuntu 22.04
- Unaffected platforms: none
- Have an up to date Firefox installed
Steps to reproduce
- Open two profiles for the same Firefox installed (using about:profiles or -p argument)
- Visit about:preferences and scroll down to Updates section in both profiles
optional extra step: - Open the About window
Expected result
- Firefox is up to date message is displayed
Actual result
- Firefox is being updated by another instance message is displayed both in the About window and about:preferences
Regression range
- I don't think this is a regression since this looks like something very old.
Additional notes
- Not sure if this is the same behaviour that was reported in bug 1683422 or not. Robin might be able to clarify this.
Comment 1•25 days ago
At the moment, this is the expected behavior. We don't allow the user into any part of the update UI if they can't go through the entire flow. And if there is another copy of the browser running we cannot show the "Restart to update" button.
Closed: 25 days ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•22 days ago
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