Closed Bug 1941904 Opened 28 days ago Closed 27 days ago

Doesn't work on hotspot


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

Thunderbird 128


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mastermoussa, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [support])


(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

I connected to my hotspot

Actual results:

Thunderbird doesn't work.
It doesn't download my mails and I also cant send mails.

Also Firefox doesn't work while other browsers work just fine.

Expected results:

New mails load and I can send mails.

And on Firefox I should be able to open the websites.

For support, please refer to

You seem to have a general connectivity problem. Check AV/Firewall. If not that, maybe a difference in proxy configuration.

Closed: 27 days ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: [support]

My connection works perfectly fine on all other programs except Firefox and Thunderbird.
It is no connection problem!
I tried with a hotspot from a Oneplus Open (T-Mobile Sim)
And also a hotspot from Samsung Galaxy S9 (1&1 Sim)

I also use the normal Windows defender and no special Antivirus or Firewall.

AV typically block individual programs.

But it works as soon as I Change from Hotspot to WiFi.
Antivitus doesn't Change and nothing.
And when i Turn WiFi Off and Change to Hotspot it stops again working.
So 100% no Antivirus Problem.

Please try the support forums, per comment 1.

One thing did come to mind: ipv4 vs ipv6. Search for ipv6 in about:config, and enable/disable depending on what the hotspot network may support.

That acutally was the problem.
When I set it to disable IPV6 it works.

Same when I leave it enabled but set the APN from my phone
from: internet.v6.telekom
to: internet.telekom

But can you tell me what the problem is and why?
So is that because Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't support IPV6?

And also why some websites like youtube and google work even on firefox with IPV6 enabled
but websites like ebay don't?

Or is it because of my provider?
But why then it works on Chrome?

Difficult to say about the details. It can be some point in the network, or the actual server, or a translation layer in between that has an issue with ipv6.

Chrome may have another fail-over mechanism (when it notices ipv6 failed) that works better in your case.

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