Closed Bug 1941967 Opened 1 month ago Closed 3 days ago

Intermittent [Child 9656, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Selection cache has not been updated yet: '!mNeedsToNotifyIMEOfSelectionChange', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/IMEContentObserver.cpp:745


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P5)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr128 --- unaffected
firefox134 --- unaffected
firefox135 --- unaffected
firefox136 --- wontfix


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: amarc [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:


01-16 00:08:34.382  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: MEMORY STAT | vsize 4464MB | residentFast 214MB | heapAllocated 31MB
01-16 00:08:34.407  9704  9735 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7ffda3c48280: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7ffda3c0c440)
01-16 00:08:34.408  9624  9636 W GeckoEditable: Invalid token
01-16 00:08:34.411  9704  9735 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7ffda3c48280: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7ffda3c0c440)
01-16 00:08:34.414  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.418  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: MozFirstContentfulPaint
01-16 00:08:34.423  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.423  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.424  9624  9639 I Gecko   : nsWindow[0x7ffd75528300]::Resize [0.000000 144.000000 800.000000 560.000000] (repaint 0)
01-16 00:08:34.425  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.426  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.427  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.428  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.429  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.430  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.424  9624  9639 I Gecko   : nsWindow: 0x7ffd75528300 OnSizeChanged [800 560]
01-16 00:08:34.450  9624  9639 D GeckoViewContentDelegateParent: receiveMessage: DispatcherMessage
01-16 00:08:34.490  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.511  9656  9672 D GeckoViewSelectionActionDelegate[C]: handleEvent: visibilitychange
01-16 00:08:34.511  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: pagehide
01-16 00:08:34.520  9656  9672 W Web Content: [JavaScript Warning: "This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”." {file: "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=550" line: 0}]
01-16 00:08:34.520  9656  9672 W Web Content: [JavaScript Warning: "The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it." {file: "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=550" line: 0}]
01-16 00:08:34.523  9624  9639 D GeckoViewNavigation: onLocationChange
01-16 00:08:34.524  9624  9624 D GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:LocationChange uri=http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=550
01-16 00:08:34.543  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: DOMContentLoaded
01-16 00:08:34.550  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"assertion_count","time":1736986114549,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_undo_with_editingui.html","min_expected":0,"max_expected":0,"count":0,"js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.551  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_end","time":1736986114550,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_undo_with_editingui.html","status":"OK","message":"Finished in 550ms","stack":{"runtime":"550"},"js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.577  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
01-16 00:08:34.579  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
01-16 00:08:34.634  9624  9639 D GeckoViewContentDelegateParent: receiveMessage: DispatcherMessage
01-16 00:08:34.635  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_start","time":1736986114634,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.656  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.687  9656  9672 D GeckoViewSelectionActionDelegate[C]: handleEvent: visibilitychange
01-16 00:08:34.687  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: pagehide
01-16 00:08:34.698  9624  9639 D GeckoViewNavigation: onLocationChange
01-16 00:08:34.699  9624  9624 D GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:LocationChange uri=http://mochi.test:8888/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html
01-16 00:08:34.720  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.726  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.727  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.728  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.729  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.731  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.732  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.733  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.734  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.741  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.742  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.743  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: receiveMessage: GeckoView:ZoomToInput
01-16 00:08:34.748  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"log","time":1736986114747,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","level":"INFO","message":"must wait for load","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.758  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: DOMContentLoaded
01-16 00:08:34.763  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContent[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
01-16 00:08:34.764  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
01-16 00:08:34.770  9656  9672 I Gecko   : [Child 9656, Main Thread] WARNING: EditorBase::GetInlineSpellChecker() failed, but ignored: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rvIgnored)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/editor/libeditor/EditorBase.cpp:2359
01-16 00:08:34.774  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.783  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: focusin
01-16 00:08:34.799  9624  9639 D GeckoViewAutocomplete: fetchAddresses
01-16 00:08:34.800  9624  9639 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listener for GeckoView:Autocomplete:Fetch:Address
01-16 00:08:34.802  9624  9639 D GeckoViewAutocomplete: fetchCreditCards
01-16 00:08:34.802  9624  9639 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listener for GeckoView:Autocomplete:Fetch:CreditCard
01-16 00:08:34.803  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: Auto-fill focus on INPUT
01-16 00:08:34.811  9624  9624 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
01-16 00:08:34.811  1730  1730 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
01-16 00:08:34.811  1730  1730 D RichInputConnection: Will try to retrieve text later.
01-16 00:08:34.811  9624  9624 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
01-16 00:08:34.812  1730  1730 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
01-16 00:08:34.812  1730  1730 W RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor. Setting caps mode without knowing text.
01-16 00:08:34.813  1730  1730 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 4,4
01-16 00:08:34.822  9656  9672 I Gecko   : [Child 9656, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(BeginInputTransaction(mDispatcher), false) failed with result 0xC1F30002 (NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/android/GeckoEditableSupport.cpp:460
01-16 00:08:34.822  9656  9672 I Gecko   : [Child 9656, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Selection cache has not been updated yet: '!mNeedsToNotifyIMEOfSelectionChange', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/IMEContentObserver.cpp:745
01-16 00:08:34.822  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #01: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x40b06fd]
01-16 00:08:34.822  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #02: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x74cbbdd]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #03: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x74ffb80]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #04: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x74df35c]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #05: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x74df1ef]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #06: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x744f2d7]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #07: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93df462]
01-16 00:08:34.823  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #08: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d8438]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #09: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d8bb2]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #10: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d6623]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #11: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d598f]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #12: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d714e]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #13: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d65bd]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #14: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x93d598f]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #15: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8f872d4]
01-16 00:08:34.824  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #16: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8f870d7]
01-16 00:08:34.825  9624  9639 D GeckoViewContentDelegateParent: receiveMessage: DispatcherMessage
01-16 00:08:34.826  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #17: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8fcb466]
01-16 00:08:34.826  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #18: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x906e443]
01-16 00:08:34.826  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #19: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x906dec9]
01-16 00:08:34.826  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #20: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x907abb8]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #21: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x907a977]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #22: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x908945b]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #23: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8ff41e6]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #24: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8ff432d]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #25: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x41f8f4f]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #26: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x4200220]
01-16 00:08:34.827  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #27: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x4c18356]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #28: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x4b96c92]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #29: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x8ff3e79]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #30: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x9f4d45c]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #31: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x4c18bcd]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #32: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x4b96c92]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #33: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x9f4c86a]
01-16 00:08:34.828  9656  9672 I Gecko   : #34: Java_org_mozilla_gecko_mozglue_GeckoLoader_nativeRun[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0xb05ac]
01-16 00:08:34.874  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:34.884  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_status","time":1736986114883,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html","subtest":"execCommand call from compositionend listener during setting value should be ignored","status":"PASS","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.886  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_status","time":1736986114886,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html","subtest":"Setting value during composition should cause a compositionend event","status":"PASS","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.890  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_status","time":1736986114888,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html","subtest":"text should be written in the phone number format","status":"PASS","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.891  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: ⰲ겿{"action":"test_status","time":1736986114891,"thread":null,"pid":null,"source":"mochitest","test":"/tests/editor/libeditor/tests/test_updating_input_value_during_composition_from_async_input.html","subtest":"selection should be collapsed at end of the formatted value","status":"PASS","js_source":"TestRunner.js"}ⰲ겿
01-16 00:08:34.898  9656  9672 I GeckoDump: MEMORY STAT | vsize 4464MB | residentFast 212MB | heapAllocated 28MB
01-16 00:08:34.904  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: MozFirstContentfulPaint
01-16 00:08:34.906  9624  9639 D GeckoViewContentDelegateParent: receiveMessage: DispatcherMessage
01-16 00:08:34.921  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:35.003  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:35.004  9656  9672 D GeckoViewSelectionActionDelegate[C]: handleEvent: visibilitychange
01-16 00:08:35.004  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: pagehide
01-16 00:08:35.005  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: handleEvent: focusout
01-16 00:08:35.006  9656  9672 D GeckoViewAutoFill[C]: Auto-fill focus on null
01-16 00:08:35.006  9624  9639 D GeckoViewAutocomplete: delegateDismiss
01-16 00:08:35.010  9624  9639 D GeckoViewAutoFill: receiveMessage Focus
01-16 00:08:35.010  9624  9624 D AutofillSupport: handleMessage GeckoView:OnAutofillFocus
01-16 00:08:35.016  9656  9672 W Web Content: [JavaScript Warning: "This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”." {file: "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=326" line: 0}]
01-16 00:08:35.016  9656  9672 W Web Content: [JavaScript Warning: "The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it." {file: "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=326" line: 0}]
01-16 00:08:35.023  9624  9639 D GeckoViewNavigation: onLocationChange
01-16 00:08:35.025  9624  9624 D GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:LocationChange uri=http://mochi.test:8888/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html?result=OK&runtime=326
01-16 00:08:35.036  9624  9624 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
01-16 00:08:35.037  1730  1730 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
01-16 00:08:35.037  1730  1730 D RichInputConnection: Will try to retrieve text later.
01-16 00:08:35.037  9624  9624 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
01-16 00:08:35.037  1730  1730 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
01-16 00:08:35.037  1730  1730 W RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor. Setting caps mode without knowing text.
01-16 00:08:35.038  1730  1730 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = -1,-1
01-16 00:08:35.043  1730  1730 I InputAttributes: InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
01-16 00:08:35.051  9704  9735 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
01-16 00:08:35.053  9656  9672 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: DOMContentLoaded
Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1940412

:emilio, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1940412, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

Do we know which patch of that bug caused it? The last one I guess?

Flags: needinfo?(emilio) → needinfo?(amarc)

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1940412

Hi, yes, the last patch : is the most likely to have caused this , as the contents of IMEContentObserver.cpp have been modified.

Flags: needinfo?(amarc)

Hmm, did you set the regressor range after retriggers? The change to IMEContentObserver there doesn't change any behavior (just adds an argument to a function).

I don't see anything in that patch that could've caused this. Any chance you can confirm this was retriggered / found as the culprit?

Alternatively... Makoto, is there anything that could've caused this recently? It seems BeginInputTransaction(mDispatcher) is probably unexpectedly failing?

Flags: needinfo?(m_kato)
Flags: needinfo?(amarc)

According to backfills and retriggers, it seems that something else caused this failure, apologies for the confusion.

Flags: needinfo?(amarc)
No longer regressed by: 1940412

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #5)

Hmm, did you set the regressor range after retriggers? The change to IMEContentObserver there doesn't change any behavior (just adds an argument to a function).

I don't see anything in that patch that could've caused this. Any chance you can confirm this was retriggered / found as the culprit?

Alternatively... Makoto, is there anything that could've caused this recently? It seems BeginInputTransaction(mDispatcher) is probably unexpectedly failing?

I guess that this issue is IMEContentObserver.

Actually, I don't have reproduced step for this assertion. But I guess that this might occurs when widget side (GeckoEditableSupport) calls several selection update requests into 60Hz. IMEContentObserver wants to merge several text requests, but it cannot seem to handle multiple selection update requests...

Flags: needinfo?(m_kato)
Closed: 3 days ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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