Closed Bug 1942050 Opened 1 month ago Closed 5 days ago

Intermittent view-source/view-source-image.html == view-source/view-source-image-ref.html | single tracking bug


(Core :: DOM: HTML Parser, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)

Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

task 2025-01-16T12:22:40.728Z] 12:22:40     INFO - REFTEST TEST-START | layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html == layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image-ref.html
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:40.728Z] 12:22:40     INFO - REFTEST TEST-LOAD | file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html | 0 / 1 (0%)
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:41.534Z] 12:22:41     INFO - REFTEST INFO | drawWindow flags = DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_CARET | DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW | DRAWWINDOW_USE_WIDGET_LAYERS; window size = 816,1039; test browser size = 800,1000
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:51.685Z] 12:22:51     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[G0][GFX1-]: Calling Readback::Run: is delayed: 10078 (t=235.023) [GFX1-]: Calling Readback::Run: is delayed: 10078
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:51.731Z] 12:22:51     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Killing GPU process due to IPC reply timeout (t=252.597) [GFX1-]: Killing GPU process due to IPC reply timeout
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:54.965Z] 12:22:54     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close wCithCrars h Arash Annotation eGarnsonno=tAaatpibonnho icrsCriticalEmraroGrrl:S a|[C0][GFX1-]h:uptd ohCowmnipcosit s(Crtio=rt1i4cCras0BalhEr rrorAin:. d7|n5otationgeC h9[ild) C 0rec]G[GraFX1e-ivepsh]ics Cr: iCItPCi colocsmposeitaolrErBr irwodri: gteC|h[Chi0ld  ]rr[eGc[eGeFaXsoin=AvFbXens or1-]1: -C]om:a lCSohmuptodsmopoiwtns o(rt=I157PBriC. ctlo8iord3sBr) geeC hiidwlgiedt h rCerheiclaeivdses o Inrecei=PAbvnes Co I[PCcrGmF alXl1Sohcseul-os ]:t ewi witdh rowCnt e(tah=os 1m5po7orn=As.b9ni8e6)oa trsomrBaon=rliSAdbgehutnCodromwnahli S(hltd= 2r4e0u.698tcdeives IPCo[wn)
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:54.986Z] 12:22:54     INFO -  cGlose with FX1-]: CompositorBridgeChildr e[aGsrFeX1-]: CompositorBridgeChiolncde =reAceibvievsenso rImP aIPlCCS h ccultoldosoew nwi
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:55.002Z] 12:22:54     INFO - th reason=AbnormalShutdown
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:55.015Z] 12:22:55     INFO - se Crawith reason=AbnormalShutdowns
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:55.046Z] 12:22:55     INFO - h Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown (t=156.474) [GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:56.621Z] 12:22:56     INFO - REFTEST TEST-LOAD | file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image-ref.html | 0 / 1 (0%)
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:59.615Z] 12:22:59     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Killing GPU process due to IPC reply timeout (t=252.597) |[1][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown (t=331.497) [GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown
[task 2025-01-16T12:22:59.656Z] 12:22:59     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Killing GPU process due to IPC reply timeout (t=252.597) |[1][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown (t=331.497) |[2][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown (t=331.967) [GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown
[task 2025-01-16T12:23:03.512Z] 12:23:03     INFO - Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[G0][GFX1-]: shader-cache: Failed to deserialize program binary: File size is too small (t=37.4093) [GFX1-]: shader-cache: Failed to deserialize program binary: File size is too small
[task 2025-01-16T12:23:03.513Z] 12:23:03     INFO - [ERROR webrender_bindings::program_cache] shader-cache: Failed to deserialize program binary: File size is too small
[task 2025-01-16T12:23:11.896Z] 12:23:11     INFO - 1737030191895	addons.xpi	ERROR	System addon update list error Error: Failed downloading XML, status: 0, channelStatus: 2152398861, errorCode: 2, reason: error
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.691Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html == layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image-ref.html | load failed: timed out waiting for test to complete (waiting for onload scripts to complete)
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.692Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: START file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.692Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: [CONTENT] Using browser remote=true
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.692Z] 12:27:56     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.692Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: [CONTENT] OnDocumentLoad fired for previous document
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.693Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: [CONTENT] OnDocumentLoad triggering AfterOnLoadScripts
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.694Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: Initializing canvas snapshot
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.694Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: DoDrawWindow 0,0,800,1000
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.695Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: [CONTENT] RecordResult fired
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.695Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: RecordResult fired
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.696Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: START file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image-ref.html
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.696Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved log: [CONTENT] OnDocumentLoad triggering AfterOnLoadScripts
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.697Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST TEST-END | layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html == layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image-ref.html
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.756Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Slowest test took 10502ms (file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/view-source/view-source-image.html)
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.757Z] 12:27:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Total canvas count = 0
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.816Z] 12:27:56     INFO - JavaScript error: resource://reftest/reftest.sys.mjs, line 1090: TypeError: can't access property "type", g.urls[0] is undefined
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.898Z] 12:27:56     INFO - 1737030476897	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.900Z] 12:27:56     INFO - 1737030476898	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:56.900Z] 12:27:56     INFO - 1737030476899	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette stopped listening
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.309Z] 12:27:59     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Process mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.310Z] 12:27:59  WARNING - leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected!
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.310Z] 12:27:59     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running tests in file:///D:/task_173702769625642/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/bidi/numeral/reftest.list
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.350Z] 12:27:59     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with e10s: True
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.350Z] 12:27:59     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with fission: True
[task 2025-01-16T12:27:59.351Z] 12:27:59     INFO - REFTEST INFO | INFO | | ASan using symbolizer at D:\task_173702769625642\build\application\firefox\llvm-symbolizer.exe
[task 2025-01-16T12:28:01.737Z] 12:28:01     INFO - REFTEST INFO | INFO | | ASan running in default memory configuration
[task 2025-01-16T12:28:01.738Z] 12:28:01     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Application command: D:\task_173702769625642\build\application\firefox\firefox.exe -marionette --wait-for-browser -profile C:\Users\task_173702769625642\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpzpn86i5t.mozrunner
Closed: 5 days ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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