Open Bug 1942617 Opened 28 days ago Updated 15 days ago

Intermittent [tier 2] image/reftest.list | single tracking bug


(Core :: Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames, defect, P5)





(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: amarc [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2025-01-20T12:27:17.970Z] 12:27:17     INFO - REFTEST TEST-PASS | layout/reftests/image/unknown-protocol.html == layout/reftests/image/unknown-protocol-ref.html | image comparison, max difference: 0, number of differing pixels: 0
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:17.970Z] 12:27:17     INFO - REFTEST TEST-END | layout/reftests/image/unknown-protocol.html == layout/reftests/image/unknown-protocol-ref.html
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:17.986Z] 12:27:17     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Slowest test took 2328ms (file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/image/img-invalidation-local-transform-1.html)
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:17.987Z] 12:27:17     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Total canvas count = 2
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:18.464Z] 12:27:18     INFO - 1737376038463	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:18.465Z] 12:27:18     INFO - 1737376038463	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:18.466Z] 12:27:18     INFO - 1737376038464	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette stopped listening
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.098Z] 12:27:21     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Process mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.099Z] 12:27:21  WARNING - leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected!
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.109Z] 12:27:21     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running tests in file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/svg/smil/reftest.list
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.120Z] 12:27:21     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with e10s: True
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.120Z] 12:27:21     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with fission: True
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.120Z] 12:27:21     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Application command: /builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox -marionette -profile /tmp/tmp7c6uwc0m.mozrunner
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.174Z] 12:27:21     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 2987.
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.853Z] 12:27:21     INFO - ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.895Z] 12:27:21     INFO - 1737376041894	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.897Z] 12:27:21     INFO - 1737376041896	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification final-ui-startup
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:21.992Z] 12:27:21     INFO - ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.066Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042065	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.075Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042074	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette is listening
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.101Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042101	Marionette	DEBUG	Accepted connection 0 from
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.129Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042129	Marionette	DEBUG	Closed connection 0
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.131Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042129	Marionette	DEBUG	Accepted connection 1 from
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.370Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042369	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"strictFileInteractability":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:22.376Z] 12:27:22     INFO - 1737376042375	Marionette	DEBUG	Waiting for initial application window
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:23.022Z] 12:27:23     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3077.
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:24.641Z] 12:27:24     INFO - console.error: ({})
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:26.072Z] 12:27:26     INFO - 1737376046071	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification browser-idle-startup-tasks-finished
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:26.085Z] 12:27:26     INFO - 1737376046084	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Start: expectNavigation=false resolveWhenStarted=false unloadTimeout=80000 waitForExplicitStart=false
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:26.086Z] 12:27:26     INFO - 1737376046084	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Setting unload timer (80000ms)
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:26.086Z] 12:27:26     INFO - 1737376046085	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] Wait for initial navigation: isInitial=true, isLoadingDocument=false
[task 2025-01-20T12:27:52.115Z] 12:27:52     INFO - 1737376072114	addons.xpi	ERROR	System addon update list error Error: Failed downloading XML, status: 0, channelStatus: 2152398861, errorCode: 2, reason: error
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.157Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126156	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener No navigation detected: about:blank
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.158Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126157	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Stop: has error=false url=about:blank
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.180Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126178	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"d4e4e0dd-1797-4e28-b381-5ea0ee91a7b7","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":false,"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"136.0a1","platformName":"linux","unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0","moz:buildID":"20250120104134","moz:headless":false,"moz:platformVersion":"4.4.0-1014-aws","moz:processID":2987,"moz:profile":"/tmp/tmp7c6uwc0m.mozrunner","moz:shutdownTimeout":180000,"pageLoadStrategy":"normal","timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"setWindowRect":true,"strictFileInteractability":true,"moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true,"moz:windowless":false,"proxy":{}}}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.192Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126184	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,2,"Addon:Install",{"path":"/builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/specialpowers","temporary":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.241Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126240	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,2,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.248Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126247	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,3,"Addon:Install",{"path":"/builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/reftest","temporary":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.279Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126278	RemoteAgent	TRACE	Received observer notification domwindowopened
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.282Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126281	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,3,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.289Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126288	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,4,"WebDriver:DeleteSession",{}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.291Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126291	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,4,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:28:46.293Z] 12:28:46     INFO - 1737376126292	Marionette	DEBUG	Closed connection 1
[task 2025-01-20T12:34:56.293Z] 12:34:56    ERROR - REFTEST ERROR | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/image/reftest.list | application timed out after 370 seconds with no output
[task 2025-01-20T12:34:56.294Z] 12:34:56  WARNING - REFTEST WARNING | Force-terminating active process(es).
[task 2025-01-20T12:34:56.294Z] 12:34:56     INFO - REFTEST TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2025-01-20T12:34:56.420Z] 12:34:56     INFO - REFTEST TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2025-01-20T12:34:56.494Z] 12:34:56     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Downloading symbols from:
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:15.104Z] 12:35:15     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Copy/paste: /builds/worker/fetches/minidump-stackwalk/minidump-stackwalk --symbols-url= --cyborg=/tmp/tmpq_ulo5vr/6b6ae06c-3f34-cc22-9fd4-2f2c4514b423.trace /tmp/tmp7c6uwc0m.mozrunner/minidumps/6b6ae06c-3f34-cc22-9fd4-2f2c4514b423.dmp /tmp/tmpbxbsqeag
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.221Z] 12:35:19     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/6b6ae06c-3f34-cc22-9fd4-2f2c4514b423.dmp
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | application crashed [@ + 0x0000000000114cf9] | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/image/reftest.list 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Process type: unknown
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Process pid: 3077
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmp7c6uwc0m.mozrunner/minidumps/6b6ae06c-3f34-cc22-9fd4-2f2c4514b423.dmp
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -                   4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      family 6 model 85 stepping 7
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      4 CPUs
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Linux Ubuntu 18.04 - bionic (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS)
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Crash reason:  SIGABRT
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Crash address: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Crashing instruction: `cmp rax, -0x1000`
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - No memory accessed by instruction
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - No instruction pointer update by instruction
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Linux memory map count: 668
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Thread 0 WebExtensions (crashed) - tid: 3077
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  0 + 0x114cf9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc    rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rcx = 0x00007f9aa29eacf9    rbx = 0x00007f9a7d8f0fb0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsi = 0x0000000000000002    rdi = 0x00007f9a7d8f0fb0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.283Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbp = 0x0000000000000002    rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf99d0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -       r8 = 0x0000000000000000     r9 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r10 = 0x0000000000000005    r11 = 0x0000000000000293
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r12 = 0x00000000ffffffff    r13 = 0x00000000ffffffff
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r14 = 0x00007f9a7d8f0fb0    r15 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f9aa29eacf9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  1!PollWrapper(_GPollFD*, unsigned int, int) [nsAppShell.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 82 + 0xc]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9a00    rip = 0x00007f9a8ab530ce
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.284Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  2 + 0x4c6e8
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a780262f0    rbp = 0x0000000000000002
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9a50    r12 = 0x00007f9a7d8f0fb0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00000000ffffffff    r14 = 0x00007f9a8ab53000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x0000000000000002    rip = 0x00007f9a9b80a6e9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  3 + 0x4c7fb
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9ab0    rip = 0x00007f9a9b80a7fc
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  4!nsAppShell::ProcessNextNativeEvent(bool) + 0x22
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9ad0    rip = 0x00007f9a8ab536b3
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  5!DoProcessNextNativeEvent [nsBaseAppShell.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 131]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  6!nsBaseAppShell::OnProcessNextEvent(nsIThreadInternal*, bool) [nsBaseAppShell.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 267 + 0x30]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9ae0    rip = 0x00007f9a8aa0f28c
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  7!{virtual override thunk({offset(-8)}, nsBaseAppShell::OnProcessNextEvent(nsIThreadInternal*, bool))} + 0x9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa2682500    rbp = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9b40    r12 = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a7d846b08    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9c77
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9a78029000    rip = 0x00007f9a8aa0f4ba
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.285Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  8!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) [nsThread.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 1098 + 0x24]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa2682500    rbp = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9b50    r12 = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a7d846b08    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9c77
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9a78029000    rip = 0x00007f9a837bfc4b
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  9!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) + 0x41
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b9560    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9c70    r12 = 0x00007f9aa26b9580
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a93b19068    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e58
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9aa2682500    rip = 0x00007f9a837c67e2
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 10!mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) [MessagePump.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 107 + 0x13]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b9560    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9c90    r12 = 0x00007f9aa26b9580
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.286Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a93b19068    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e58
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9aa2682500    rip = 0x00007f9a84643054
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 11!RunInternal [ : 369]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 12!RunHandler [ : 362]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 13!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 344 + 0xb]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d846b00    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9cd0    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2682500
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8454a1f8
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 14!nsBaseAppShell::Run() + 0x2c
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d846b00    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9d00    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2682500
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8aa0ee7d
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 15!nsAppShell::Run() [nsAppShell.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 470 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d846b00    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9d20    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e38
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8ab534e2
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 16!XRE_RunAppShell() [nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 646 + 0x1d]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d846b00    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9d60    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e38
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8c10bdf7
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 17!mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForChildProcess::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) + 0x15
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00000000d3c55301    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9d90    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e38
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a846437e6
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 18!RunInternal [ : 369]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 19!RunHandler [ : 362]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.287Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 20!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 344 + 0xb]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00000000d3c55301    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9dc0    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e38
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8454a1f8
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 21!XRE_InitChildProcess(int, char**, XREChildData const*) [nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 584 + 0x4]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00000000d3c55301    rbp = 0x00000000a26fee01
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edf9df0    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e38
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9e00    rip = 0x00007f9a8c109ee4
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 22  firefox-bin!main [nsBrowserApp.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 397 + 0x13]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007ffd7edfb318    rbp = 0x0000000000000008
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfa0d0    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.288Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x00000293c2b031cf
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x000000000000001f    rip = 0x000055cf38c026e1
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 23 + 0x21b96
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x0000000000000000    rbp = 0x000055cf38cd7370
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfb130    r12 = 0x000055cf38c023a0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffd7edfb200    r14 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x0000000000000000    rip = 0x00007f9aa28f7b97
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 24 + 0x10782
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfb1b0    rip = 0x00007f9aa3a39783
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 25 + 0x202d7f
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfb1b8    rip = 0x00007f9aa3a27d80
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 26 + 0x219baf
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfb1c0    rip = 0x00007f9aa2ee0bb0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.289Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 27  firefox-bin!_start + 0x28
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffd7edfb1f0    rip = 0x000055cf38c023c9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Thread 1 IPC I/O Child - tid: 3095
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  0 + 0x11b959
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc    rdx = 0x0000000000000020
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rcx = 0x00007f9aa29f1959    rbx = 0x00007f9aa2630100
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsi = 0x00007f9aa2682380    rdi = 0x000000000000000b
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbp = 0x0000000000000001    rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881a78
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -       r8 = 0x0000000000000000     r9 = 0x00007f9aa2682380
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r10 = 0x00000000ffffffff    r11 = 0x0000000000000246
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.290Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r12 = 0x00007f9a93acc720    r13 = 0x00007f9a90ca1f00
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r14 = 0x00007f9aa2603810    r15 = 0xffffffffffffffff
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f9aa29f1959
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  1!epoll_wait [epoll_sub.c:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 64]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  2!epoll_dispatch [epoll.c:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 465 + 0x12]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881a80    rip = 0x00007f9a84584a1e
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  3!event_base_loop [event.c:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 1992 + 0x6]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa2630100    rbp = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881ad0    r12 = 0x00007f9a93acc720
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a90ca1f00    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2881c10
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9a7d825118    rip = 0x00007f9a84587eb9
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  4!base::MessagePumpLibevent::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) [ : 0 + 0x19]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d825100    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.291Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881b50    r12 = 0x00007f9a93acc720
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a93acc710    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2881c10
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9a7d825118    rip = 0x00007f9a8454c2d0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  5!RunInternal [ : 369]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  6!RunHandler [ : 362]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  7!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 344 + 0xb]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b8b80    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881bc0    r12 = 0x00007f9a84550fc0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2881c10
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x0000000000000000    rip = 0x00007f9a8454a1f8
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  8!base::Thread::ThreadMain() [ : 186 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b8b80    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881bf0    r12 = 0x00007f9a84550fc0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.292Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f9aa2881c10
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x0000000000000000    rip = 0x00007f9a84558ed2
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  9!ThreadFunc(void*) + 0xd
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b8b80    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881de0    r12 = 0x00007f9a84550fc0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f9aa3c32000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9aa2881e20    rip = 0x00007f9a84550fce
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 10  firefox-bin!set_alt_signal_stack_and_start(PthreadCreateParams*) [pthread_create_interposer.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 81 + 0x5]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9aa26b8b80    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.293Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881df0    r12 = 0x00007f9a84550fc0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f9aa3c32000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9aa2881e20    rip = 0x000055cf38c3204a
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 11 + 0x76da
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x0000000000000000    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881ec0    r12 = 0x00007f9aa2881f80
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f9aa26037e0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007ffd7edf9c38    rip = 0x00007f9aa2cce6db
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.294Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 12 + 0x121a3e
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9aa2881f80    rip = 0x00007f9aa29f7a3f
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO - Thread 2 Socket Thread - tid: 3096
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  0 + 0xd9f3
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00    rdx = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rcx = 0x00007f9aa2cd49f3    rbx = 0x00007f9a7d803c40
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsi = 0x0000000000000080    rdi = 0x00007f9a7d803c68
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbp = 0x00007f9a7d803c64    rsp = 0x00007f9a781fe8d0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -       r8 = 0x0000000000000000     r9 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r10 = 0x0000000000000000    r11 = 0x0000000000000246
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.295Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r12 = 0x00007f9a7d803c68    r13 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r14 = 0x00007f9a7d803c10    r15 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f9aa2cd49f3
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  1!Unlock [Mutex.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 76]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  2!Unlock [Monitor.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 35]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  3!~BaseMonitorAutoLock [Monitor.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 132]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  4!TimerThread::RemoveTimer(nsTimerImpl*, mozilla::detail::BaseAutoLock<mozilla::Mutex&> const&) [TimerThread.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 1123 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.296Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbp = 0x00007f9a7d803c64    rsp = 0x00007f9a781fe910
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f9a837b6607
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  5!destroy<mozilla::Variant<nsTimerImpl::UnknownCallback, nsCOMPtr<nsITimerCallback>, nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>, nsTimerImpl::FuncCallback, nsTimerImpl::ClosureCallback> > [Variant.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 240]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  6!~Variant [Variant.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 688]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  7!mozilla::Variant<nsTimerImpl::UnknownCallback, nsCOMPtr<nsITimerCallback>, nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>, nsTimerImpl::FuncCallback, nsTimerImpl::ClosureCallback>::operator=(mozilla::Variant<nsTimerImpl::UnknownCallback, nsCOMPtr<nsITimerCallback>, nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>, nsTimerImpl::FuncCallback, nsTimerImpl::ClosureCallback>&&) [Variant.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 672 + 0x38]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a7d849550    rbp = 0x0000000080040111
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9a781fea70    r12 = 0x00007f9a7d8481e0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a93b19230    r14 = 0x0000000080040111
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.297Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x000055cf38ca4b74    rip = 0x00007f9a837e6800
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  8!Unlock [Mutex.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 76]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -  9!~BaseAutoLock [Mutex.h:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 240]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 10!nsTimerImpl::CancelImpl(bool) [nsTimerImpl.cpp:7a6d654e992ebc575d432f0b0857d4276281b2a3 : 522 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x000055cf38ca4b74    rbp = 0x0000000080040111
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9a781fea90    r12 = 0x00007f9a7d8481e0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.298Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9a93b19230    r14 = 0x00007f9a7d849580
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x000055cf38ca4b74    rip = 0x00007f9a837d24c1
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO - 11  0x1554477bd3c552ff
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f9a93b19230    rbp = 0x00007f9a90c91810
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f9a781feb30    r12 = 0x00007f9a781febc8
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007f9aa2682980    r14 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f9a837c67e2    rip = 0x1554477bd3c55300
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:19.299Z] 12:35:19     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - 0x7ffed6144000 - 0x7ffed6145fff
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - Unloaded modules:
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - 
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - Unimplemented streams encountered:
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - Stream 0x47670006 LinuxCmdLine (Google Extension) @ 0x000108b0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - Stream 0x47670008 LinuxAuxv (Google Extension) @ 0x00012070
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:23.425Z] 12:35:23     INFO - Stream 0x4767000a LinuxDsoDebug (Google Extension) @ 0x00030ee0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.329Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Result summary:
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.329Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Successful: 169 (169 pass, 0 load only)
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.329Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Unexpected: 0 (0 unexpected fail, 0 unexpected pass, 0 unexpected asserts, 0 failed load, 0 exception)
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.329Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Known problems: 4 (0 known fail, 0 known asserts, 0 random, 4 skipped, 0 slow)
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.329Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST SUITE-END | Shutdown
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.371Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Process mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.381Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running tests in file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/table-dom/reftest.list
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.390Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with e10s: True
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.390Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Running with fission: True
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.390Z] 12:35:24     INFO - REFTEST INFO | Application command: /builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox -marionette -profile /tmp/tmp_xu95eef.mozrunner
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:24.446Z] 12:35:24     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3224.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.147Z] 12:35:25     INFO - ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.188Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525187	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.190Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525189	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification final-ui-startup
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.289Z] 12:35:25     INFO - ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.342Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525341	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.348Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525347	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette is listening
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.380Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525380	Marionette	DEBUG	Accepted connection 0 from
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.413Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525413	Marionette	DEBUG	Closed connection 0
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.415Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525413	Marionette	DEBUG	Accepted connection 1 from
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.656Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525655	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"strictFileInteractability":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:25.663Z] 12:35:25     INFO - 1737376525662	Marionette	DEBUG	Waiting for initial application window
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:26.440Z] 12:35:26     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3313.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:26.804Z] 12:35:26     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3326.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:28.186Z] 12:35:28     INFO - console.error: ({})
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.799Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529795	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification browser-idle-startup-tasks-finished
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.829Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529828	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Start: expectNavigation=false resolveWhenStarted=false unloadTimeout=80000 waitForExplicitStart=false
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.830Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529829	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Setting unload timer (80000ms)
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.832Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529832	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] Wait for initial navigation: isInitial=false, isLoadingDocument=false
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.846Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529845	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] Document already finished loading: about:blank
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.847Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529846	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[9] ProgressListener Stop: has error=false url=about:blank
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.881Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529879	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"87e3d490-177b-4166-88d6-53e3965a6a4d","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":false,"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"136.0a1","platformName":"linux","unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0","moz:buildID":"20250120104134","moz:headless":false,"moz:platformVersion":"4.4.0-1014-aws","moz:processID":3224,"moz:profile":"/tmp/tmp_xu95eef.mozrunner","moz:shutdownTimeout":180000,"pageLoadStrategy":"normal","timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"setWindowRect":true,"strictFileInteractability":true,"moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true,"moz:windowless":false,"proxy":{}}}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.900Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529896	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,2,"Addon:Install",{"path":"/builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/specialpowers","temporary":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.957Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529956	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,2,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:29.979Z] 12:35:29     INFO - 1737376529978	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,3,"Addon:Install",{"path":"/builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/reftest","temporary":true}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.069Z] 12:35:30     INFO - 1737376530068	RemoteAgent	TRACE	Received observer notification domwindowopened
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.082Z] 12:35:30     INFO - 1737376530081	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,3,null,{"value":""}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.109Z] 12:35:30     INFO - 1737376530109	Marionette	DEBUG	1 -> [0,4,"WebDriver:DeleteSession",{}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.138Z] 12:35:30     INFO - 1737376530138	Marionette	DEBUG	1 <- [1,4,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.144Z] 12:35:30     INFO - 1737376530143	Marionette	DEBUG	Closed connection 1
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.613Z] 12:35:30     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3425.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.778Z] 12:35:30     INFO - [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 3427.
[task 2025-01-20T12:35:30.968Z] 12:35:30     INFO - REFTEST TEST-START | layout/reftests/table-dom/appendCells1.html == layout/reftests/table-dom/appendCells1-ref.html
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