Open Bug 1942797 Opened 18 days ago Updated 16 days ago

Generate server-knobs config to be applied in tests when otherwise a subset of metrics is used


(Data Platform and Tools :: Glean: SDK, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: janerik, Assigned: janerik)



This is essentially the plan as discussed in

At build time we know the set of interesting metrics, which means we can also determine the set of uninteresting metrics.
In the same build step we generate a build artifact listing those.
Then for all tests where Glean is initialized, given we can positively identify those as test runs, we read this file and pass in this list of uninteresting metrics (potentially as a Server Knobs config) to re-enable them.
This means test will work because all the expected metrics are enabled.
Production builds as shipped (1) won't have this build artifact, (2) aren't test runs, and thus the metrics stay disabled.

That way no adjustement is needed as new metrics are added to Gecko, but not Thunderbird.
It's minimal changes only in FOG (no Glean changes) and likely doable relatively soon.
It won't affect developer builds for manual testing either.

I have some early work done on this to try it out. Not yet ready for landing, but I see that I get that cleaned up and pushed next week.

Assignee: nobody → jrediger
Priority: -- → P2
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