Bug 1942812
Opened 17 days ago
Updated 11 days ago
Intermittent [Child X, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Should only schedule view manager flush on root presco: 'mPresContext && mPresContext->IsRoot()', file /[..]/nsRefreshDriver.cpp:3207 [@ nsRefreshDriver::ScheduleViewManagerFlush] | single tracking bug
(Core :: Layout, defect)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(4 keywords)
Crash Data
Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.373Z] 12:24:24 INFO - TEST-START | dom/base/test/unit/test_xhr_document.js
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.451Z] 12:24:24 INFO - adb launch_application: am startservice -W -n 'org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner.XpcshellTestRunnerService$i1' -a android.intent.action.MAIN --es env0 XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK=stack-and-abort --es env1 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1 --es env2 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT=1 --es env3 MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS=1 --es env4 MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR=/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko --es env5 MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR=/builds/worker/workspace/obj-build --es env6 MOZ_DISABLE_CONTENT_SANDBOX=1 --es env7 MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=/builds/worker/fetches --es env8 MOZ_DISABLE_SOCKET_PROCESS=1 --es env9 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb --es env10 MOZ_LINKER_CACHE=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb --es env11 GRE_HOME=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb --es env12 XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/p/711d6f82-42dc-4fb4-8fe6-849d0d87baae --es env13 HOME=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/p --es env14 XPCSHELL_TEST_TEMP_DIR=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/tmp/7b88cb63-8461-4bf8-b7a3-aea9909e1198 --es env15 MOZ_ANDROID_DATA_DIR=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb --es env16 MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION=1 --es env17 MOZ_ANDROID_CPU_ABI=x86_64 --es env18 MOZHTTP2_PORT=42746 --es env19 MOZNODE_EXEC_PORT=35854 --es env20 MOZHTTP3_PORT=49170 --es env21 MOZHTTP3_PORT_FAILED=48071 --es env22 MOZHTTP3_PORT_ECH=49529 --es env23 MOZHTTP3_PORT_PROXY=45298 --es env24 MOZHTTP3_PORT_NO_RESPONSE=60687 --es env25 MOZHTTP3_ECH=AE3+DQBJBwAgACC5tXUoQqlnX7Z+iMKNuLqdNZa9uP8c+hCOrwBZCfaSQQAQAAEAAQABAAMAAgABAAIAA0AOcHVibGljLmV4YW1wbGUAAA== --es env26 MOZ_HTTP3_SERVER_PATH=/builds/worker/fetches/hostutils/http3server --es env27 MOZ_HTTP3_CERT_DB_PATH=/builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/xpcshell/http3server/http3serverDB --es env28 TMPDIR=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/p/711d6f82-42dc-4fb4-8fe6-849d0d87baae --es env29 XPCSHELL_MINIDUMP_DIR=/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/minidumps/711d6f82-42dc-4fb4-8fe6-849d0d87baae --es arg0 -g --es arg1 /data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb --es arg2 --greomni --es arg3 /data/local/tmp/test_root/xpcb/geckoview-test_runner.apk --es arg4 -m --es arg5 -e --es arg6 'const _HEAD_JS_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/head.js";' --es arg7 -e --es arg8 'const _MOZINFO_JS_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/p/711d6f82-42dc-4fb4-8fe6-849d0d87baae/mozinfo.json";' --es arg9 -e --es arg10 'const _PREFS_FILE = "/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/user.js";' --es arg11 -e --es arg12 'const _TESTING_MODULES_DIR = "/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/m";' --es arg13 -f --es arg14 /data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/head.js --es arg15 -e --es arg16 'const _HEAD_FILES = ["/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/dom/base/test/unit/head_utilities.js"];' --es arg17 -e --es arg18 'const _JSDEBUGGER_PORT = 0;' --es arg19 -e --es arg20 'const _TEST_CWD = "/data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/dom/base/test/unit";' --es arg21 -e --es arg22 'const _TEST_FILE = ["test_xhr_document.js"];' --es arg23 -e --es arg24 'const _TEST_NAME = "dom/base/test/unit/test_xhr_document.js";' --es arg25 -e --es arg26 '_execute_test(); quit(0);' --es out_file /data/local/tmp/test_root/xpc/logs/xpcshell-9713a151-8ab8-4d4b-bb59-dd707399a8e3.log
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.648Z] 12:24:24 INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/0663318b-0e26-8f07-0e19-fe4e691e355f.dmp
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.649Z] 12:24:24 INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/0663318b-0e26-8f07-0e19-fe4e691e355f.extra
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.651Z] 12:24:24 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | [Child 9488, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Should only schedule view manager flush on root prescontexts: 'mPresContext && mPresContext->IsRoot()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp:3207 [@ nsRefreshDriver::ScheduleViewManagerFlush] | docshell/test/unit/test_subframe_stop_after_parent_error.js
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.651Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Process type: content
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.652Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Process pid: 9520
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.653Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Mozilla crash reason: [Child 9488, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Should only schedule view manager flush on root prescontexts: 'mPresContext && mPresContext->IsRoot()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp:3207
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.653Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmpzrnqtv51/0663318b-0e26-8f07-0e19-fe4e691e355f.dmp
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.654Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Operating system: Android
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.654Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 3.10.0+ #260 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 19 12:48:14 PDT 2017 x86_64
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.654Z] 12:24:24 INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.655Z] 12:24:24 INFO - family 6 model 6 stepping 3
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.655Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 4 CPUs
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.655Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV / SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.656Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Crash address: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.656Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Crashing instruction: `mov dword [0x0], 0x210`
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.656Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Memory accessed by instruction:
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.656Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 0. Address: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.656Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Size: 4
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.657Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Access type: Write
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.657Z] 12:24:24 INFO - No instruction pointer update by instruction
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.657Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Crashing address may be the result of a flipped bit:
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.657Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 0. Valid address: 0x0000000020000000 (0.250)
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.658Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 1. Valid address: 0x0000000040000000 (0.250)
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.658Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.658Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Linux memory map count: 1237
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.658Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Thread 12 Web Content (crashed) - tid: 9520
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.659Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 0!MOZ_Crash(char const*, int, char const*) [Assertions.h:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 337]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.659Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.659Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 1!Abort(char const*) [nsDebugImpl.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 528]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.659Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: inlining
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.659Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 2!NS_DebugBreak [nsDebugImpl.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 516 + 0x2a]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rax = 0x00007ac2c62e4ab0 rdx = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rcx = 0x0000000000000000 rbx = 0x00007ac2ae1e1940
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsi = 0x00007ac2af457860 rdi = 0x00007ac2c62e6644
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e1f80 rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e1840
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r8 = 0x0000000000002530 r9 = 0x00007ac2ae1e6450
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r10 = 0x0000000000000000 r11 = 0x0000000000000246
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r12 = 0x00007ac2ae1e1c50 r13 = 0x00007ac29d23a011
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r14 = 0x00007ac2bff044a2 r15 = 0x00007ac29d239f9e
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rip = 0x00007ac2a0a68bb9
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.660Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 3!nsRefreshDriver::ScheduleViewManagerFlush() [nsRefreshDriver.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 3206 + 0x31]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac293cc5900 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e1fb0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e1f90 r12 = 0x00007ac2939a5098
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac293cc5940
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x00007ac2bffde608 rip = 0x00007ac2a5d6afc5
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 4!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructRootFrame() [nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 2667 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac29398add0 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2010
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e1fc0 r12 = 0x00007ac2939a5098
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac293963020
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x00007ac2bffde608 rip = 0x00007ac2a5dfd108
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 5!mozilla::PresShell::Initialize() [PresShell.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 1789 + 0x4]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2939a5000 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2060
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2020 r12 = 0x00007ac2939a5098
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2939a5000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a5d96a95
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.661Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 6!nsContentSink::StartLayout(bool) [nsContentSink.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 608 + 0x7]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac293978600 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2150
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2070 r12 = 0xfff8800000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2939a5000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a26ba558
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 7!mozilla::dom::DocumentL10n::InitialTranslationCompleted(bool) [DocumentL10n.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 292 + 0x5]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac293966d40 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2190
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2160 r12 = 0xfff8800000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac293c65400
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a594ee0a
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 8!L10nReadyHandler::ResolvedCallback(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, mozilla::ErrorResult&) [DocumentL10n.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 72 + 0x9]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2939aad90 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e21b0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e21a0 r12 = 0xfff8800000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2939aad90
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0xaaaa00a800000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a59555ac
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 9!mozilla::dom::(anonymous namespace)::PromiseNativeHandlerShim::ResolvedCallback(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, mozilla::ErrorResult&) [Promise.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 423 + 0x8]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2939aaee0 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e21d0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.662Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e21c0 r12 = 0xfff8800000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2939aad90
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0xaaaa00a800000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a5500e62
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 10!mozilla::dom::NativeHandlerCallback(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [CallArgs.h:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 0 + 0x17]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2aaf36400 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2260
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e21e0 r12 = 0xfff8800000000000
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xfff8800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2ae1e23e8
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0xaaaa00a800000001 rip = 0x00007ac2a5501483
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 11!CallJSNative(JSContext*, bool (*)(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*), js::CallReason, JS::CallArgs const&) [Interpreter.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 532 + 0x5]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2aaf36400 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e22b0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2270 r12 = 0x00007ac2aaf8ce00
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0x000002aafd932fb0 r14 = 0x00007ac2ae1e23b0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x00007ac2a55012c0 rip = 0x00007ac2a6afc1be
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 12!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct, js::CallReason) [Interpreter.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 628 + 0x13]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2aaf36400 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2350
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e22c0 r12 = 0x000002aafd932fb0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0xffff800000000000 r14 = 0x00007ac2ae1e23b0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x00007ac2ae1e22d0 rip = 0x00007ac2a6afb944
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.663Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 13!js::Call(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, js::AnyInvokeArgs const&, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>, js::CallReason) [Interpreter.cpp:6d22b2c4098e6c31f48b5c7f4794b1f60ce66864 : 727 + 0xa]
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rbx = 0x00007ac2ae1e24e8 rbp = 0x00007ac2ae1e23a0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007ac2ae1e2360 r12 = 0x00007ac2aaf36400
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r13 = 0x00007ac2ae1e24e8 r14 = 0x00007ac2ae1e23b0
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ac2a6afcf49
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.664Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 90 + 0xa23b
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff50552040 rip = 0x00007ac2c82dc23c
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 91 + 0x149ab
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff50552070 rip = 0x00007ac2c82269ac
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.757Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 92 app_process64 + 0x289a
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff50552080 rip = 0x00007ac2cc48189b
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 93 app_process64 + 0x3206
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff505520b0 rip = 0x00007ac2cc482207
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.758Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 94 app_process64 + 0x2318
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff505520d0 rip = 0x00007ac2cc481319
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 95 app_process64 + 0x35f8
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff505520d8 rip = 0x00007ac2cc4825f9
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - 96 + 0x1d5b4f
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - rsp = 0x00007fff50552170 rip = 0x00007ac2cb9e8b50
[task 2025-01-21T12:24:24.759Z] 12:24:24 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
Comment 1•17 days ago
This doesn't look like QM related
Updated•17 days ago
Component: Storage: Quota Manager → Layout
Comment 2•17 days ago
Might be DOM or Parser too
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