Open Bug 1942835 Opened 19 days ago Updated 19 days ago

Audit NewTabUtils to see which parts are still used


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, task)





(Reporter: mconley, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


I just reviewed, and while looking at it, realized that NewTabUtils has a bunch of stuff in it that I'm not sure is still used.

AllPages, for example, doesn't appear to ever have any pages registered for it. I'm not convinced that the various links exposed by the other top-level objects in that module are used either, but I think it warrants a closer look.

Notably, this module is in toolkit, so we'll need to check for consumers both in Firefox Desktop, as well as Fenix. I don't see it being used by Thunderbird at all.

Blocks: 1905254
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