Bug 1943760
Opened 16 days ago
Closed 14 days ago
Perma TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-outline-focus.js | Test timed out - when Gecko 136 merges to beta on 2025-02-03
(DevTools :: Debugger, defect)
(firefox-esr115 unaffected, firefox-esr128 unaffected, firefox134 unaffected, firefox135 unaffected, firefox136+ verified)
136 Branch
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr115 | --- | unaffected |
firefox-esr128 | --- | unaffected |
firefox134 | --- | unaffected |
firefox135 | --- | unaffected |
firefox136 | + | verified |
(Reporter: abutkovits, Assigned: bomsy)
(Keywords: regression)
(1 file)
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.711Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /tmp/tmpvh34eh46.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_tab_pid3085.log
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.748Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085, Main Thread] WARNING: could not set real-time limit in CubebUtils::InitLibrary: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/media/CubebUtils.cpp:767
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.860Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: BounceTrackingState::OnDocumentStartRequest failed.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/ipc/DocumentLoadListener.cpp:2680
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.933Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 7f92ce76fc00 == 1 [pid = 3085] [id = 0]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.933Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f92cdee0400) [pid = 3085] [serial = 1] [outer = 0]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:04.933Z] 12:30:04 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (7f92ce770400) [pid = 3085] [serial = 2] [outer = 7f92cdee0400]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.007Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (7f92ce76d800) [pid = 3085] [serial = 3] [outer = 7f92cdee0400]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.018Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) failed with result 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/intl/l10n/L10nRegistry.cpp:385
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.415Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 7f1e956e7400 == 5 [pid = 1050] [id = 47]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.416Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 14 (7f1e6f68ae00) [pid = 1050] [serial = 116] [outer = 0]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.417Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 15 (7f1e64607400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 117] [outer = 7f1e6f68ae00]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.452Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x804B000A (NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/base/Document.cpp:16816
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.455Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 16 (7f1e621cf800) [pid = 1050] [serial = 118] [outer = 7f1e6f68ae00]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.710Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 7f1e8ce25c00 == 6 [pid = 1050] [id = 48]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.710Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 17 (7f1e6b769800) [pid = 1050] [serial = 119] [outer = 0]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.710Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 18 (7f1e8ce2d400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 120] [outer = 7f1e6b769800]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.720Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/chrome/nsChromeRegistry.cpp:182
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.721Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/chrome/nsChromeProtocolHandler.cpp:73
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:05.853Z] 12:30:05 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to retarget HTML data delivery to the parser thread.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/parser/html/nsHtml5StreamParser.cpp:1215
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:07.157Z] 12:30:07 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7fa990c77800 == 1 [pid = 1299] [id = 8] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:07.237Z] 12:30:07 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (7fa9afa73c00) [pid = 1299] [serial = 18] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:07.514Z] 12:30:07 INFO - GECKO(1050) | JavaScript error: resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/utils/editor/index.js, line 268: TypeError: location.source is undefined
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:08.558Z] 12:30:08 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 17 (7f1e8ce23400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 112] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:09.436Z] 12:30:09 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 16 (7f1e6f67a000) [pid = 1050] [serial = 111] [outer = 0] [url = about:devtools-toolbox]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:09.438Z] 12:30:09 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 15 (7f1e6f68c000) [pid = 1050] [serial = 114] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://devtools/content/debugger/index.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:10.136Z] 12:30:10 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 14 (7f1e64607400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 117] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:10.137Z] 12:30:10 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 13 (7f1e8ce27400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 113] [outer = 0] [url = about:devtools-toolbox]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:10.137Z] 12:30:10 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 12 (7f1e6474c000) [pid = 1050] [serial = 115] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:11.292Z] 12:30:11 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (7fa990c79800) [pid = 1299] [serial = 19] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:12.641Z] 12:30:12 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1199: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f3655873800 == 0 [pid = 1199] [id = 8] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:12.676Z] 12:30:12 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1199: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f3654f2f600) [pid = 1199] [serial = 19] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:16.755Z] 12:30:16 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1199: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7f3655873c00) [pid = 1199] [serial = 20] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:30:17.210Z] 12:30:17 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (7f92ce770400) [pid = 3085] [serial = 2] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.627Z] 12:31:34 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:30:04
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Entering test bound
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL:
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:30:05
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Loading failed for the <script> with source “”." {file: "" line: 23}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Opening the toolbox
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: Invalid chrome URI (need path): chrome://devtools/
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.793Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/elements/panel.js" line: 62}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:30:06
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/elements/panel.js" line: 62}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.794Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.795Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/elements/panel.js" line: 62}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.796Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.797Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/customElements.js" line: 499}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.798Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline style (style-src-attr) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “default-src chrome: resource:”" {file: "chrome://global/content/elements/panel.js" line: 62}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.798Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Toolbox opened and focused
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.799Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Waiting on sources: long.js
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.799Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Finished waiting on sources: long.js
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.800Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Waiting for state change: selected source
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.800Z] 12:31:34 INFO - --> The state was immediately correct (should rather do an immediate assertion?)
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.801Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Select the outline panel
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.801Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:30:07
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.801Z] 12:31:34 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-outline-focus.js | 9 items in the outline list -
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.802Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Clicking inside a function in editor should focus the outline
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.802Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Get token at 15:3
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.802Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Clicking on token this in line this.todos = this.todos.concat([{
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.803Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: location.source is undefined" {file: "resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/utils/editor/index.js" line: 268}]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - getSourceLocationFromMouseEvent@resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/utils/editor/index.js:268:91
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - onClick@resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/index.js:663:70
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - setupEditor/<@resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/index.js:354:61
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - clickAtPos@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/shared-head.js:2475:13
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - async*@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-outline-focus.js:23:9
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.808Z] 12:31:34 INFO - async*handleTask@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1147:26
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.809Z] 12:31:34 INFO - _runTaskBasedTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1219:18
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.809Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1360:14
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.809Z] 12:31:34 INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1136:14
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.809Z] 12:31:34 INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1058:13
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.809Z] 12:31:34 INFO -
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.810Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.810Z] 12:31:34 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-outline-focus.js | Test timed out -
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.811Z] 12:31:34 INFO - GECKO(1050) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 1050
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.811Z] 12:31:34 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.812Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.812Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Passed: 274
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.813Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Failed: 1
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.813Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.814Z] 12:31:34 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.814Z] 12:31:34 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results ***
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.879Z] 12:31:34 INFO - GECKO(1050) | 1737808294878 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.879Z] 12:31:34 INFO - GECKO(1050) | 1737808294878 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:34.884Z] 12:31:34 INFO - GECKO(1050) | 1737808294884 Marionette DEBUG Marionette stopped listening
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.629Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e882e4800 == 5 [pid = 1050] [id = 1] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.697Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.710Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.711Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NotFoundError: No such JSProcessActor 'DevToolsProcess'
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.772Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e8ce25c00 == 4 [pid = 1050] [id = 48] [url = chrome://devtools/content/debugger/index.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.774Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e6c7a0000 == 3 [pid = 1050] [id = 3] [url = chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.775Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: 'aRv.Failed()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xhr/XMLHttpRequestWorker.cpp:1263
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.776Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | console.error: "Error in worker resource://devtools/client/shared/source-map-loader/worker.js" ": "
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.778Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e6e2c5c00 == 2 [pid = 1050] [id = 2] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.784Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.784Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.784Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.784Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.844Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f92ce76fc00 == 0 [pid = 3085] [id = 0] [url =]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.885Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f92cdee0400) [pid = 3085] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.886Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1254: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1401485000 == 0 [pid = 1254] [id = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.901Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 3085: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7f92ce76d800) [pid = 3085] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url =]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.915Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f8732e73400 == 4 [pid = 1158] [id = 4] [url = moz-extension://93658133-244a-4abc-ba80-1eaa1865b706/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.917Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7fa990c79c00 == 0 [pid = 1299] [id = 9] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.918Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f87323f7400 == 3 [pid = 1158] [id = 5] [url = moz-extension://074e4585-c6ee-4b83-8515-7a986e176aa0/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.920Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f8732e71400 == 2 [pid = 1158] [id = 2] [url = moz-extension://3b43207d-738e-4a12-a99c-4312c3284964/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.920Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f8732e6d800 == 1 [pid = 1158] [id = 0] [url = moz-extension://7b2facbf-4897-47bc-9f7a-37090b82fc7c/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.921Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f8732e70400 == 0 [pid = 1158] [id = 1] [url = moz-extension://9af840b2-abae-4767-a3cc-6431d35a7caa/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.956Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1254: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f1420172400) [pid = 1254] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.975Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1254: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7f1401489400) [pid = 1254] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = about:newtab]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.989Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (7f873253f800) [pid = 1158] [serial = 5] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://3b43207d-738e-4a12-a99c-4312c3284964/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.989Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (7f873253fe00) [pid = 1158] [serial = 9] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://93658133-244a-4abc-ba80-1eaa1865b706/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.990Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (7f873253d800) [pid = 1158] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://7b2facbf-4897-47bc-9f7a-37090b82fc7c/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.991Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (7f8751b75600) [pid = 1158] [serial = 16] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://074e4585-c6ee-4b83-8515-7a986e176aa0/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.991Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (7f873253e200) [pid = 1158] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://9af840b2-abae-4767-a3cc-6431d35a7caa/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:35.992Z] 12:31:35 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7fa9afa75800) [pid = 1299] [serial = 20] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.003Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1299: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7fa990c7a000) [pid = 1299] [serial = 21] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.009Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 4 (7f8732e78c00) [pid = 1158] [serial = 12] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://9af840b2-abae-4767-a3cc-6431d35a7caa/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.010Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (7f87323fa400) [pid = 1158] [serial = 18] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://074e4585-c6ee-4b83-8515-7a986e176aa0/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.011Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (7f87323f1800) [pid = 1158] [serial = 15] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://93658133-244a-4abc-ba80-1eaa1865b706/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.011Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f87323eec00) [pid = 1158] [serial = 13] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://3b43207d-738e-4a12-a99c-4312c3284964/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.012Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Child 1158: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7f8732e74400) [pid = 1158] [serial = 11] [outer = 0] [url = moz-extension://7b2facbf-4897-47bc-9f7a-37090b82fc7c/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.367Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e956e7400 == 1 [pid = 1050] [id = 47] [url = about:devtools-toolbox]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.370Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 7f1e8823f800 == 0 [pid = 1050] [id = 0] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.375Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: BlockShutdown: Init failed: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtectionStorage.cpp:378
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.510Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.511Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: initiateShutdownWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.511Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.511Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.512Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.512Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.512Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.513Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.513Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.514Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.598Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.088000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.598Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.088000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.599Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, QuotaManager IO] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.088000s: ShutdownStorageOp::DoDirectoryWork -> ShutdownStorageInternal.', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.612Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.100000s: stopKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.612Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.100000s: shutdownAndJoinWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.613Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.100000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.614Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.100000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.614Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.100000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.615Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.100000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.615Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.100000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.616Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.100000s: shutdownAndJoinIOThread', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.616Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.100000s: invalidatePendingDirectoryLocks', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.616Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.100000s: stopCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.719Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aWindowContext) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtection.cpp:459
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.720Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aWindowContext) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtection.cpp:459
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.730Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Utility 1245, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PUtilityProcess::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:558
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.749Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [RDD 1166, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PRDD::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:558
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:36.768Z] 12:31:36 INFO - GECKO(1050) | Destroying context 7f1e8b6e1a50 surface 0 on display 7f1e8aeed100
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.731Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 11 (7f1e882daa00) [pid = 1050] [serial = 3] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.731Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 10 (7f1e6f68ae00) [pid = 1050] [serial = 116] [outer = 0] [url = about:devtools-toolbox]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.731Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (7f1e6b769800) [pid = 1050] [serial = 119] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://devtools/content/debugger/index.html]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.732Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (7f1e8aef2600) [pid = 1050] [serial = 1] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.733Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (7f1e6550d400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 8] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.733Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (7f1e8aef8200) [pid = 1050] [serial = 6] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.868Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (7f1e6e2c6400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 7] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.869Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 4 (7f1e6c7a1400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 9] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.870Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 3 (7f1e8ce2d400) [pid = 1050] [serial = 120] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.871Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (7f1e8823e800) [pid = 1050] [serial = 2] [outer = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.871Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (7f1e882edc00) [pid = 1050] [serial = 5] [outer = 0] [url = chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.872Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (7f1e621cf800) [pid = 1050] [serial = 118] [outer = 0] [url = about:devtools-toolbox]
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.885Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.886Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.886Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.887Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.888Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.888Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.889Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.889Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.890Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.890Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.890Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv) failed with result 0x8000FFFF (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:406
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.890Z] 12:31:37 INFO - GECKO(1050) | [Parent 1050, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!!svc) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/file/uri/BlobURLProtocolHandler.cpp:506
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.972Z] 12:31:37 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.973Z] 12:31:37 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-outline-focus.js | Application shut down (without crashing) in the middle of a test!
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.973Z] 12:31:37 INFO - TEST-INFO took 92399ms
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.974Z] 12:31:37 INFO - TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw 95 DOCSHELL created and 95 destroyed log strings.
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.974Z] 12:31:37 INFO - TEST-INFO | Confirming we saw 247 DOMWINDOW created and 247 destroyed log strings.
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.975Z] 12:31:37 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:03:33.811697
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.975Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmp27nvo4adpidlog
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.975Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1158
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.976Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1166
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.976Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1199
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.976Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1245
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.976Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1254
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.977Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1299
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.977Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1326
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.977Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1364
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.977Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1370
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.977Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1382
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.978Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1443
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.978Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1447
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.978Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1461
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.979Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1510
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.979Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1558
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.979Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1562
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.980Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1568
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.980Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1624
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.980Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1685
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.980Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1707
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.981Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1729
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.981Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1769
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.981Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1775
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.981Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1781
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.981Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1835
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.982Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1877
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.982Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1884
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.982Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1894
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.982Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1943
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.982Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1988
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.983Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 1994
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.983Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2006
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.983Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2054
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.983Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2103
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.983Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2107
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.984Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2113
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.984Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2169
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.984Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2217
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.984Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2223
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.985Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2241
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.985Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2283
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.985Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2338
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.985Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2347
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.985Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2362
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.986Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2404
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.986Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2448
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.986Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2457
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.986Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2466
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.986Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2514
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.987Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2559
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.987Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2563
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.987Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2580
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.987Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2625
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.987Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2670
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.988Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2684
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.988Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2693
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.988Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2734
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2776
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2780
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2789
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2842
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2882
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.989Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2912
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.990Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2916
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.990Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2933
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.991Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 2978
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.991Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 3019
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.991Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 3026
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.991Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 3036
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.992Z] 12:31:37 INFO - ==> process 1050 launched child process 3085
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.992Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2563
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.992Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2693
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.992Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1158
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.993Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2054
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.993Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 3085
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.993Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1166
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.993Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2448
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.993Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1299
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.994Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2580
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.994Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1685
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.996Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1558
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1943
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2457
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1562
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2842
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1568
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.997Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2338
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.998Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1443
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.998Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2466
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.998Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2978
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.999Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1447
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.999Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2217
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:37.999Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1707
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.000Z] 12:31:37 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1835
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.000Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2347
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.000Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1326
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.001Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1199
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.001Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2223
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.002Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2734
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.002Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1461
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.002Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2103
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.003Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2362
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.003Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2107
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.003Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1729
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.004Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2113
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.004Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2241
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.004Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1988
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.005Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2625
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.005Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2882
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.005Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1994
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.006Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 3019
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.006Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2514
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.006Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 3026
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.007Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1364
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.007Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1877
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.007Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2006
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.008Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1624
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.008Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2776
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.009Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1370
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.009Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1884
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.009Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1245
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.010Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2780
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.010Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 3036
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.010Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2912
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.011Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2404
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.011Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2789
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.011Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1254
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.012Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1382
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.012Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1510
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.012Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1769
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.013Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1894
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.013Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2283
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.013Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2916
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.014Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2670
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.014Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1775
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.014Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1781
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.015Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2933
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.015Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2169
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.016Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2684
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.016Z] 12:31:38 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2559
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.016Z] 12:31:38 INFO - Stopping web server
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.017Z] 12:31:38 INFO - Server shut down.
[task 2025-01-25T12:31:38.017Z] 12:31:38 INFO - Web server killed. ```
Comment 1•16 days ago
:bomsy, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1935157, could you take a look? Also, could you set the severity field?
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Flags: needinfo?(hmanilla)
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•16 days ago
:bomsy, could this issue also be regressed by Bug 1935157?
![]() |
Updated•16 days ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•15 days ago
Updated•15 days ago
Assignee: nobody → hmanilla
Assignee | ||
Updated•15 days ago
Flags: needinfo?(hmanilla)
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Pushed by
[devtools] Cleanup rouge location usage r=devtools-reviewers,nchevobbe
The patch is working in today's beta simulation.
Comment 7•14 days ago
bugherder |
Closed: 14 days ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 136 Branch
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before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.