Closed Bug 1944102 Opened 20 days ago Closed 20 days ago

Remove non-recommended addons from the recommended addon list


(Fenix :: WebExtensions, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jonalmeida, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Fenix on [Release/Beta/Nightly]
  2. Observe the list of addons recommended.

Expected behaviour

  • The list of addons in the fenix recommended list should reflect those that are are also on AMO.

Actual behaviour

  • There are addons on the list that are no longer recommended in AMO but are still recommended in fenix.

Device information

  • Firefox version: 136
  • Android device model: All devices
  • Android OS version: All versions

Any additional information?

  • TamperMonkey was a particular addon that was observed from a user which is now closed-source and can no longer be code-reviewed by the AMO team (an apparent requirement to be on the recommended list). There seem to be other addons that are also no longer recommended by AMO.

Thanks for the filing the report, I saw the conversations on Matrix.

(In reply to Jonathan Almeida [:jonalmeida] from comment #0)

  • The list of addons in the fenix recommended list should reflect those that are are also on AMO.

It does. The "recommended" title is a bit overloaded these days, it should probably be changed to "featured", since this is coming from a curated AMO collection. We didn't always have only recommended extensions in that collection, though it seems we now mostly have recommended-recommended extensions (i.e. with the badge), see: Not having a badge doesn't mean the add-ons aren't reviewed, though.

  • There are addons on the list that are no longer recommended in AMO but are still recommended in fenix.

AFAICT the list has been updated after this bug was filed. Fenix caches the data for about 24 hours because that curated list isn't updated very often.

  • TamperMonkey was a particular addon that was observed from a user which is now closed-source and can no longer be code-reviewed by the AMO team (an apparent requirement to be on the recommended list). There seem to be other addons that are also no longer recommended by AMO.

This is kinda orthogonal. While TamperMonkey might have become closed-source recently, AMO reviewers still have access to the source code and do reviews on any add-on, not just the recommended ones or the open-source ones.

Closed: 20 days ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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