Open Bug 1945709 Opened 2 days ago Updated 2 days ago

Intermittent Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread. [@ MOZ_CrashSequence] | single tracking bug


(Core :: DOM: Workers, defect)





(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)

Crash Data

Filed by: abutkovits [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.451Z] 05:17:58     INFO - TEST-OK | dom/workers/test/test_sourcemap_header.html | took 673ms
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.567Z] 05:17:58     INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.568Z] 05:17:58     INFO - Passed:  248
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.569Z] 05:17:58     INFO - Failed:  0
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.570Z] 05:17:58     INFO - Todo:    0
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.570Z] 05:17:58     INFO - Mode:    non-e10s
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.571Z] 05:17:58     INFO - Slowest: 4765ms - chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/dom/workers/test/test_shutdownCheck.xhtml
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.573Z] 05:17:58     INFO - SimpleTest FINISHED
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.573Z] 05:17:58     INFO - TEST-INFO | Ran 1 Loops
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.574Z] 05:17:58     INFO - SimpleTest FINISHED
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:58.654Z] 05:17:58     INFO - GECKO(5431) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 569: NotFoundError: No such JSWindowActor 'SpecialPowers'
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.039Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | 1738646279038	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.040Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | 1738646279038	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.043Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | 1738646279042	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette stopped listening
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.057Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | console.error: (new TypeError("can't access property \"apply\", p[aMethod] is null", "chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser/tabbrowser.js", 965))
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.119Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.120Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.121Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.121Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:235
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.677Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Main Thread] WARNING: BlockShutdown: Init failed: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtectionStorage.cpp:378
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.884Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.886Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: initiateShutdownWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.886Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.000000s: starting', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.000000s: startKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.887Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.000000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.892Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.008000s: Live database entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.893Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.008000s: gLiveDatabaseHashtable entry removed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.893Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, QuotaManager IO] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: ShutdownStorageOp::DoDirectoryWork -> ShutdownStorageInternal.', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.894Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: stopKillActorsTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.894Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: shutdownAndJoinWorkThreads', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.894Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: idb: '0.008000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.895Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.008000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.896Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.008000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.897Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: fs: '0.008000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.897Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: ls: '0.008000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.897Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: shutdownAndJoinIOThread', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.897Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: invalidatePendingDirectoryLocks', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:17:59.897Z] 05:17:59     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPDL Background] WARNING: quota manager shutdown step: '0.008000s: stopCrashBrowserTimer', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:2318
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:00.009Z] 05:18:00     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Utility 5541, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PUtilityProcess::Msg_FOGData' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:558
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:00.041Z] 05:18:00     INFO - GECKO(5431) | Destroying context 7f540a081ac0 surface 0 on display 7f5409860400
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:01.782Z] 05:18:01     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(record) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtection.cpp:296
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:01.783Z] 05:18:01     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Main Thread] WARNING: Running RecordStatefulBounces after a timeout failed.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingState.cpp:722
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:01.783Z] 05:18:01     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(record) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingProtection.cpp:296
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:01.784Z] 05:18:01     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, Main Thread] WARNING: Running RecordStatefulBounces after a timeout failed.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/BounceTrackingState.cpp:722
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:14.041Z] 05:18:14     INFO - GECKO(5431) | console.error: (new Error("SessionFile is closed", "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.sys.mjs", 413))
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:27.180Z] 05:18:27     INFO - GECKO(5431) | console.error: (new AbortError("IOUtils: Shutting down and refusing additional I/O tasks (NS_ERROR_ABORT)", (void 0), 1136))
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:27.180Z] 05:18:27     INFO - GECKO(5431) | console.error: (new AbortError("IOUtils: Shutting down and refusing additional I/O tasks (NS_ERROR_ABORT)", (void 0), 1136))
[task 2025-02-04T05:18:27.182Z] 05:18:27     INFO - GECKO(5431) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.sys.mjs, line 1176: AbortError: IOUtils: Shutting down and refusing additional I/O tasks (NS_ERROR_ABORT)
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.184Z] 05:19:03     INFO - GECKO(5431) | XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG: /tmp/tmp6iz1y_w4.mozrunner/runtests_leaks.log
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.184Z] 05:19:03     INFO - GECKO(5431) | Writing to log: /tmp/tmp6iz1y_w4.mozrunner/runtests_leaks.log
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.186Z] 05:19:03     INFO - GECKO(5431) | RunWatchdog: Mainthread nested event loops during hang:
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.187Z] 05:19:03     INFO - GECKO(5431) |  --- ParentImpl::ShutdownBackgroundThread
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.187Z] 05:19:03     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [5431] Hit MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread.) at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:244
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:03.188Z] 05:19:03     INFO -  Initializing stack-fixing for the first stack frame, this may take a while...
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.644Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #01: mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) [toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:244]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.653Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #02: _pt_root [nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c:194]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.654Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #03: ??? [/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox + 0x6926d]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.654Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #04: ??? [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x76db]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.656Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #05: clone [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x121a3f]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.657Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | #06: ??? (???:???)
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.657Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump attempting to generate:/tmp/tmp6iz1y_w4.mozrunner/minidumps/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.dmp
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.659Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 5667
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.659Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.659Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.659Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | [Parent 5431, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: process 5541 is a zombie: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/base/
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.659Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump minidump generation succeeded
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - GECKO(5431) | 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 11
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - | Application ran for: 0:01:52.452866
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpzrlc2rl3pidlog
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - ==> process 5431 launched child process 5505
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 5505
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:16.660Z] 05:19:16     INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: /builds/worker/fetches/minidump-stackwalk/minidump-stackwalk --symbols-url= --cyborg=/tmp/tmp9utw7gf7/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.trace /tmp/tmp6iz1y_w4.mozrunner/minidumps/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.dmp /builds/worker/workspace/build/symbols
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.806Z] 05:19:21     INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.dmp
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.807Z] 05:19:21     INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.extra
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.873Z] 05:19:21     INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread. [@ MOZ_CrashSequence] | dom/workers/test/test_sourcemap_header.html (finished) 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.873Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Process type: main
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.873Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Process pid: 5659
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Mozilla crash reason: Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread.
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmp6iz1y_w4.mozrunner/minidumps/4ee12f1e-5d30-d957-6015-5340f6e7377b.dmp
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -                   4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      family 6 model 85 stepping 7
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      4 CPUs
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Linux Ubuntu 18.04 - bionic (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS)
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Crash reason:  SIGSEGV / SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Crash address: 0x0000000000000000 **
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     ** Null pointer detected with offset: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Crashing instruction: `mov qword [r15], rax`
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Memory accessed by instruction:
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -   0. Address: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      Size: 8
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      Access type: Write
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - No instruction pointer update by instruction
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.874Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Linux memory map count: 1947
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Thread 39 Shutdow~minator (crashed) - tid: 5659
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  0!MOZ_CrashSequence(void*, long) [Assertions.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 245]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  1!MOZ_Crash(char const*, int, char const*) [Assertions.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 371]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  2!mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) [nsTerminator.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 244 + 0x1c]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rax = 0x00000000000000f4    rdx = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rcx = 0x0000000000000b40    rbx = 0x00007f53e32451c0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsi = 0x00007f54306368b0    rdi = 0x00007f5430635680
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rbp = 0x00007f53f0bfedb0    rsp = 0x00007f53f0bfed70
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -       r8 = 0x00007f54306368b0     r9 = 0x00007f53f0bff700
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r10 = 0x0000000000000000    r11 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r12 = 0x00007f53f0bff620    r13 = 0x0000000000000007
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r14 = 0x00007f53f0bfed80    r15 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f54200cbc67
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  3!_pt_root [ptthread.c:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 191 + 0x6]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f53eee74ca0    rbp = 0x00007f53f0bfee00
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f53f0bfedc0    r12 = 0x00007f53f0bff620
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000007    r14 = 0x00007f543001dd00
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f5431597fe0    rip = 0x00007f54315909f0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.875Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  4  firefox-bin!set_alt_signal_stack_and_start(PthreadCreateParams*) [pthread_create_interposer.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 81 + 0x5]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rbx = 0x00007f53eee74ca0    rbp = 0x00007f53f0bfeeb0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f53f0bfee10    r12 = 0x00007f53f0bfef80
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f53f0bfee20
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007f5431590860    rip = 0x000055fb5de7e26d
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  5 + 0x76da
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rbx = 0x0000000000000000    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f53f0bfeec0    r12 = 0x00007f53f0bfef80
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r13 = 0x0000000000000000    r14 = 0x00007f53ecb466a0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r15 = 0x00007fffec9ed7e0    rip = 0x00007f54306416db
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  6 + 0x121a3e
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007f53f0bfef80    rip = 0x00007f543036aa3f
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO - Thread 0 firefox-bin - tid: 5431
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  0 + 0xd9f3
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.876Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00    rdx = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rcx = 0x00007f54306479f3    rbx = 0x00007f541452d7c8
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsi = 0x0000000000000080    rdi = 0x00007f541452d7f4
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rbp = 0x00007f541452d7ec    rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef270
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -       r8 = 0x0000000000000001     r9 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r10 = 0x0000000000000000    r11 = 0x0000000000000246
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r12 = 0x00007f541452d7f4    r13 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      r14 = 0x00007f541452d700    r15 = 0x00000000000000cf
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rip = 0x00007f54306479f3
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  1 + 0x67fd5
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef2b0    rip = 0x00007f542bbbdfd6
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  2 + 0xd68f
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.877Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef2b8    rip = 0x00007f5430647690
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  3 + 0x4541fff
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef2f0    rip = 0x00007f5400000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  4  firefox-bin!mozilla::detail::ConditionVariableImpl::wait(mozilla::detail::MutexImpl&) [ConditionVariable_posix.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 106]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  5  firefox-bin!mozilla::detail::ConditionVariableImpl::wait_for(mozilla::detail::MutexImpl&, mozilla::BaseTimeDuration<mozilla::TimeDurationValueCalculator> const&) [ConditionVariable_posix.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 113 + 0xa]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef340    rip = 0x000055fb5ded5e6c
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.878Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  6!mozilla::OffTheBooksCondVar::Wait(mozilla::BaseTimeDuration<mozilla::TimeDurationValueCalculator>) [BlockingResourceBase.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 568 + 0x10]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef3a0    rip = 0x00007f541a5fab98
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  7!mozilla::OffTheBooksCondVar::Wait() [BlockingResourceBase.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 548]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  8!mozilla::TaskController::GetRunnableForMTTask(bool) [TaskController.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 765 + 0x11]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef3f0    rip = 0x00007f541a604e25
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -  9!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) [nsThread.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 1118 + 0x7]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef450    rip = 0x00007f541a62b090
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 10 + 0x19a57
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.879Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef4e0    rip = 0x00007f54313b5a58
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 11!<.plt ELF section in> + 0x5bf0a7
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef4f0    rip = 0x00007f54238b2bd8
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 12 + 0x138cb
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef520    rip = 0x00007f54313af8cc
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 13 + 0x19a57
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef530    rip = 0x00007f54313b5a58
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 14!NS_IsMainThread [nsThreadManager.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 219 + 0xf]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef540    rip = 0x00007f541a61f7b0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 15!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 480 + 0xf]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.880Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef580    rip = 0x00007f541a631ce0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 16!mozilla::SpinEventLoopUntil<(mozilla::ProcessFailureBehavior)1, (anonymous namespace)::ParentImpl::ShutdownBackgroundThread()::$_0>(nsTSubstring<char> const&, (anonymous namespace)::ParentImpl::ShutdownBackgroundThread()::$_0&&, nsIThread*) [SpinEventLoopUntil.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 176]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 17!(anonymous namespace)::ParentImpl::ShutdownBackgroundThread() [BackgroundImpl.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 951]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 18!(anonymous namespace)::ParentImpl::ShutdownObserver::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) [BackgroundImpl.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 1064 + 0x3fe]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef5b0    rip = 0x00007f541afc51a9
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 19  firefox-bin!mozilla::DoublyLinkedList<arena_run_t, mozilla::GetDoublyLinkedListElement<arena_run_t> >::isStateValid() const [DoublyLinkedList.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 119]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 20  firefox-bin!mozilla::DoublyLinkedList<arena_run_t, mozilla::GetDoublyLinkedListElement<arena_run_t> >::isEmpty() const [DoublyLinkedList.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 196]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 21  firefox-bin!mozilla::DoublyLinkedList<arena_run_t, mozilla::GetDoublyLinkedListElement<arena_run_t> >::ElementProbablyInList(arena_run_t*) [DoublyLinkedList.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 366]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 22  firefox-bin!arena_t::DallocSmall(arena_chunk_t*, void*, arena_chunk_map_t*) [mozjemalloc.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 4517 + 0x11]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.881Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef640    rip = 0x000055fb5de63200
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 23 + 0x4541fff
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef648    rip = 0x00007f5400000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 24!nsObserverList::NotifyObservers(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) [nsObserverList.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 71]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 25!nsObserverService::NotifyObservers(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) [nsObserverService.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 289 + 0x46]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef760    rip = 0x00007f541a5821b4
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 26 + 0x4541fff
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef7b8    rip = 0x00007f5400000000
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 27!mozilla::AppShutdown::AdvanceShutdownPhaseInternal(mozilla::ShutdownPhase, bool, char16_t const*, nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> const&) [AppShutdown.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 430 + 0xb]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef870    rip = 0x00007f541a4f27eb
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 28!mozilla::ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager*) [XPCOMInit.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 647 + 0xb]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef8d0    rip = 0x00007f541a666f16
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 29!operator delete(void*) [cxxalloc.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 51]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 30!nsLocalFile::Release() [nsLocalFileUnix.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 287 + 0x7]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef910    rip = 0x00007f541a5b1401
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 31!mozilla::RefPtrTraits<nsIFile>::Release(nsIFile*) [RefPtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 49]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 32!nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>::assign_assuming_AddRef(nsIFile*) [nsCOMPtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 322]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 33!nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>::operator=(std::nullptr_t) [nsCOMPtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 597]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 34!nsXREDirProvider::DoShutdown() [nsXREDirProvider.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 703 + 0x2e]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef930    rip = 0x00007f5420130e2c
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 35!ScopedXPCOMStartup::~ScopedXPCOMStartup() [nsAppRunner.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 1980 + 0x7]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef970    rip = 0x00007f542010f9d0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 36!<.plt ELF section in> + 0x271af
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef988    rip = 0x00007f542331ace0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 37!NS_LogRelease [nsTraceRefcnt.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 950 + 0xe]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef9a0    rip = 0x00007f541a54c676
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 38!PR_GetCurrentThread [ptthread.c:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 588 + 0xa]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9ef9c0    rip = 0x00007f5431589020
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 39!mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup>::operator()(ScopedXPCOMStartup*) const [UniquePtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 460]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 40!mozilla::UniquePtr<ScopedXPCOMStartup, mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup> >::reset(ScopedXPCOMStartup*) [UniquePtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 302]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: inlining
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 41!mozilla::UniquePtr<ScopedXPCOMStartup, mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup> >::operator=(std::nullptr_t) [UniquePtr.h:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 272 + 0x16]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efa00    rip = 0x00007f542011c8c1
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 42!XREMain::XRE_main(int, char**, mozilla::BootstrapConfig const&) [nsAppRunner.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 6126 + 0x9]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efa20    rip = 0x00007f542011bc76
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.882Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 43!XRE_main(int, char**, mozilla::BootstrapConfig const&) [nsAppRunner.cpp:e073391a5799a7178745f40ae8d0420c7ce03987 : 6162 + 0x10]
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efac0    rip = 0x00007f542011ca19
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 44!<.plt ELF section in> + 0x40147f
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efb00    rip = 0x00007f54236f4fb0
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 45!<.plt ELF section in> + 0x4014d7
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efb08    rip = 0x00007f54236f5008
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO - 46!<.plt ELF section in> + 0x40150f
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007fffec9efb10    rip = 0x00007f54236f5040
[task 2025-02-04T05:19:21.883Z] 05:19:21     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning

This is the same issue as bug 1885714 and seems to be a signature change after bug 1858670 landed?

Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)
See Also: → 1858670

Right, we have to add MOZ_CrashSequence() to the frames that get ignored when we build a crash signature. I'll file bugs for that.

Depends on: 1945774
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