Closed Bug 195728 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

page sometimes renders with missing list items


(Core :: Layout, defect, P2)

Windows 2000





(Reporter: mark, Unassigned)





(5 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210 The menu boxes are styled <ul> lists within a couple of divs. All code is clean and validates. Occasionally, especially with uncached copies (it seems), the menu box is rendered with the last few menu items missing. At time of writing (3/3/2003) the "main" box has ten items, from "home" to "other". This also happens with other "sub-menu" boxes around the site. Rendering is as if the latter items were missing, but View Page Source shows complete code. Reloading often corrects the problem, but not necessarily first time. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1. Load up the URL. 2. View page source. 3. Compare the <li> items in the mbox div at the bottom with the rendered output. Actual Results: Occasionally rendered with missing items. Expected Results: Shown all list items. I've rated it as "Major" because potentially critical information is silently discarded before rendering. Just because my home page isn't mission-critical doesn't mean this bug couldn't have bigger implications.
I've tried catching this bug but am having trouble, even tho I have the same browser as you. Could you try catching it when it appears and grab a screen dump and also do a "view source" and see if the source is complete?
works for me with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030302
Priority: -- → P2
This is infuriating. I cannot reproduce this problem now. I'll keep trying, but unless anyone else can reproduce it, should we close this in a couple of weeks (say 19 March)?
Mozilla 1.3b/Win2kSP3
HTML source used for screenshot 116742
CSS source for HTML 116743, for screenshot 116742
Got it. The failure mode is slightly different from before - the entire <ul> did not display. I tried to View Source, but Mozilla crashed. Due to the page length, I can't confirm that the source is complete as I couldn't see the footer. Past occurrences have showed the footer: I'll keep trying to capture one of those. As usual, this is *very* intermittent. It's worth noting that since my original bug submission when the last n list items were missed, I've replaced an unnecessary nesting of <div> in the menus with selector code, and now a complete <ul> is missing. I've just attached a screenshot and accompanying source code in case I make any updates. The page does validate for XHTML and CSS.
At last - a photo of the bug as reported. Notice that the top menu box only shows three list items, whereas the code shows thirteen. Source download is complete, and the following menu boxes are rendered correctly. Maximizing the browser to try to get a bigger shot showing the footer caused a re-render which corrected the problem. This isn't an acceptable workaround though, as the user has no way of knowing that information is missing.
Bug still present in 1.3 release.
Another error screenshot from one of my other sites. Note more list items in source window than are actually displayed. A reload fixed the display. HTML and CSS both validate. No CSS2 generated content in this example, unlike the previous one.
I cannot reproduce the bug reporter, can you select the part w/ the problem, right click, choose "view selection source", and paste the generated source code?
Summary: page renders with missing list items → page sometimes renders with missing list items
Haven't experienced the problem in Moz 1.4 or Firebird 0.7. Suggest it should be marked as FIXED - will reopen if it reoccurs.
Per comment 12: -> WORKSFORME (If the reasons a bug works is unclear, it has 'never been' FIXED ;-))
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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