Closed Bug 201497 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

message appears: mozilla is connected


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rxw, Assigned: asa)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530 when i was browsing some sites, my firewall report that someone is trying to connect to my mozilla by TCP ports 1080,6588. disabling the firewall to see what happens, i receive the follow message: mozilla is connected. and i see a lot of data transfer in one 56k modem. using netstat -a i saw some more connections that wasn´t from current webpages. this happens twice, one in Linux(i was as admin updating the system) when i was browsing website. and now in win98 when i was browsing winamp website. closing the mozilla, or restarting the firewall, these connections are blocked. what the hell is it? Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce Steps to Reproduce: 1.i´m dummie in hacking 2. 3.
Your build is too old to log bugs against. Please upgrade to Mozilla 1.4a, and reopen this bug if the problem persists. ->INVALID
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
ok boss - i'm using mozilla 1.4 rc1 build 2003052908 now! when i'm navigating in some pages, i receive the follow warning from firewall: Someone from [], port XXXX wants to connect to port 1080 owned by 'Mozilla' on your computer the port XXXX is range, the invasor is making a port scan. when i disable the firewall the connect and i receive the message that "mozilla is connect" also happens in mozilla firebird 0.6 i have no plugins installed... i don't know how it's done because i'm not a hacker. i have some knowledgement about security, only.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
oh! i've forgot! my antivirus in windows 98 is up to date(norton av 2003) and it means that have no possibilty of virus or trojan horse. in linux knoppix (debian based distro) also happens... and the last attack happens in this site:
*** Bug 208315 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marcelo: If you're still seeing this problem, what do you mean exactly when you say a message is displayed that says "mozilla is connected"? Where do you see this message? Is it in a dialog that Mozilla pops up, or something from Windows, or your Firewall? It looks to me like some random people are portscanning you for whatever reason, and since one of the ports in use happens to be owned by Mozilla, the firewall "blames" it for the problem. I'm not saying this is definitely not a problem in Mozilla, but it seems unlikely. Thanks for any new information.
i haven't seeing this problem in new version of Mozilla since my last post. this has happened when i was navigating is some web pages. is an dialog that Mozilla pops up, not Windows or Firewall, because it's also happens in my Linux. it's similar that javascript function "Alert", but the pages that i was navigating ( doesn't use popups or javascrit alerts. this is not a simple port-scan, my firewall - Zone Alarm in Windows, configured for ask, in Linux ,Tiny Firewall - warn me about a incoming connection to Mozilla, as server. if i allow these incoming connection, Mozilla pops up that message. if i not allow-it, the firewall block-it. i know that seems unlikely, but my Mozilla is pure, without plugins or anything that can contaminate-it. i'm sorry for not give you more information about this, because it's all that i have for now.
jhenry: -> WFM ?
Closed: 22 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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