Closed Bug 201932 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Arrow keys and copy paste has recent problems


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arcadepreserv, Assigned: asa)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030412 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030412 The arrows keys left and right dont work in the URL field, or in any other field I have tried. Also the cut and paste with CTRL-C and CTRL-V dont work. This has happend during the 1.4b cycle. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. GOTO URL Field, USE LEFT and RIGHT keys to navigate 2. 3. Actual Results: No action at all Expected Results: Cursor movement
wfm, tested on this URL, BuildID 2003041208 on Win98SE I´ve got to click twice to set a cursor, and the can move it using the separate Arrow Keys or the Arrow Keys from the NumPad. When did you note this behaviour? After upgrade install, or install of an extension? Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030412
I thought it was after an upgrade, but since you mention extensions it *could* have happened after installing calendar. Can I uninstall calendar easily to test ?
I removed the and installed the same build again and the problem disappeared. Should I mark as invalid ?
Yes, please do.
No, because it is a bug. You can verify that installation of calendar leads to this bug, and adjust Summary accordingly, so people looking for calender find this bug. Would "Calendar blocks Mozilla Arrow Keys and Copy&Paste" be a good and correct summary ? Is it a bug in Mozilla, because Mozilla Keys don´t work, when Mozilla has focus, or is it a bug in Calendar, because the keys are not working if Calendar has focus?
I'm seeing the same thing on Build ID: 2003042208 on Win XP. I have Calendar installed but see the issue even without running Calendar. It does not seem to be a focus issue since it occurs without Calendar running. Everything was fine until I updated to a recent nightly build. The only change made was updating Mozilla. Calendar was already installed before the update and the arrow keys and cut and paste worked properly.
Same issues with arrow keys, cut-paste (keyboard, edit menu or right click), Home/end also didn't work. Calendar was previously installed. Upgraded to 1.4 Alpha, problems appeared. Upgraded to 2003051008 nightly, no change in problems. FIXED: Upgraded to latest version of calendar, fixed all issues with cursor movement/cut paste.
I think I'm having the same problem. At least arrow keys, home/end, and page up/down don't work anywhere. I do have calendar installed also. I'm also have many other serious problems: - spaces don't work right (I just filed a bug: 205250 on this a few minutes ago) - backspace (go back) doesn't work - can't get preferences to take (new blank/home/last page settings at least) - can't compose mail - can't copy/paste This thing is quite unusable right now. There are probably many other problems. I'm going to try installing an updated calendar or remove the old one to see if that works.
I have seen this bug frequently with many different builds of Seamonkey, Firebird, and Thunderbird over the past few months. I have never had calender installed at all. arrow keys and other navigation keys cease to work in the url bar and all text entry fields, and they do not start working again until I press CTRL+N to create a new browser window. I then close the new browser window, and the arrow keys start working again in my original browser window (of course, when using thunderbird, I am screwed) I cannot see any pattern to what triggers this bug, other than that I usually first notice it when editing the url bar or typing in a <textarea>
Unable to reproduce with Mozilla 1.7 Alpha on windows.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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