Closed Bug 20207 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Extra newlines in textarea


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P2)

Windows NT





(Reporter: ckritzer, Assigned: akkzilla)





(2 files)

The onBlur/onFocus events do not appear to work Steps to Reproduce: 1) Launch 1999112809 apprunner 2) Load test page (http://marvin/whitebox/tools/Event%20Tools/16-1.html) 3) Click on any field, button, popup list Actual Results: No text output (of the onBlur/onFocus events) is displayed in the Input Events[3] field Expected Results: All onBlur/onFocus events will display text output in the Input Events[3] field Build Date & Platform Bug Found: Linux6 1999112808 apprunner, while regressing bug 17196 Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Windows & Mac platforms not available to test. Windows 1999112809 build crashes on launch, and Macintosh 19992715 build hangs on install. Will test on Win98 & Mac86 when build become available.
Blocks: 17196
This bug had a previous incarnation as Bugzilla bugs#4074 & 4079.
OS: Linux → All
Same occurs for Netscape 1999112715 apprunner (fullcircle build).
Assignee: rods → saari
Chris, I had all this working before you checked in some of your focus work. Let me know if you need any help figuring it out.
Target Milestone: M12
Cool, another test case. I was looking at this problem over the weekend, and it is partially my fault, partially editor's IMO. I'm trying to get a hold of buster to talk about it, but I do have some changes that make this page work again.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This seems to work in today's opt build, resolving as fixed by recent saari changes.
Updating QAContact.
QA Contact: janc → ckritzer
Sorry Chris, this is still busted in the 2000-01-26-xx M13 builds... - MacOS86 2000-01-26-01 - Linux6 2000-01-25-20 - Win98 2000-01-25-20
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Clearing FIXED resolution due to reopen.
Uh, this definitely worked before. Now I see *nothing* showing up in the Input Events dialog, no key events, nothing. Something larger than focus is broken here.
Yup. Clearing target milestone. Who gets this?
Target Milestone: M12
Don't know who should get this. Joki maybe? Hard to tell where the problem is without more investigation
Priority: P3 → P2
The broken bits seem to have fixed themselves, marking works for me
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Sorry dudes, this is still not working correctly. The Clear and Reset buttons seem to have no effect. The TextArea (Input Events[3]) shows extra extra linefeeds/carriage returns are being put in (seemingly randomly).
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
I only do eyes, er, focus Tossing to buster on a hunch that it is the text area that is failing to clear when told to.
Assignee: saari → buster
it looks like we get an exponential number of newlines in the text area for every widget message that is appended there. see nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState(), especially the line: nsresult result = mEditor->OutputToString(currentValue, format, 0); It looks like every time through this code, a newline gets appended after every pre-existing newline by the output system. After a pretty small number of such messages, you get an apparent hang as the editor code processes thousands of newlines per message.
Assignee: buster → akkana
Target Milestone: M14
Is there some way you can find out what the dom tree looks like that the editor is trying to print? E.g. get it to call DebugDumpContent()? The output system shouldn't be adding extra newlines if the output flags are zero, and it would be useful to know whether there were any newlines in the content model. Also cc'ing Charley because he just mentioned to me that there's a separate bug on not being able to clear the contents of a text field; maybe that part of this bug is a dup. Charley, what's that bug #?
The bug Akkana requests is 27835
Depends on: 27835
I don't see these exponential numbers of newlines, but I do see two newlines being added after every line that goes into the text area. These double newlines are going in because there are two breaks in the editor's content. I put a call to mEditor->DumpContentTree(); and a line that prints the result of OutputToString into nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState, and this is the sort of output I got: nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState: dumping tree! html@0x866f2cc refcount=22< head@0x866f30c refcount=39< > body@0x866f34c style=font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; refcount=70< Text@0x84ce840 refcount=11<Focus: browser (nn)> br@0x85118fc _moz_dirty= refcount=5<> br@0x84d51e4 _moz_dirty= refcount=7<> Text@0x84d54a0 refcount=11<Click: browser (nn)> br@0x84d54f4 _moz_dirty= refcount=6<> br@0x859d744 _moz_dirty= refcount=7<> Text@0x859d900 refcount=11<Blur: browser (nn)> br@0x859dc84 _moz_dirty= refcount=6<> br@0x859d864 _moz_dirty= refcount=7<> Text@0x859d898 refcount=11<Focus: browser (nn)> br@0x84d4e94 _moz_dirty= refcount=6<> br@0x851193c _moz_dirty= type=_moz refcount=11<> > > OutputToString returned: 'Focus: browser (nn) Click: browser (nn) Blur: browser (nn) Focus: browser (nn) ' Looks right to me. Maybe I'm not understanding the bug buster is seeing, or how to reproduce it? Sending it back; if there's some specific way to get these exponential added newlines, let me know (or, ideally, add in the DumpContentTree and see whether they're really in the tree vs. being added by the output system).
Assignee: akkana → buster
akkana: I'm about to attach the (hand-edited) output from some debug print code I added. It shows lots of extra content with the pattern: br@031963AC _moz_dirty= refcount=5<> Text@03197BD0 refcount=10<\r> being added after every round trip through the editor. Bounce back to you... It looks like maybe the InsertText code is adding BR's for text of value "\r", or is it the output system that is generating these? I'd have to look at the javascript, but I'll bet what it's doing is getting the current value of the text area, and appending some more text to it, then setting the result as the value of the text area.
Assignee: buster → akkana
Changing milestone since this isn't marked beta1. Changing summary to reflect the bug into which this has morphed, which has nothing to do with the original topic. If this is an \r issue, then it's probably Windows-only, and I won't be able to see it on Linux. But where are those \r's coming from? \r is not a legal DOM character, and we should never be inserting it. Why are we? I'm not sure what the editor does with a \r character. In the text edit rules, I don't see any special code to filter out returns, so I suppose we'll just insert it (which we probably shouldn't, since it's never supposed to make it into the dom). Cc'ing Joe in case he knows, and Simon since he did some work on line break characters vs. form submission. Steve, could you possibly let me know who's calling InsertText with a \r, and why it's passing those in?
Summary: onBlur/onFocus events error → Extra newlines in textarea
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
(cc'ing vidur and joki, since this might be a DOM issue) see the URL on marvin. looking at the test case, the interesting javascript is this: function report(element, event) { var t = element.form.textarea; var sEName =; if ((element.type == "select-one") || (element.type == "select-multiple")){ value = " "; for(var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++) if (element.options[i].selected) value += element.options[i].value + " "; } else if (element.type == "textarea") value = "..."; else value = element.value; var msg = event + ": " + sEName + ' (' + value + ')\n'; t.value = t.value + msg; } the last line, "t.value = t.value + msg" is the line that triggers the debug output I attached. I don't see any explicit use of "\r" Maybe some code somewhere is translating the newlines inappropriately, either in javascript land, the text control, or the editor? The string that is passed to nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState() ends in 0x0A. I don't know if that's a \n or a \r, I can never remember. I think it's a \r. Anyway, the memory dump for the first call to SetTextControlFrameState(aValue) is aValue = 0314CA20 46 6F 63 75 73 Focus 0314CA25 3A 20 70 61 73 : pas 0314CA2A 73 77 6F 72 64 sword 0314CA2F 20 28 29 0A 00 ().. with this stack: nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState(const nsString & {"Focus: password () "}) line 1356 nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetProperty(nsGfxTextControlFrame * const 0x0132c854, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsIAtom * 0x01c9a690 {"value"}, const nsString & {"Focus: password () "}) line 1453 nsHTMLTextAreaElement::SetValue(nsHTMLTextAreaElement * const 0x02ea0d50, const nsString & {"Focus: password () "}) line 392 SetHTMLTextAreaElementProperty(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, JSObject * 0x02509a38, long -21, long * 0x0012d828) line 475 js_SetProperty(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, JSObject * 0x02509a38, long 37390992, long * 0x0012d828) line 2058 + 139 bytes js_Interpret(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, long * 0x0012d9bc) line 2259 + 1353 bytes js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, unsigned int 2, unsigned int 0) line 681 + 13 bytes js_Interpret(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, long * 0x0012e264) line 2292 + 15 bytes js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, unsigned int 1, unsigned int 2) line 681 + 13 bytes js_InternalInvoke(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, JSObject * 0x025099f0, long 38835944, unsigned int 0, unsigned int 1, long * 0x0012e3f0, long * 0x0012e39c) line 754 + 19 bytes JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * 0x02dd1490, JSObject * 0x025099f0, long 38835944, unsigned int 1, long * 0x0012e3f0, long * 0x0012e39c) line 2790 + 31 bytes nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(nsJSContext * const 0x02dd44b0, void * 0x025099f0, void * 0x025096e8, unsigned int 1, void * 0x0012e3f0, int * 0x0012e3ec) line 562 + 33 bytes nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent * 0x03187524) line 128 + 57 bytes nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct * 0x02eb9c70, nsIDOMEvent * 0x03187524, unsigned int 1, unsigned int 7) line 697 + 19 bytes nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsEvent * 0x0012e990, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012e7e8, unsigned int 7, nsEventStatus * 0x0012e9b4) line 1105 + 29 bytes nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsEvent * 0x0012e990, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012e7e8, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012e9b4) line 1010 nsHTMLInputElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLInputElement * const 0x02e9f5a0, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsEvent * 0x0012e990, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x00000000, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012e9b4) line 833 + 31 bytes nsEventStateManager::SendFocusBlur(nsEventStateManager * const 0x02ecde10, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsIContent * 0x02e9f5a0) line 2374 nsEventStateManager::SetContentState(nsEventStateManager * const 0x02ecde10, nsIContent * 0x02e9f5a0, int 2) line 2158 nsHTMLInputElement::SetFocus(nsHTMLInputElement * const 0x02e9f5a8, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10) line 717 nsEventStateManager::ChangeFocus(nsIContent * 0x02e9f5a0, nsIFrame * 0x0132c60c, int 1) line 1739 nsEventStateManager::PostHandleEvent(nsEventStateManager * const 0x02ecde10, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012ed0c, nsIFrame * 0x0132c60c, nsEventStatus * 0x0012ed4c, nsIView * 0x030012f0) line 880 nsEnderEventListener::DispatchMouseEvent(nsIDOMMouseEvent * 0x03185384, int 302) line 3909 + 43 bytes nsEnderEventListener::MouseDown(nsIDOMEvent * 0x03185384) line 3981 + 24 bytes nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 757 + 17 bytes nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent(nsDocument * const 0x02ef0d10, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 2474 nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 1027 + 39 bytes nsHTMLHtmlElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLHtmlElement * const 0x02ef0a3c, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 191 nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 1020 + 39 bytes nsHTMLBodyElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBodyElement * const 0x02ef095c, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 715 nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f018, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 1020 + 39 bytes nsHTMLBRElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBRElement * const 0x0300351c, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012f308, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x00000000, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 218 PresShell::HandleEvent(PresShell * const 0x02ff2dc4, nsIView * 0x030023e0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 2945 + 39 bytes nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x030023e0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508, int & 0) line 799 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x03001250, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508, int & 0) line 784 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x030012f0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508, int & 0) line 784 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x02ff11f0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, unsigned int 28, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508, int & 0) line 784 nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsViewManager * const 0x02ff1470, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f308, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 1704 nsGfxTextControlFrame::RedispatchMouseEventToSubDoc(nsGfxTextControlFrame * const 0x0132c60c, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f4c8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508, int 1) line 725 + 43 bytes nsGfxTextControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsGfxTextControlFrame * const 0x0132c60c, nsIPresContext * 0x02e94f10, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f4c8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f508) line 557 + 29 bytes nsEnderEventListener::DispatchMouseEvent(nsIDOMMouseEvent * 0x03183504, int 302) line 3903 + 32 bytes nsEnderEventListener::MouseDown(nsIDOMEvent * 0x03183504) line 3981 + 24 bytes nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f784, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 757 + 17 bytes nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent(nsDocument * const 0x02ef0d10, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f784, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 2474 nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f784, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 1027 + 39 bytes nsHTMLHtmlElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLHtmlElement * const 0x02ef0a3c, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f784, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 191 nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f784, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 1020 + 39 bytes nsHTMLBodyElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBodyElement * const 0x02ef095c, nsIPresContext * 0x02ef0680, nsEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x00000000, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 715 PresShell::HandleEvent(PresShell * const 0x02ff2dc4, nsIView * 0x030023e0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 2945 + 39 bytes nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x030023e0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0, int & 0) line 799 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x03001250, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0, int & 0) line 784 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x030012f0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, unsigned int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0, int & 0) line 784 nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x02ff11f0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, unsigned int 28, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0, int & 0) line 784 nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsViewManager * const 0x02ff1470, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f9d0) line 1704 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4) line 69 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsWindow * const 0x03001134, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4, nsEventStatus & nsEventStatus_eIgnore) line 493 + 10 bytes nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fac4) line 514 nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(unsigned int 302, nsPoint * 0x00000000 {x=??? y=???}) line 2957 + 21 bytes ChildWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(unsigned int 302, nsPoint * 0x00000000 {x=??? y=???}) line 3175 nsWindow::ProcessMessage(unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long 655391, long * 0x0012fd60) line 2238 + 24 bytes nsWindow::WindowProc(HWND__ * 0x0252073c, unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long 655391) line 671 + 27 bytes the memory dump of aValue for the second call is: 0x0012d47c 0012D490 94 D4 12 00 46 番..F 0012D495 00 6F 00 63 00 .o.c. 0012D49A 75 00 73 00 3A u.s.: 0012D49F 00 20 00 70 00 . .p. 0012D4A4 61 00 73 00 73 a.s.s 0012D4A9 00 77 00 6F 00 .w.o. 0012D4AE 72 00 64 00 20 r.d. 0012D4B3 00 28 00 29 00 .(.). 0012D4B8 0D 00 0A 00 0D ..... 0012D4BD 00 0A 00 53 00 ...S. 0012D4C2 65 00 6C 00 65 e.l.e 0012D4C7 00 63 00 74 00 .c.t. 0012D4CC 3A 00 20 00 70 :. .p 0012D4D1 00 61 00 73 00 .a.s. 0012D4D6 73 00 77 00 6F s.w.o 0012D4DB 00 72 00 64 00 .r.d. 0012D4E0 20 00 28 00 29 .(.) 0
(Reducing severity, since this has morphed into something very different from the original bug.) I talked this over with Joe and Simon, and the consensus was that the editor should assume that it will not be passed illegal input (\r is an illegal character in the dom) because having to search for and remove all \r characters is an extra performance hit in InsertText, a method which is already a performance bottleneck for several operations. So code somewhere else needs to be responsible for stripping out any illegal characters before calling editor routines. In this case, nsGfxTextControlFrame::SetTextControlFrameState should strip out the \r characters before calling htmlEditor->InsertText. That's easy enough to do, either by extending the existing method RemoveNewlines to take a flag indicating whether to remove LF as well as CR and NUL, or by adding a new method.
Severity: critical → normal
Does this patch help? (I'll try it tomorrow if I get a good windows build.) Note, it also include warning fixes.
OS: All → Windows NT
The fix is checked in. My windows build failed; I hope someone with a windows build can check this.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See also bug 22983. This was PDT+ and sounds just like this one. (I was not able to reproduce it) Maybe this fix should be pulled over onto the branch?
*** Bug 31699 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
On further inspection, bug 22983 seems to be a separate issue involving hidden inputs. If it turns out they are related, I'll note that on this bug.
*** Bug 28778 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Build 2000-04-13-08 WinNT 4.0, SP6a Please reopen. Data is lost altogether on return. Noticeable in the last couple weeks of builds.
Please explain what problem you're seeing ... or, better yet, file a new bug. This bug has become so overloaded that it's virtually useless for tracking anything now.
Updating QA Contact.
QA Contact: ckritzer → lorca
Reassigning QA Contact for all open and unverified bugs previously under Lorca's care to Gerardo as per phone conversation this morning.
QA Contact: lorca → gerardok
QA contact updated
QA Contact: gerardok → madhur
verified on build 2001-07-16-07-trunk
Component: Event Handling → User events and focus handling
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