Bug 203903
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
Divide error / division overflow / stack fault (unrecoverable crash) when loading some web pages
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)
(Keywords: crash, stackwanted, Whiteboard: TB19674162K)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312
Hmm... Over a month out of date. I will have a go with more recent versions, but
I wanted to log this with a reproduceable error. I have come across the error
over five times previously, but was unable to reproduce the same steps.
I have only repeated the problem once so far (the crash makes multiple attempts
rather difficult). I will try again on 1.4a, and attempt to reduce the HTML.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start mozilla with a blank page
2. Load up
3. Wait about 10 secs for page to load
Actual Results:
Mozilla crashes, causing an apparent divide overflow error. Mozilla cannot be
restarted, attempts to end Mozilla through Task Manager fail, shutting down or
restarting Windows brings up ~15 dialog boxes mentioning that different Mozilla
windows have failed to respond. I will try to record these windows next time I
try the page.
Expected Results:
Load the web page, possibly halting the display of HTML, but not stopping the
browser completely.
Here is the initial Windows details box from the crash :
-- Begin Information 1 --
MOZILLA caused a divide error in module <unknown> at 0000:00000204.
EAX=a6000000 CS=003b EIP=00000204 EFLGS=00000097
EBX=00010001 SS=6adf ESP=00000fd0 EBP=0000c680
ECX=00000001 DS=2007 ESI=d0ae8000 FS=6cdf
EDX=00000000 ES=6ecf EDI=d0d83080 GS=2e67
Bytes at CS:EIP:
cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30
Stack dump:
003b0204 3ed00006 0246033f 2e67c680 0064e4b0 d2640ff8 00000280 00000000 ffff0029
00000204 0000003b 00000246 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Talkback does not appear. After "Close", Mozilla still apparently has active
processes (clickable icon(s) on taskbar, close messages for various processes on
shutdown), preventing new Mozilla sessions to be started.
-- End Information 1 --
The above error occurred in a case that I was unable to repeat, but the end
result was the same as the following (possibly) repeatable error (Dr Watson log):
-- Begin Information 2 --
System snapshot taken on 30/04/03 21:47:02.
*----> Summary/Overview <----*
<unknown> encountered an overflow during division.
Module Name: <unknown>
Application Name: Mozilla.exe
Description: Mozilla
Version: 1.3: 2003031205
Product: Mozilla
Manufacturer: Mozilla, Netscape
*----> Details <----*
Command line: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Seamonkey\mozilla.exe" -nosplash -browser
Trap 00 0000 - Divide error
eax=87e00000 ebx=00010001 ecx=00000001 edx=00000000 esi=d075e000 edi=d092bcc0
eip=00000204 esp=00000fd0 ebp=0000b1ec -- -- -- nv up di NG nz AC PE CF
cs=003b ss=4cef ds=2007 es=3b57 fs=2237 gs=4917
>003b:00000204 cd30 int 30
sel type base lim/bot
---- ---- -------- --------
cs 003b r-x- c0fff800 000007ff
ss 4cef rw-- 8428f000 00000fff
ds 2007 rw-- 00000000 ffffffff
es 3b57 rw-- 80e91620 0000003f
fs 2237 rw-- 80e91660 000686bf
gs 4917 rw-- 00653000 0000ffff
stack base: 00560000
TIB limits: 0064e000 - 00660000
-- stack summary --
4cef:b1ec 003b:0204 003b:0204
-- stack trace --
4cef:b1ec 003b:0204 003b:0204
003b:000001e4 cd30 int 30
003b:000001e6 cd30 int 30
003b:000001e8 cd30 int 30
[Continues with same instruction ... ]
*003b:00000204 cd30 int 30
003b:00000240 cd30 int 30
003b:00000242 cd ?db cd
003b:00000243 30 ?db 30
003b:00000244 page not present
-- End Information 2 --
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Comment 1•22 years ago
or it's redirected replacement:
Does not cause crashes when just the HTML file is copied onto my local machine
and viewed with Moz1.3
However, here is an ordered list of windows that needed to have "End Task"
clicked on in the dialog box before I could restart / shutdown Windows:
[Windows with no title] * 6
[Meri Dolevski's Clarinet Page - Mozilla]
[Windows with no title] * 2
[DDE Server Window]
[Windows with no title] * 3
Taking a wild stab in the dark, I am guessing that Mozilla not crashing when the
file is copied locally means it is not a DOM HTML error. Perhaps (Event
Handling) / (DOM Other) / (Parser)
Comment 2•22 years ago
which graphic card and which driver version do you use ?
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Comment 3•22 years ago
NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 (32Mb), I think using Detonator 28.32 drivers. That looks
like it's rather ancient.... The card was an onboard thing that came with the
Comment 4•22 years ago
could you try updated drivers ?
see bug 128961 (should be fixed in your driver version but possible they fixed
it later for the TNT)
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Comment 5•22 years ago
Yes, that worked. In that case, I dupe the bug (because it seems to be the same
problem as bug 128961), possibly also changing this component to GFX. One of the
"images" of the HTML file had a height of 2174px. Thanks for your help.
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Comment 6•22 years ago
Okay... maybe it didn't work. I'm not sure if this is the same error, but it
resulted in a crash while using Mozilla. As you may be able to tell from the
summary, this probably is not a problem with Mozilla. I now have Detonator
drivers version 43.45 (most recent). In this case, once again, the bug does not
seem to be repeatable. For a change, Mozilla didn't crash ungracefully, being
able to bring up a Talkback window before dying.
-- Begin Information 1 --
MOZILLA caused a stack fault in module NVIEW.DLL at 017f:100383fe.
EAX=00000017 CS=017f EIP=100383fe EFLGS=00010217
EBX=000006ec SS=0187 ESP=00561dfc EBP=00530ca8
ECX=10038504 DS=0187 ESI=00000086 FS=187f
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=00000001 GS=44e7
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 55 56 57 bf 01 00 00 00 0f 84 78 0d 00 00 50
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-- End Information 1 --
Possibly not repeatable, but I will keep sending to this bug (or whatever bug
encompasses my problem) as the errors occur.
Comment 7•22 years ago
"Mozilla didn't crash ungracefully, being able to bring up a Talkback window
before dying."
Did you send the Talkback report? Please say you sent the report ;) If you did,
you can get the Talkback ID by going to your mozilla directory, going to the
components folder, and double-clicking talkback.exe.
"C:\Program Files\\Mozilla\components"
is the default directory, IIRC. Then, type in the incident ID you see.
That would be _really_ helpful
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Comment 8•22 years ago
The talkback ID was TB19674162K
Great. Now I know where to find the IDs. I was looking for something in the
Details of the Talkback report, but it looked completely blank.
Comment 9•22 years ago
OK... lets see if someone can pull the report
Keywords: stackwanted
Whiteboard: TB19674162K
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Comment 10•22 years ago
While moving a file in Explorer from one folder (in one window) to another
folder (in a different window)
-- Begin information 1 --
EXPLORER caused a stack fault in module NVIEW.DLL at 017f:100383fe.
EAX=0000001b CS=017f EIP=100383fe EFLGS=00010213
EBX=00000f38 SS=0187 ESP=02971f68 EBP=094deab4
ECX=10038504 DS=0187 ESI=00000086 FS=4a97
EDX=00000001 ES=0187 EDI=00000001 GS=5b6f
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 55 56 57 bf 01 00 00 00 0f 84 78 0d 00 00 50
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-- End information 1 --
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Comment 11•22 years ago
Well, that was interesting. As I was writing a bug report (for this bug) on the
last Talkback that I sent (TB19738158Q), Mozilla crashed again due to NVIEW.DLL,
and now I have another Talkback ID (TB19738246Y). Both crashes occurred after
-- Start information 1 --
MOZILLA caused a stack fault in module NVIEW.DLL at 017f:100383fe.
EAX=00000017 CS=017f EIP=100383fe EFLGS=00010217
EBX=00000434 SS=0187 ESP=00561c50 EBP=00530ca8
ECX=10038504 DS=0187 ESI=00000086 FS=0f87
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=00000001 GS=43ef
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 55 56 57 bf 01 00 00 00 0f 84 78 0d 00 00 50
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-- End information 1 --
-- Start information 2 --
MOZILLA caused a stack fault in module NVIEW.DLL at 017f:100383fe.
EAX=00000017 CS=017f EIP=100383fe EFLGS=00010217
EBX=00000f30 SS=0187 ESP=00561ed0 EBP=00530ca8
ECX=10038504 DS=0187 ESI=00000086 FS=7bbf
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=00000001 GS=785f
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 55 56 57 bf 01 00 00 00 0f 84 78 0d 00 00 50
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
-- End information 2
I will reset and see if I can reproduce the problem in a semi-minimal case (no
extra tabs, programs, etc).
Summary: Divide error / division overflow (unrecoverable crash) when loading some web pages → Divide error / division overflow / stack fault (unrecoverable crash) when loading some web pages
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Comment 12•22 years ago
On a hunch, I disabled the nView desktop manager (it allows windows to be
collapsed to the title bar) which was a new addition to the Detonator drivers.
Loading up the page, then viewing source did not crash Mozilla.
After activating the desktop manager, I tried again (but no reset in between, so
*could* be something else... I will test for this) and soon after View -> Page
Source, Mozilla crashed gracefully (TB19738628X). I will check for individual
options within the Desktop manager now.
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Comment 13•22 years ago
I controlled for resetting in between experiments by trying with / without
Desktop Manager (DTM) enabled multiple times in the same session, and the
predicted events occurred.
Enabling DTM, but disabling all its options resulted in a working View -> Page
Source. Enabling DTM, but only enabling one option (collapse to title bar)
resulted in a graceful Mozilla crash (TB19739193G).
I have decided to disable the nView Desktop Manager, because the Mozilla (and
possibly Explorer) crashes can get a bit annoying at times.
So in summary:
With Detonator 43.45 drivers
1. Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced
2. [Graphics Card Tab] TNT2 Model 64
3. From popout side window, select Desktop Utilities
4. Make sure Enable Desktop Manager is selected
5. Desktop Manager Configuration -> User Interface tab
6. Disable all options
7. Enable "collapse to title bar" option
8. Load up Mozilla at's/free/
9. View -> Page Source
From this, I would assume that View -> Page Source doesn't like its title bar to
be modified (or possibly doesn't like being shaded).
I am tempted to try this with other options, but can't really be bothered right now.
Does anyone mind if the description for this (almost definitely invalid) bug is
changed to reflect being for the DTM function crashing Mozilla in some windows
(or similar)?
Comment 14•22 years ago
this lokks like something is wrong with the display driver (see the explorer
crash in comment#1ß) :-(
Comment 15•22 years ago
do you still crash after upgrading Nvidia drivers to the latest ones ? nview.dll
is clearly a nvidia file:
Comment 16•21 years ago
Just a user...
Messages and results quite similar to original description:information:1 and
MOZILLAFIREBIRD caused a divide error in module <unknown> at 0000:00000204.
Registers :
EAX=e4200000 CS=003b EIP=00000204 EFLGS=00000097
EBX=00010003 SS=3177 ESP=00000fd0 EBP=0000b438
ECX=00000001 DS=2007 ESI=d0a57000 FS=3b77
EDX=00000000 ES=4767 EDI=d0b69e00 GS=3897
Bytes at CS : EIP :
cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30 cd 30
Stack dump:
003b0204 3c70674d 02460267 3897b438 1be80000 00008048 12c00000 1b8017d7 025f8048
00000204 0000003b 00000206 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
tried to display:
using Mozilla 1.3 or Firebird 0.6 and 0.6.1.(rv1.5a: 2003072801 Downld:09/28/03)
== crash every time (including opening locally on drive) (no part of page is
visible, crash is immediate)
Also tried Firebird 0.6.1 with your page (page partially visible and
slower to crash)
(locally does not crash but user agent routine calls for index~ns4.html which
comes out as missing from my download)
Mozilla 1.4 , Mozilla 1.5: 2003092514) == OK (no other change to machine except
install of new version)
Win98 4.10.1998 - PII 233 - 192MB - 3d Prophet NVIDIA GeForce2 MX400 32MB
(nvdisp.drv stock) Nview not loaded nor any other NVidia stuff...
After crash most other programs and Windows still work. Start another browser,
beit IE 5.5 or Mozilla 1.5, shown as running task but no visible window and not
available with Alt Tab. Have to restart.
Stupid user question: Is'nt Firebird's engine up to date with Mozilla's?
Comment 17•21 years ago
japiu02: Upgrade your Nvidia drivers
Comment 18•21 years ago
Follow-up to comments 16 and 17
Did not upgrade Nvidia drivers, way too drastic as pages were displayed
correctly with Mozilla 1.5 RC-2(20030925), old K-meleon 0.6, Netscape 4.78 (and
IE 5.5).
Did make a mistake with Mozilla 1.4 (20030624) as it too crashed.
As a user I originally downloaded 0.6.1 (20030728) from here:
The release version did crash with the 2 pages.
Downloaded Firebird nightly build 20031002 08:47 and the pages display correctly.
Hope this helps.
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Comment 19•21 years ago
For what it's worth, I have tried an alternate resolution for this bug in
purchasing a Geforce FX 5600 (MSI model). Now it looks like I can finally use the
"shade" option in Windows. I no longer get crashes, but cannot tell whether it
is the driver or the card that is causing the problems.
Comment 20•21 years ago
wfm Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040412
The page which loads at this bug's URL is a "Website Disabled" page, so even if
the bug is valid, reproducing it is now virtually impossible given the
instructions in this bug. Also taking into account the last comment was six
months ago.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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Comment 21•21 years ago
Comment 16 has provided a site that seems to have produced the bug, even if the
sites for the first comments have gone down. From comment 1, I may have a local
version of the page on my computer.
This bug "works for me", but poossibly only because I changed my video card
(comment 19).
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