Closed Bug 20541 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Forwarding display is broken


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marina, Assigned: bugzilla)


Steps to reproduce: -select a message; -click Forward icon on the toolbar; //note: the Subject field is blank expected behavior: [Fwd: Subject_of forwarded message] ***** observed with 1999-12-01-M12 Win build on NT40*****
QA Contact: lchiang → esther
Target Milestone: M12
Subject line is correctly filled for me on Mac but Fwrd As Attachment don't put the original message in the attachment list.
ok, the problem with the attachment is just a display matter. The attachment is correctly send with the message despite you don't see it during the composition.
I have tried on Mac with POP, IMAP, NEWS and LOCAL. All give me the correct subject. Same for Windows.
marina will be off for the next 2 days. So, I've looked at her machie and setup. It seems that when engage forward/as attachment the first time, the subject header is quoted correctly, but the 2nd time on (until Mozilla is restarted), the subject header is not quoted. There are some problems with her setting. For example, her machine is affectd by the startup crash problem and her Account setup does not seem to work well, i.e. I'm not able to save any changes because the OK button does nothing when it's clicked. She is using an older "jsj3250.dll" from 11/11/99 build as a workaround for the startup crash problem. I wonder if this is not causing a strange effect like this one.
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
bug 20554 has been filled about the problem with the attachment that doesn't show up anymore. Move it for M13, waiting for more info/investigation from marina about the original problem.
Marina, do you still have the problem?
I'm not able to launch today's build even though i'm using jsj3250.dll from 1111 win build. So i can not comment and we'll wait till tomorrow build.
Marina, today's Win32 build has a launching profile if you have more than one profile. Try with just one profile.
Marina, could you try again?
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
with today's Win 199-12-13-08 M12 the problem is gone and it works for me.
Using 1999121309m12 on win98 and 1999121308m12 on mac and linux this is fixed. Verified.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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