Closed Bug 205967 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Changing width of the browser window toggles insertion of gap in text flow


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla.r.boccuzzi, Unassigned)




User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507 When viewing slashdot, there was a large white gap (maybe a hundred pages long) between text lines in one of the stories. When I resized my browser window (making it either wider or narrower), it would take away or bring back the blank space. It was cyclical, meaning if I kept making it wider it would appear, disappear, appear, etc. Seems like the on/off cycle was a few hundred pixels. I am running two screens, both at 1280x1024. I have attached the source to the page on Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Load slashdot 2. make browser wider (or narrower) until artifact appears 3. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <html><head><title>Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters</title><link REL="top" TITLE="News for nerds, stuff that matters" HREF="//" > <link REL="search" TITLE="Search Slashdot" HREF="//"> <link REL="alternate" TITLE="Slashdot RSS" HREF="//" TYPE="application/rss+xml"> <link REL="shortcut icon" HREF="/favicon.ico" TYPE="image/x-icon"> </head> <body BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#006666" VLINK="#000000" TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0"> <!-- advertisement code. --> <center> <table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><tr><td WIDTH=1><script LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- now = new Date(); tail = now.getTime(); document.write("<IMG SRC=',"); document.write(tail); document.write("' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0><BR>"); //--> </SCRIPT> <noscript> <img SRC=",105310865" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0><br> </noscript></td></tr></table> <table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><tr><td WIDTH=728><script LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- now = new Date(); 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For anyone who reads the majority of <a HREF="">YRO</a> posts, Lessig's blog is one of the most important sites on the net."</i> Another submitter summed it up well: 'Lessig is predicting that the days of the Commons of the Internet are over, and that as a result of FCC deregulation, the concentration of digital rights in the hands of just a few large media companies will kill the internet for good. Even former FOX and Vivendi executive <a HREF=",7497,948157,00.html">Barry Diller</a> has criticised the move.' We joke, but there are large elements of truth to Lessig's dour predictions. <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=103&amp;tid=99" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=103&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">0</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=103&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">3</a></b> comments | <a HREF="//"></a> <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>NASA Report Advocates Switch to Open Source</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="65" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Software" TITLE="Software"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">michael</a> on Friday May 16, @01:01PM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the don't-have-to-be-a-rocket-scientist dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">vortimax</a> writes <i>"A new <a HREF="">technical report</a> from the <a HREF="">NASA Ames Research Center</a> advocates the adoption of Open Source Software internally by NASA for some projects. The paper also proposes modifications to NASA's "external software release" policies to allow OSS and proposes the use of the <a HREF="">Mozilla Public License</a> as the license of choice for NASA software."</i> <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=160&amp;tid=185" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=160&amp;tid=185&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">27</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=160&amp;tid=185&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">132</a></b> comments <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF="//"><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Book Reviews</font></a>: Nanotechnology</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="62" HEIGHT="75" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Science" TITLE="Science"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">timothy</a> on Friday May 16, @12:00PM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the specks-of-good-and-evil dept.</b></font><br> iConrad writes <i>"I first found this book on EDN which described it by saying, 'It collects many ideas about what nanotech is doing and has the potential to do without the breathless hype.' I've read the Drexler books and pretty much everything else I can find about nano, so I already know that nano will save the world, replace humanity, etc., etc. (Sigh.) What I didn't know (and I think this book really told me) is what nanotechnology really is, what it is doing right now, what it will mean for businesses, and why I should care."</i> Read on for the rest of iConrad's review. <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <a HREF="//;mode=nocomment&amp;tid=134" TITLE="">4509 bytes in body</a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">16</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">79</a></b> comments | <a HREF="//"></a> <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF="//"><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Science</font></a>: Making Change</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="70" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="The Almighty Buck" TITLE="The Almighty Buck"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">michael</a> on Friday May 16, @10:55AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the buddy-can-you-spare-an-eighteener? dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">Roland Piquepaille</a> writes <i>"There are mostly four kinds of coins in circulation in the U.S: 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, and 25 cents. But is it the most efficient way to give back change? This <a HREF="">Science News</a> article says that a computer scientist has found an answer. "For the current four-denomination system, [Jeffrey Shallit of the University of Waterloo] found that, on average, a change-maker must return 4.70 coins with every transaction. He discovered two sets of four denominations that minimize the transaction cost. The combination of 1 cent, 5 cents, 18 cents, and 25 cents requires only 3.89 coins in change per transaction, as does the combination of 1 cent, 5 cents, 18 cents, and 29 cents." He also found that change could be done more efficiently in Canada with the introduction of an 83-cent coin and in Europe with the addition of a 1.33- or 1.37-Euro coin. Check <a HREF="">this column</a> for more details and references."</i> The <a HREF="">paper (postscript)</a> is online. <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=98&amp;tid=99" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=98&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">85</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134&amp;tid=98&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">787</a></b> comments | <a HREF="//"></a> <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF="//"><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Games</font></a>: Gentoo Games</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="68" HEIGHT="77" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Games" TITLE="Games"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">michael</a> on Friday May 16, @10:04AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the compile-your-own dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="http://n dot v dot d dot maas at hccnet dot nl">TheSurfer</a> writes <i>"Today, <a HREF="">Gentoo</a> announced the creation of <a HREF="">Gentoo Games</a>, 'a gaming technology company created to deliver innovative Linux-based game technologies to the public'. They also released a GameCD with the full version of <a HREF="">America's Army</a>. For more information, see the threads in the forums <a HREF="">here</a> and <a HREF="">here</a>."</i> <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">43</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">256</a></b> comments | <a HREF="//"></a> <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Electrolux Robot Vacuum Cleaner</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="59" HEIGHT="46" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Toys" TITLE="Toys"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">michael</a> on Friday May 16, @09:11AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the it-sucks dept.</b></font><br> An anonymous reader writes <i>"Modelled on an ancient arthropod the <a HREF="">Electrolux Trilobite is in stores from Friday</a> and should cost around £999."</i> It <a HREF="//">isn't the first robot vacuum</a>, but they do claim it automatically recharges itself (which I don't think the Roomba does). And for only 8 times the price! A bargain. <a HREF="">Electrolux's website</a> has some more information. <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=159&amp;tid=186" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=159&amp;tid=186&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">35</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=159&amp;tid=186&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">184</a></b> comments <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Fizzer Worm Uninstalling Itself</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="73" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="The Internet" TITLE="The Internet"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">CowboyNeal</a> on Friday May 16, @08:08AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the sigh-of-relief dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">boredMDer</a> writes <i>"According to a recent update on the <a href=""></a> mailing list, apparently the Fizzer Task Force has gained control of the Geocities webpage from which Fizzer updates itself. <a HREF="">From an IRC-Security mailing list</a>: 'We have also postted a Fizzer cleaner to the actual URL that the bot downloads its updates from, as a self extracting and running executable.' The Fizzer-uninstaller posted there creates the file '%WinDir%\uninstall.pky', which then causes Fizzer to remove all of its registry keys. Looks like the Fizzer worm will soon come to an end."</i> <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=172" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=172&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">80</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=172&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">332</a></b> comments <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>'Pacemaker'-like GPS Device for Humans</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="71" HEIGHT="53" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Privacy" TITLE="Privacy"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">CowboyNeal</a> on Friday May 16, @05:41AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the here-i-am dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">LunarFox</a> writes <i>"<a HREF="">Applied Digital Solutions</a> has <a HREF="">announced successful field trials</a> of a prototype GPS device that can be implanted into humans. The device, which is internally rechargable, can wirelessly transmit location, movements and vital signs via the Internet, storing the info in a database. It's said to be the size of a pacemaker, but they intend to miniaturize it to one-tenth that size. You may recall this company as having designed the '<a HREF="">Digital Angel</a>,' and '<a HREF="">Verichip</a>,' a ricegrain-sized RFID chip like injectable <a HREF="">pet tracking ID chips</a>. This same company apparently made several denials in 2002 that their product(s) would be anything but externally worn. (like a wristwatch) Many <a HREF="">other related links</a> can be found at <a href="">WorldNetDaily</a>."</i> On one hand the potential cool uses astound me, while the possibilty of abuse frightens me. A lot. <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=158&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=99" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=158&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">45</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=158&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">278</a></b> comments <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>T-Mobile Dumps MS SmartPhone</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="55" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Microsoft" TITLE="Microsoft"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">CowboyNeal</a> on Friday May 16, @02:36AM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the thanks-but-no-thanks dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">burgburgburg</a> writes <i>"It seems that T-Mobile International, Europe's second largest mobile phone operator, has <a HREF="">decided against introducing a Microsoft SmartPhone</a> after all. T-Mobile had announced their plans in February to introduce the MS SmartPhone this summer. Industry insiders say that the software for the phone continued to have 'fundamental problems,' leading to a high failure rate. French mobile carrier Orange introduced a MS SmartPhone, SPV, late last year. It initially had <a HREF="">software security problems</a> which Microsoft has claimed are patched."</i> <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=109&amp;tid=137&amp;tid=187&amp;tid=100" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=109&amp;tid=137&amp;tid=187&amp;tid=100&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">52</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=109&amp;tid=137&amp;tid=187&amp;tid=100&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">272</a></b> comments <b>)</b></p><table WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><tr><td VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"><img SRC="//" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="16" ALT="" ALIGN="TOP"><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF="//"><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Developers</font></a>: TopCoder, Math, and Game Programming</b></font></td> </tr></table> <table ALIGN="RIGHT"><tr><td ALIGN="RIGHT"> <a HREF="//"> <img SRC="//" WIDTH="80" HEIGHT="48" BORDER="0" HSPACE="20" VSPACE="10" ALT="Programming" TITLE="Programming"></a><br> </td></tr></table> <b>Posted by <a HREF="">CowboyNeal</a> on Thursday May 15, @11:40PM</b><br> <font SIZE="2"><b>from the racking-his-brain dept.</b></font><br> <a HREF="">reiners</a> writes <i>"<a href=""></a> has <a HREF="">an interesting interview</a> with David Arthur (dgarthur), the 2003 <a HREF="">TopCoder</a> Collegiate Challenge winner. Arthur discusses many interesting topics: the similarities between TopCoder problems and math problems, why TopCoder performance is positively correlated with 'real-life' programming performance, and why game programming is where the action is."</i> <p> <!-- no ad 6 --><p><b>(</b> <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186&amp;tid=156" TITLE=""><b>Read More...</b></a> | <b><a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186&amp;tid=156&amp;threshold=3" TITLE="">32</a> of <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186&amp;tid=156&amp;threshold=-1" TITLE="">223</a></b> comments | <a HREF="//"></a> <b>)</b></p> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="230" HEIGHT="1"> <table WIDTH="220" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"> <td><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF=""><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Apache</font></a></b></font></td> </tr> <tr><td BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <font SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> &middot; <a HREF="//">Apache 2.0.45 Released</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Gzip on a PCI card</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Virgin Apache is Hard to Find</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Security Hole Found in 4.3.0</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Ant Now A Top Level Apache Project</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Apache 2.0.44 Released</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Mod_Python for Apache 2.0 is released</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">News from ApacheCon US 2002</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">An Overview of the Boa Web Server</a><br>&middot; <a HREF="//">Covalent And Redhat Developing 64 bit Apache</a><br> </font> </td></tr></table> <p><table WIDTH="220" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"> <td><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Older Stuff</b></font></td> </tr> <tr><td BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <font SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> <p><b><font SIZE="4"><a HREF="//;mode=" >Thursday</a></font> May 15</b></p> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=93&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=99&amp;tid=123" TITLE="">DVD Copyright Case Mulled over by Judge</a> (221)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=134" TITLE="">Hybrid Robot Uses Rat Brain</a> (222)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=149&amp;tid=96&amp;tid=99" TITLE="">Online Newshour Tackling Digital Copyright</a> (160)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=99" TITLE="">How to Fake A Hard Day at the Office</a> (510)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=207&amp;tid=127&amp;tid=186" TITLE="">Gameboy Advance Users to Get Bluetooth Internet</a> (124)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=126&amp;tid=95" TITLE="">Verisign Granted DNS Lookup Patent</a> (347)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=185&amp;tid=106" TITLE="">Linux Desktop Without X11</a> (517)<br> &middot; <a HREF="//;mode=nested&amp;tid=136&amp;tid=137&amp;tid=187" TITLE="">DVRs for Cop Cars</a> (354)<br> <p ALIGN="RIGHT"><b><a HREF="//">Older Articles</a></b> <br><b><a HREF="//;issue=20030515" >Yesterday's Edition</a></b> </font> </td></tr></table> <p><table WIDTH="220" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"> <td><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Slashdot Poll</b></font></td> </tr> <tr><td BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <font SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> <form ACTION="//"> <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="qid" VALUE="963"> <b>Favorite Mass Extinction?</b> <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="1">Late Cambrian <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="2">Late Ordovician <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="3">Late Devonian <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="4">End Permian <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="5">Late Triassic <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="6">End Cretaceous <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="7">A.D. 2004 <br><input TYPE="radio" NAME="aid" VALUE="8">Cowboyneal has me on the Atkins diet <br><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Vote"> [ <a HREF="//;aid=-1"><b>Results</b></a> | <a HREF="//"><b>Polls</b></a> ] <br> Comments:<b>586</b> | Votes:<b>27006</b> </form> </font> </td></tr></table> <p><table WIDTH="220" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#006666"> <td><font FACE="arial,helvetica" SIZE="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><b><a HREF="/"><font COLOR="#FFFFFF">Book Reviews</font></a></b></font></td> </tr> <tr><td BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <font SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> Need something to read? Slashdot's book review section is full of reader-submitted reviews of books you should know about. <ul> <li> Robert Nagle (aka idiotprogrammer) reviews the O'Reilly published <cite><a href="// 106">Managing RAID on Linux</a></cite>. Robert says this book "provides enough knowledge to avoid the dread and uncertainty that comes with trying to tackle Linux RAID." <li> PinglePongle reviews Kent Beck's <cite><a href="// 156&tid=108">Test-Driven Development by Example</a></cite>, in which "Beck -- author of the original Extreme Programming book -- explains in detail how to turn your development world upside down by starting with the test, then writing the code." <li> Scott Evans reviews <cite><a href="// 98">What Should I Do With My Life?</a></cite>, which follows "dozens of 'real people' as they refactor their lives and careers in pursuit of happiness." <li> Reader doom reviews <a href="// 117">the Dossier series</a> from Rich Morin's Prime Time Freeware project - these are books which neatly collate and package freely available documentation for your highlighting, page-ruffling pleasure. <li> Benjiboo dissects David Chapell's <cite><a href="// 109">Understanding .NET: A tutorial and Analysis</a></cite>, which left him pining for "a more critical and less Microsoft-centric text." </ul><p> Add your name to this list! 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Rich, can you still reproduce this problem with slashdot suddenly gaining gigantic whitespace in recent Mozilla builds? I saved the HTML you provided to disk and could not get the bug to appear. Perhaps it has been fixed? Thank you for any additional information.
Summary: Changing width of the browser window toggles insertion of gap in text flow → Changing width of the browser window toggles insertion of gap in text flow
WFM on WinXP trunk 2003102304.
Marking WFM since we haven't heard from the reporter in about 5 months. Please reopen if the bug still occurs in recent builds though, thanks.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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