Closed Bug 20729 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Open link in new window launches empty page.


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jelwell, Assigned: alecf)


On the latest build 1999120308 on WinNT. 1) Load up a webpage, say 2) Now right click on a link 3) Select Open link in new window Expected Results: A new window is spawned. New window displays the link page. Sidebar ("My Panels") contains same preferences as before. (tinderbox, bookmarks and what's related) Actual Results: A new window is spawned. New window is blank. Sidebar shows the "My Panels" and customize button, but selections (tinderbox, bookmarks, and what's related) are missing. The console says: "Setting content window = 1 startpage = Javascript Error: TypeError: window.content.location has no properties URL: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.js LineNo: 419" There are 4 of these errors, all the same except line #s 419, 461, 419, 461.
It's clear that this bug is also causing "View Page Source" to come up blank... As it spits out the same error messages.
hmmm. wondering if bookmarks don't work for the same reason. Try going to a bookmark... Mozilla goes no where and the console spits out the same error message, only line 861 this time. someone munged navigator.js or something horrific last night. ;)
Target Milestone: M14
can you try this with a normal browser window? I can't imagine this is a dom viewer problem.
Severity: normal → critical
Component: DOM Viewer → Browser-General
Target Milestone: M14 → M12
I think I just misplaced the component. I don't know who to assign it to. I did use the regular browser to test this... As this seems to be a regression bug I don't think it should be pushed off to M14 either. Remarking M12. And marking critical because I think a browser that can't goto bookmarks is worthless.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
WORKSFORME now. I think there were some issues possibly ironed out in bug 20714 that were causing lots of problems on the 1999120308 release.
marking verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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