Closed Bug 21119 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Selection gets into bad state after pasting


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect, P3)






(Reporter: tor, Assigned: pavlov)


Tested on a 12/7 evening CVS pull on solaris/native. Steps to reproduce: * start mozilla-bin * wait until it finishes loading the homepage * double-click url text * watch it flash grey and ignore the double-click (another bug...) * double-click url text to select * press backspace * select some url text in the ordinary X clipboard from an xterm or the like ("") * paste this url into the url bar (button-2 click) Results in these messages: Error retrieving selection: length was -1 Error retrieving selection: length was -1 Error retrieving selection: length was -1 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read Clipboard from memory * double-click url text to select again * press backspace. Text will remain and the following messages spewed: ###!!! ASSERTION: transaction did not execute properly : '(NS_SUCCEEDED(result))', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 403 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 403 ###!!! ASSERTION: selection not collapsed after delete selection.: 'PR_TRUE==isCollapsed', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1002 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1002
Assignee: mjudge → pavlov
Tested on Linux6 1999120715 and got no assertions. When following instructions for reproduction, got everything Eli did, except where the assertions are spewed in the console window, I get the following: FindSHortCut: in='' out='null' change lock icon to unlock - new document Document loaded successfully Document: Done (28.005 secs) ! nSecureBrowserUIImpl found: change loc icon to unlock ?(http ()) pav, assigning this to you via/per beppe - she says reassign as appropriate...
Based on the messages included, you didn't follow the reproduction steps. Do not go to the URL you just pasted, go immediately to the next step. I still the original problems on a 12/8 morning CVS pull (post tree closing). Slightly different line numbers in this build: ###!!! ASSERTION: transaction did not execute properly : '(NS_SUCCEEDED(result))', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 406 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 406 ###!!! ASSERTION: selection not collapsed after delete selection.: 'PR_TRUE==isCollapsed', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1002 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1002
this is what we did: 1. get a URL into the clipboard 2. launch seamonkey 3. dbl-click in location field (it screws up) 4. dbl-click in the location field, this time the URL gets selected 5. press backspace key 6. select paste 7. hit enter is step 7 not the correct step?
Steps: 1. get URL into X clipboard 2. launch seamonkey/apprunner/mozilla-bin/flavor-of-the-week 3. dbl-click in location field (it screws up) 4. dbl-click in location field - URL will be selected 5. press backspace key - URL will be deleted 6. paste (mouse button 2) URL into location field - selection errors output 7. dbl-click in location field - URL will be selected 8. press delete - URL stays around and the assertions are thrown
Beth, does this work for you using tor's steps, or would you like me to try...? works for pavlov, he says.
Error retrieving selection: length was -1 is a debugging printf and can safely be ignored. I am not sure what problem you are seeing. I don't see the assertions. Is the problem that double clicking on the urlbar doesn't steal the selection from the xterm? It will once shaver checks in his copy on selection stuff. other than that, it works for me.
The problem is the assertion and that you can't delete the whole URL text with the usual double-click/delete maneuver.
i can...
Well I can't. Shouldn't an editor person look over those asserts to see if they have an idea as to what might be happening?
[this is beppe]on a linux build, I cannot get the assert to happen. I will ask kin to take a look and see if he can reproduce this one.
anyone? I can't duplicate this...
tor: I can't duplicate this. If you can edit widget/src/gtk/nsClipboard.cpp and add yourself to the #define DEBUG_CLIPBOARD code and send me the output to your term when you try and paste with DEBUG_CLIPBOARD defined I might be able to figure something out.
tor? anyone alive? :-)
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
6 weeks with nobody able to reproduce? resolving as wfm. If anyone sees this again, please reopen with sufficient info to reproduce.
I still see the problem in 1/19 cvs pull on solaris/native. Additionally it's screwing up in more ways now. Steps to reproduce: 1. get URL into X clipboard (select "" in an xterm) 2. launch mozilla-bin and wait for it to finish coming up 3. dbl-click in location field (it screws up) 4. dbl-click in location field - URL will be selected 5. press backspace key - URL will be deleted 6. paste (mouse button 2) URL into location field At this point I get a couple asian characters followed by the URL from the X selection. 7. dbl-click on the URL location field - "" will be selected 8. press delete - URL stays around and the assertions are thrown ###!!! ASSERTION: transaction did not execute properly : '(NS_SUCCEEDED(result))', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 412 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 412 ###!!! ASSERTION: selection not collapsed after delete selection.: 'PR_TRUE==isCollapsed', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1061 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1061
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Clearing WORKSFORME resolution due to reopen.
this works fine for me. I can't reproduce it. Please do what I suggested above with defining DEBUG_CLIPBOARD in nsClipboard.cpp
[paste of X selection] nsClipboard::GetNativeClipboardData() nsClipboard::GetFormat(text/unicode) nsClipboard::DoConvert(text/unicode) nsClipboard::DoRealConvert(427) { Doing real conversion of atom type 'text/unicode' Waiting for the callback... mBlocking = 1 nsClipboard::SelectionReceivedCB { Error retrieving selection: length was -1 } } Got the callback: '', 18 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read Clipboard from memory Reading symbolic information for Reading symbolic information for nsClipboard::GetNativeClipboardData() nsClipboard::GetFormat(text/unicode) nsClipboard::DoConvert(text/unicode) nsClipboard::DoRealConvert(427) { Doing real conversion of atom type 'text/unicode' Waiting for the callback... mBlocking = 1 nsClipboard::SelectionReceivedCB { Error retrieving selection: length was -1 } } nsClipboard::DoRealConvert(661) { Doing real conversion of atom type 'UTF8_STRING' Waiting for the callback... mBlocking = 1 nsClipboard::SelectionReceivedCB { Error retrieving selection: length was -1 } } nsClipboard::GetFormat(text/plain) nsClipboard::DoConvert(text/plain) nsClipboard::DoRealConvert(319) { Doing real conversion of atom type 'text/plain' Waiting for the callback... mBlocking = 1 nsClipboard::SelectionReceivedCB { Error retrieving selection: length was -1 } } nsClipboard::DoRealConvert(31) { Doing real conversion of atom type 'STRING' Waiting for the callback... mBlocking = 1 nsClipboard::SelectionReceivedCB { } } Got the callback: '', 18 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read Clipboard from memory [double-click select & hit delete] ###!!! ASSERTION: transaction did not execute properly : '(NS_SUCCEEDED(result))', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 412 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsEditor.cpp, line 412 ###!!! ASSERTION: selection not collapsed after delete selection.: 'PR_TRUE==isCollapsed', file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1061 ###!!! Break: at file /cs/src/mozilla/mozilla/editor/base/nsTextEditRules.cpp, line 1061
are you still seeing this? clipboard has been behaving for me for a while now.
Target Milestone: M16
Mass-moving all M16 non-feature bugs to M17, which we still consider to be part of beta2
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
this should not happen anymore.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*SPAM*: Changing the QA contact of all open/resolved Selection bugs from to After the many great years of service Eli has given to Mozilla, it's time for him to move on; he has accepted a position at Eazel. We'll be sad to see him go, and I'll do my best to fill his spot...
QA Contact: elig → BlakeR1234
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