Closed Bug 230039 Opened 21 years ago Closed 19 years ago

scrolling web page results in missed-out pixel-lines


(Core :: Web Painting, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: ruth.ivimey-cook, Assigned: roc)





(2 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031208 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031208 When I scroll-towards-end a web-page in the browser (but not, e.g., a mail message) the line of pixels that was at the bottom of the screen (or possibly the line after that) is not included in the scrolled image. If the missing line was a line of text, this makes the text seem vertically squashed; other effects can apply too. Strangely, not all web-pages to suffer from this (e.g. I can't get the bugzilla page to suffer)??... but many are, e.g. the one I put in URL. Forcing a repaint (e.g. by doing a page-scroll) does correctly redisplay the messed-up content. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1. View page (e.g. 2. Scroll down (mousewheel, cursor keys, scrollbar-downarrow) Actual Results: See details Just possibly this is video-driver related, although I don't see this issue in any other program. Machine is a Vaio GRX with ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 chip and the latest Sony driver (11/2002, v6.13.10.6243). I was using M v1.5; updating to M v1.6b didn't help.
Actually I can see it on the bugzilla pages, but only for the <tt> text, which in my prefs is Courier New.
Perhaps similarly, I get problems scrolling _up_ in the a bug viewed in the guided bugzilla page, when the black line that surrounds the frame is repeated very regularly over the top of the newly revealed scrolled content.
Ruth, could you please provide a screenshot? Thanks. It doesn't look like , but rather with horizontal lines, right? (This is probably Graphics, not layout(?))
Section of screen resulting from dragging another main window (PSP 7) across a visible Mozilla window, moving down and a little to the right as it went. The pixels to the left are unredrawn, to the right are redrawn a pixel to high.
Text with the compression effect, showing a line missing (about the baseline of the characters, here) as a result of scrolling the window towards the bottom.
As requested, I've attached two screenshot clips. I actually found it harder to repro the problem than I did earlier today, but it was happening, as you can see. The other bug (114097) was showing a different issue, where sections were not updated but the area they should have been in was left white: with this bug the pixel lines are omitted or shifted. I am not an expert in Moz, so it may well be graphics rather than layout. Reassign if appropriate.
I seen this before but it doesn't happen all the time. Using builds. Dupe of bug 172162 or more likely bug bug 87738?
This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01". This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code. While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug (given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more reproduction information if you have it. If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved. Thank you for your help in this matter. The latest beta releases can be obtained from: Firefox: Thunderbird: Seamonkey:
I think this bug has been resolved in or before Firefox 1.0.7.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Resolution: FIXED → ---
We don't know what fixed this worksforme
Closed: 19 years ago19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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