Closed Bug 230735 Opened 21 years ago Closed 7 months ago

keyboard events intermittently ignored


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)






(Reporter: patrick, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031016 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031016 This bug is intermittent and impossible to reproduce accurately, it has been arround for ages (in 1.4.x possibly in 1.3.x not in early versions 1.0.x). I leave my mozzila browser open for hours on end often even days. I heavily use the web browser and the email browser. Every so often the web browser starts ignoring keyboard events. I can select a form text/textarea input or even the url text input with the mouse, the focus changes correctly since the cursor clearly appears, however nothing happens when I press the keys on my keyboard. The only reliable way I can get the browser out of this mode is by opening the email browser and setting the focus to the email search field ("Subject or sender contains") and then typing anything. After that the web browser starts working correctly again. I have tried and tried to accurately reproduce this but I can't, however it will happen to me at least once a day. Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Yes, I see that bug somewhere from Moz 1.5 age, I haven't noticed it before, oand if, it was nothing to bother with. But from 1.5 and more with 1.6 series it starts to be problem. When the bug appears, I can't resize text, sometimes even open new tab with Ctrl-T... I'll try the e-mail search "cheat". I discovered the bug under Debian Woody (GNOME 1.4)
Yes, searching the mails helps! :o) Funny. Now it sure is funny question for developers, what a bug it is. I (being laik) suspect, that somewhere in the process of going to Mail search, entering the searched text or so, somewhere there inside process may be a keyboard-buffer-cleanup call, or take-focus call, or something like that, and this restores normal keyboard function. What do You think? If You consider this idea to be worth of research.. Of course, if this is right, it only tells what is going when problem is workarounded. But if, then this may lead deveopers to the roots of the problem too. I hope I helped with some idea.
It have even helped form me to switch to MailNews and mouse-click to search row. Cursor appeared, and when returned to pages, keyboard has been working well.
Yes, it is sometimes sufficient to just select the search field however others you actually need to type something, although that may be build dependant since I used to regularly upgrade my mozilla.
Yep, sometimes it is enough just to switch to mail/news and back to browser (Most of day I run them both nonstop and don't close any of them), and keyboard starts working :o) It seems to me that switching the Mailnews app from background to focus (foreground) inicialises the keyb or UI or what, or clears some buffers, or something like that. Or does anybody know what goes on there?
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
I'm seeing something like this in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20050821 SeaMonkey/1.0a, though not in the 8-13 build, when using email compose. Mouse clicks don't restore keyboard responsiveness. There is a concurrency issue with modal dialog boxes, but this problem appeared to me to possibly be caused by the program were waiting on a message from the ISP. The keystrokes are not cued in a buffer, to be displayed after a delay. They are just lost. This seemed like the closest bug description to what I observed, but it's a new bug to me. I've never seen this problem before, starting with Mozilla 1.1 or 1.2.
This bug was a real pain in the neck for me, but it had disappeared ages ago. Currently I use mozilla 1.7.11 on windows at work and on FreeBSD at home, this browser and none of 1.7's had this problem for me. I am fairly sure 1.6 was fixed too.
I was very satisfied with the 1.7 versions, especially the recent ones. And I was mostly satisfied with the Aug. 13 Seamonkey. But the Aug 21 build has shown this editor problem. Haven't tried the latest.
I too have had this problem however it wasn't necessarily when I am browsing through Firefox. I generally leave firefox up and listen to music on While i work on the computer, my external USB keyboard intermittently disconnects and reconnects after 5-10 seconds. For some reason, if I don't use firefox I don't seem to have this issue. It seems like if there is a heavy java load there seems to be this issue. I'm using the latest nightly build from last night 2/22/07 to see if this problem has been corrected.
(In reply to comment #8) > I was very satisfied with the 1.7 versions, especially the recent ones. And I > was mostly satisfied with the Aug. 13 Seamonkey. But the Aug 21 build has shown > this editor problem. Haven't tried the latest. > > (In reply to comment #9) [...] > if I don't use firefox I don't seem to have this issue. > > It seems like if there is a heavy java load there seems to be this issue. > > I'm using the latest nightly build from last night 2/22/07 to see if this > problem has been corrected. > So, are you still seeing this, one year later or more?
Assignee: general → nobody
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: general → general
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Severity: normal → S3

Please file a new report if you see a similar problem with the latest Firefox.

Closed: 7 months ago
Component: General → DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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