Closed Bug 23578 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Trying to create folder <> on a IMAP server crashes Mozilla


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: Bienvenu)



(1 file)

If I try to crate a folder in my Inbox called <> my Mozilla crashes: MOZILLA caused an invalid page fault in module XPCOM.DLL at 0167:60bd2a05. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=60bd2a05 EFLGS=00010212 EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=0063de04 EBP=0063df0c ECX=000000a1 DS=016f ESI=01a201d4 FS=443f EDX=816505d4 ES=016f EDI=01a201d4 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 80 38 00 74 08 50 8b ce e8 14 fa ff ff 5e c9 c3 Stack dump: 01a201d0 00000000 0063de90 0063fc0c 7800ef03 7802e248 00000000 00000000 780012d9 00000041 780012c2 00000041 00000000 60b36fdb 00000041 60bc519f From the dos box: uri,name in callback = imap://,<> uri,name = imap://,<> selectedFolder = [xpconnect wrapped nsIRDFResource] Using build 2000010908
Severity: normal → major
QA Contact: lchiang → huang
Assignee: phil → bienvenu
Reassign to bienvenu. May also be related to bug 14231
I could not recreate this. Can you attach a protocol log? I can't create a child of the inbox, but I tried it with another folder, and didn't crash.
Attached is the protocol log. This time I tried to create not a subfolder of Inbox but another folder at top level.
Attached file protocol log
OK, I'm grasping at straws here. Lisa, can someone in QA try this on win98?
Can I try on WinNT? But it seems that today's commercial build is not good for test...there was bug#23832 for crashing problem.
Sure, you can try NT, but I didn't have any problems on NT with a debug or release build, so I was wondering if perhaps the problem was win98-specific, or at least not reproducible on NT.
OK. Then I will try on Win98....maybe I need to go back to 01-10-M13 commercial build. But we still had the bug#23530 for 01-10-M13 commercial build problem. I know the latest good build is 01-09-09-M13 commercial build. David, which build you think is better for recreate this problem?
It shouldn't matter what build you try, as long as you can run. This bug has been reported for many weeks, so any build you try should have the problem.
In order to avoid the crashes that we had for the latest build, I tried on Windows 2000-01-09-09-M13 commercila build: WinNT -- Without this problem, the "<>" folder can be created successfully. Win98 -- Crashed when just starting the mail.... I will stick on Win98, and try 1/10 commercila build or today latest build again.....
Wait! David, I already used the same build and same platform as the reporter. I got the crash as the reporter had but just different scenario, I suspect this is build problem for Win98...not the folder creating problem!! I cannot get today's talkback report!!
I'll ask Esther to confirm this on her Win98 machine.
Using builds 2000010908 commercial and mozilla on win98, I did not crash when creating a folder at the top level, or 1st sub level. I created the folders, opened them, closed the app, then reopened the app and the folders were still there and accessible. I even tried to create a folder in the Inbox (which is what is stated in the original scenario). Note: With this build if you have logged in already the Inbox is disabled when selecting the location for your new folder, however it is not diabled if you haven't logged in yet and you can choose this as a location. I thought possibly this was were the crash could be, but I didn't crash and no folder was created after typing in my login password. So I can't reproduce this crash. gemal, could you give me the name of the folder you were trying to create, possibly it has something to do with the characters in the name. Also, in your comments on 1/13 about crashing on the sub folder creation, were you still using the 1/09 build?
So, Esther, do you mean that you can create the "<>" folder without crash on Win98? I am going to try that again....
OK, using build 2000011211m13 and naming the folder <> I crash. So I guess that's the criteria to actually name the folder <>. David did you use this name when you tried?
A talkback report was sent in, but it didn't ask for information or my email so I can't retrieve it. here is what the windows GPF states: MOZILLA caused an invalid page fault in module XPCOM.DLL at 0177:60be29da. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=60be29da EFLGS=00010216 EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0063e0e8 EBP=0063e1f0 ECX=000000a1 DS=017f ESI=02e74c94 FS=0f8f EDX=818923bc ES=017f EDI=02e74c94 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 80 38 00 74 08 50 8b ce e8 14 fa ff ff 5e c9 c3 Stack dump: 02e74c90 00000000 0063e174 0063fc0c 7800ef06 7802e248 00000000 00000000 780012d7 00000041 780012c0 00000041 00000000 60b46fdb 00000041 60bd51f9
Yes. I saw this bug can be reproduced from Esther on 01-12-11-M13 commercial build. So David, maybe this is specific for Win98 platform's problem since I cannot recreate this problem on Linux & WinNT, either. I means this "<>" folder can be created from Linux & WinNT successfully!! Thanks Esther for updating this bug!!
Another note: This also happens on a POP account. I tried this again with build 2000010908m13 and a POP account. I could create folder with names other than <>, but as soon as I tried to use that name I crashed with the same page fault error.
OK, this is a bug in xpcom's nsFileSpecWin.cpp - _fullpath returns null if you pass it "<>" on win98, but that code doesn't check for null. If I check for null, the crash goes away. I have to find out who owns this code and get a review from him, but after that, I'll check in the fix.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: M13
fix checked in. If you re-open, please move to m14
Verified on 2000-01-25-20-M13 commercial build. No crash when trying to create folder <> on a IMAP server now. Maring as verified!!
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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