Bug 239645
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 16 years ago et al, Realtor sites only work with MSIE Win
(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect)
Tech Evangelism Graveyard
English US
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bryan_grant, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/124 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/125.1
Build Identifier:
All of the above sites are integral to a Realtor in the Atlanta market. MLS and Costar sites are a
nationwide resource. These sites are ONLY accessible with Internet Explorer 6.2. The results are
Costar-the login frame does not load properly.
FMLS-cant get into the resoruces once one is properly logged in.
GAMLS-same as FMLS
FirstCLS-same as FMLS as FMLS - cant load the members page which loads a remote Linux desktop probably
using either Tarantella or VNC (not sure which). Ironically for a company which is using Linux, the page
is only viewable using... you guessed it..Internet Explorer 6.x.
If you could somehow get past this hurdle, I would let 2500 brokers in the Atlanta market know that
they can go ahead and ditch their buggy Microsoft Windoze computers and get something else if they
wanted to.
I have tested and NONE of the browsers, Mozilla, Firefox, IE 5.2, Safari, Netscape, and Opera, none of
these can view these sites on a Mac. It requires that I run XP in a Virtual PC. Even with a G4 and a 1GB
ram, it is so slow to run these sites on teh Virtual PC, that it is useful only in an emergency.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Try to login.
2. All of these sites will work with you. I can help you with some of them if you want ot use my login.
3. None of them work. I think in some cases the sites are calling to the .net framework, but many of
them "should" work as they are running in Java. Probably the broken version that Microsoft sent out a
few years back, but I am not sure.
Actual Results:
Costar-the login frame does not load properly.
FMLS-cant get into the resoruces once one is properly logged in.
GAMLS-same as FMLS
FirstCLS-same as FMLS as FMLS - cant load the members page which loads a remote Linux desktop probably
using either Tarantella or VNC (not sure which). Ironically for a company which is using Linux, the page
is only viewable using... you guessed it..Internet Explorer 6.x.
Expected Results:
It should login and allow access to these resources that we pay tons of money to access. Our
subscription to Costar is $400/month alone PER USER!
I would help in anyway you require to remedy the situation. More and more, I am seeing that Microsoft
is subverting browsers and thus many negative results will occur. I selected Blocker for this reason.
Please help fight this.
Bryan "Beau" Grant
President - Brokerage Division
Dargan, Woodside, & Maddox
(770) 433-3243 x250
CDX Memeber Login seems as if it checks the UA and prompts:
"This site is optimized to run in Internet Explorer 5.5 and above. Click the
link below to download it now!"
No longer exist...
renders poorly
Need log-in's
A few things:
Have you tried masking your UA (User Agent String)? If you are using Firefox,
If your using the suite try
Both programs allow you to change your UA and just might solve your problem... I
would also advise you to open a new bug for each site...
There should be separate bugs for each independent site, unless they're all run
by the same company.
Severity: blocker → major
Ever confirmed: true
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Summary: None of these sites work with any browsers that exist for Mac OS/X → et al, Realtor sites only work with MSIE Win
Comment 3•16 years ago
one issue per bug -> invalid
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•10 years ago
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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