Bug 249691
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
javascript error on links - "layers has no properties"
(Toolkit Graveyard :: Error Console, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: mail, Assigned: bugs)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.9.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.9.1
When I reach this page at I cannot continue because the necessary
links no longer work. These work in IE and Opera.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Here is how I am running into trouble at, step by step:
go to
Click>United States
Check box for "I'm returning this vehicle to a different location"
Fill out the necessary date and arrival info from the drop downs
Fill in an airport code for the pickup location (example "LGA")
Click "Go" - This will take you to the next page, where I run into trouble. I
see red text asking me to choose my return location -
Try clicking on "Browse All Locations" or "Find Nearby Locations" - For me,
nothing happens. If I input an airport code directly and scroll down and click
"continue", that will work.
Actual Results:
Links don't work
Expected Results:
Bring up list of return locations.
Javacript console shows:
Error: doucument.layers has no properties Line 52
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<title>When, Where, How?</title>
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var dropOffDateChanged = false;
var cdpentered = false;"main";
function pkpress(e){
if(key == 13){
submitFTS(document.selecter.PickUpOAGCode.value, 'p');
function rkpress(e){
if(key == 13){
submitFTS(document.selecter.ReturnOAGCode.value, 'r');
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checkBox.checked = true;
}else if(textField.value.length == 0){
checkBox.checked = false;
function checkRqnCr(checkBox){
if(((cbxRq.checked) ) && (cbxReason2.checked)){
alert("We're sorry but you can't request your Corporate Benefits and also
ask for a specific Rate Code.\nPlease change your request.");
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with (document.selecter){
if(caltype == 'p'){
if(rentPickupMonthYear.selectedIndex == 12){
index = 11;
index = rentPickupMonthYear.selectedIndex;
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index = 11;
index = rentDropoffMonthYear.selectedIndex;
return rentDropoffMonthYear[index].value.replace("-", "_");
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if(cal == 'p'){
calStr = "Pickup";
else if(cal == 'r'){
if(source != 's'){
dropOffDateChanged = true;
calStr = "Dropoff";
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dayinput.options[d-1].selected = true;
myinput = eval("" + calStr + "MonthYear");
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if(myinput.options[i].value == (m + "-" + y)){
targetIndex = i;
myinput.options[targetIndex].selected = true;
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if(type == 'p'){
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document.selecter.PickUpEOAGCode.value = oag;
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document.selecter.ReturnOAGCode.value = name;
document.selecter.ReturnEOAGCode.value = oag;
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then\nclick on the printer icon in the toolbar above.")
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var monthYear =
mon = monthYear.substring(0,ind);
mon = mon-1;
yr = monthYear.substring(ind+1, monthYear.length);
var frameObj=document.getElementById('right');
//build the parameter string from the Pickup/Return dates
function openCalendarp(Target){
var monthYear2 =
mon2 = monthYear2.substring(0,ind2);
mon2 = mon2-1;
yr2 = monthYear2.substring(ind2+1, monthYear2.length);
var frameObj=document.getElementById('right');
//build the parameter string from the Pickup/Return dates
function openCalp(url)
var monthYear2 =
mon2 = monthYear2.substring(0,ind2);
mon2 = mon2-1;
yr2 = monthYear2.substring(ind2+1, monthYear2.length);
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mon = monthYear.substring(0,ind);
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alt="" border="0"></td>
<td width="422" valign="top">
<!--error messages--><span class="error">
<ul><br><font color="red"><li>Pick-up city name or airport/OAG code is
invalid. Please try again</font></ul><br>
<form name=selecter action="/servlet/WhenWhereHowHandler" method="post"
target="_top" onSubmit="checkRqnCr()">
<input type="hidden" name="formName" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value=""> <br>
<input type="hidden" name="howContinue" value="">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top" width="308">
<td colspan="2"><img src="/images/res_where.gif"></td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="bottom">Enter Renting City Name or
Airport Code:<BR>
<input type="Text" size="7" name="PickUpOAGCode" value=""
maxlength="25" onChange="document.selecter.PickUpEOAGCode.value=''">
<input class="in355" size="25" type="button" name="PickupFTS"
value="Find this Location"
onClick="submitFTS(document.selecter.PickUpOAGCode.value, 'p')">
<input type="hidden" name="PickUpEOAGCode" value=""></td>
<td align="left"><a
color="#666666">Browse All Locations</font></a></td>
<td align="left"><a
color="#666666">Find Nearby Locations</font></a>
<script language="javascript">
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="0">
<tr><td><img src="../images/pixel.gif" width=1 height=1 border=0></td></tr>
<td valign="top">
<input type="checkbox" name="diffloc" checked onClick="submit();">
<td valign="top">I'm returning this vehicle to a different location
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="left" colspan="2">Enter Return City Name or Airport Code:<br>
<input type="Text" name="ReturnOAGCode" size="7" value=""
maxlength="30" onChange="document.selecter.ReturnEOAGCode.value=''">
<input class="in355" type="button" name="PickupFTS" size="25"
value="Find this Location"
onClick="submitFTS(document.selecter.ReturnOAGCode.value, 'r')"><input
type="hidden" name="ReturnEOAGCode" value=""></td>
<td align="left"><a
color="#666666">Browse All Locations</font></a></td>
color="#666666">Find Nearby Locations</font></a>
<td colspan="2"><br><img src="/images/res_when.gif"></td>
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td>I'm picking up the vehicle on:<br><select name="rentPickupDay"
<option value="1">01
<option value="2">02
<option value="3">03
<option value="4">04
<option value="5">05
<option value="6">06
<option value="7">07
<option value="8">08
<option value="9">09
<option value="10">10
<option value="11">11
<option value="12">12
<option value="13">13
<option value="14">14
<option value="15">15
<option value="16">16
<option value="17">17
<option value="18">18
<option value="19">19
<option value="20">20
<option value="21">21
<option value="22">22
<option value="23">23
<option value="24">24
<option value="25">25
<option value="26">26
<option value="27">27
<option value="28">28
<option value="29">29
<option value="30" selected >30
<option value="31">31
<select name="rentPickupMonthYear" onChange="changeDOCal()">
<option value="7-2004" selected>Jul 2004
<option value="8-2004">Aug 2004
<option value="9-2004">Sep 2004
<option value="10-2004">Oct 2004
<option value="11-2004">Nov 2004
<option value="12-2004">Dec 2004
<option value="1-2005">Jan 2005
<option value="2-2005">Feb 2005
<option value="3-2005">Mar 2005
<option value="4-2005">Apr 2005
<option value="5-2005">May 2005
<option value="6-2005">Jun 2005
<option value="7-2005">Jul 2005
<a href="javascript:changeRightLayer('calendar_nn.jsp?pr=p')"></a>
<input type="button" name="Calendar" value="Calendar"
<td><img src="../images/pixel.gif" width=1 height=10 border=0></td>
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td><select name="rentPickupHour">
<option value="1">01 AM
<option value="2">02 AM
<option value="3">03 AM
<option value="4">04 AM
<option value="5">05 AM
<option value="6">06 AM
<option value="7">07 AM
<option value="8">08 AM
<option value="9">09 AM
<option value="10" selected >10 AM
<option value="11">11 AM
<option value="12" >12 Noon
<option value="13">01 PM
<option value="14">02 PM
<option value="15">03 PM
<option value="16">04 PM
<option value="17">05 PM
<option value="18">06 PM
<option value="19">07 PM
<option value="20">08 PM
<option value="21">09 PM
<option value="22">10 PM
<option value="23">11 PM
<option value="0" >12 Midnight
<select name="rentPickupMin">
<option value="0" selected >:00
<option value="15">:15
<option value="30">:30
<option value="45">:45
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="1" height="15" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td>I'm arriving on: <br>
<select name="rentAirline">
<option value="">Arrival Information - select one
<option value="UNKN">My Airline/Train is not listed
<option value="UNKN">I don't have my information
<option value="WALK" selected>I'm not arriving via Air/Train
<option value="EI">Aer Lingus
<option value="YP">Aero Lloyd
<option value="AR">Aerolineas Argentinas
<option value="AM">Aeromexico
<option value="VH">Aeropostal Alas
<option value="AB">Air Berlin
<option value="AC">Air Canada-Jazz
<option value="CA">Air China
<option value="PE">Air Europe
<option value="AF">Air France
<option value="AI">Air India
<option value="JM">Air Jamaica
<option value="IW">Air Liberte
<option value="FU">Air Littoral
<option value="KM">Air Malta
<option value="MK">Air Mauritius
<option value="NZ">Air New Zealand
<option value="PX">Air Niugini
<option value="APN">Air Polonia
<option value="TS">Air Transat
<option value="OP">AirOne
<option value="FL">AirTran Airways
<option value="AS">Alaska Airlines
<option value="AZ">Alitalia Airlines
<option value="NH">All Nippon Airways
<option value="AQ">Aloha Airlines
<option value="HP">America West Airlines
<option value="AA">American Airlines
<option value="2Z">Amtrak
<option value="IW">AOM French Airlines
<option value="OZ">Asiana Airlines
<option value="TZ">ATA - American Trans Air
<option value="AO">Australian Airlines
<option value="OS">Austrian Airlines
<option value="AV">Avianca
<option value="6A">AVIACSA
<option value="BD">bmi - british midland
<option value="WW">bmibaby
<option value="BU">Braathens
<option value="BA">British Airways
<option value="BE">British European - Flybe
<option value="BW">BWIA
<option value="C6">CanJet
<option value="CX">Cathay Pacific Airways
<option value="KX">Cayman Airways
<option value="CI">China Airlines
<option value="MU">China Eastern Airlines
<option value="CZ">China Southern Airlines
<option value="CO">Continental Airlines
<option value="CM">Copa Airlines
<option value="OU">Croatia Airlines
<option value="OK">CSA
<option value="CY">Cyprus Airways
<option value="DX">DAT
<option value="DI">DBA
<option value="DL">Delta Air Lines
<option value="HS">Direkt Flyg
<option value="U2">Easy Jet
<option value="LY">El Al Airlines
<option value="EK">Emirates
<option value="OV">Estonian Airways
<option value="RY">European Executive Express
<option value="BR">Eva Airways
<option value="L9">Fairline
<option value="IH">Falcon Air
<option value="AY">Finnair
<option value="YC">Flight West Airlines
<option value="SJ">Freedom Air
<option value="F9">Frontier Airlines
<option value="4U">German Wings
<option value="DC">Golden Air
<option value="TA">Grupo TACA
<option value="GF">Gulf Air
<option value="ST">Hapag Lloyd Express
<option value="HA">Hawaiian Airlines
<option value="H1">Hooter's Air
<option value="QX">Horizon Air
<option value="KH">Horizon Airlines
<option value="IB">Iberia
<option value="U5">IBA
<option value="FI">Icelandair
<option value="VQ">Impulse Airlines
<option value="JL">Japan Airlines
<option value="B6">JetBlue Airways
<option value="SG">Jetsgo
<option value="JQ">Jetstar Airways
<option value="KP">Kiwi Airlines
<option value="KL">KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
<option value="KE">Korean Airlines
<option value="NG">Lauda Air
<option value="LA">LAN
<option value="TE">Lithuanian Airlines
<option value="LO">LOT Polish Airlines
<option value="LT">LTU
<option value="LH">Lufthansa
<option value="MH">Malaysian Airlines
<option value="MA">Malev Airlines
<option value="TF">Malmö Aviation
<option value="IG">Meridiana
<option value="MX">Mexicana De Aviacion
<option value="ME">Middle East Airlines
<option value="JI">Midway Airlines
<option value="YX">Midwest Airlines
<option value="ZB">Monarch Scheduled
<option value="LF">Nordic Airlink
<option value="NW">Northwest Airlines
<option value="OA">Olympic Airways
<option value="PR">Philippine Airlines
<option value="PFL">Private Plane Flights
<option value="QF">Qantas Airways
<option value="QR">Qatar Airways
<option value="QG">Qualiflyer
<option value="QQ">Reno Air
<option value="WE">Rhientalflug
<option value="QN">Royal Airlines
<option value="BI">Royal Brunei Airlines
<option value="RJ">Royal Jordanian
<option value="FR">Ryanair
<option value="SV">Saudia Arabian Airlines
<option value="SK">Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)
<option value="SQ">Singapore Airlines
<option value="JZ">Skyways
<option value="SN">SN Brussels Airways
<option value="SA">South African Airways
<option value="EV">Southeast Airlines
<option value="WN">Southwest Airlines
<option value="SP">SpanAir
<option value="NK">Spirit Airlines
<option value="SY">Sun Country Airlines
<option value="LX">Swiss TravelClub
<option value="LX">SWISS
<option value="JJ">TAM Airlines
<option value="TP">TAP Air Portugal
<option value="TG">Thai Airways
<option value="T9">TransMeridian Airlines
<option value="TK">Turkish Airlines
<option value="VO">Tyrolean Airways
<option value="UA">United Airlines
<option value="US">US Airways
<option value="U5">USA 3000 Airlines
<option value="RG">Varig SA
<option value="VS">Virgin Atlantic Air
<option value="DJ">Virgin Blue
<option value="TV">Virgin Express
<option value="2R">VIA Rail
<option value="XV">WaltAir
<option value="2W">Welcome Air
<option value="M3">WestJet
<option value="JU">Yugoslav Airlines
<br>Flight Number <i>(optional)</i>:<br>
<input type="Text" name="rentFlightNum" value="" maxlength="5">
<!--<tr><td><font color="000033" face="Arial" size="1"><b>If you're
renting at an airport, please provide your airline and flight number to ensure
prompt Gold service.</b></font></td>
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="1" height="15" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
I'm returning the vehicle on:<br>
<select name="rentDropoffDay" onChange="dropOffDateChanged=true">
<option value="1">01
<option value="2">02
<option value="3">03
<option value="4">04
<option value="5">05
<option value="6">06
<option value="7">07
<option value="8">08
<option value="9">09
<option value="10">10
<option value="11">11
<option value="12">12
<option value="13">13
<option value="14">14
<option value="15">15
<option value="16">16
<option value="17">17
<option value="18">18
<option value="19">19
<option value="20">20
<option value="21">21
<option value="22">22
<option value="23">23
<option value="24">24
<option value="25">25
<option value="26">26
<option value="27">27
<option value="28">28
<option value="29">29
<option value="30">30
<option value="31" selected >31
<select name="rentDropoffMonthYear" onChange="dropOffDateChanged=true">
<option value="7-2004" selected>Jul 2004
<option value="8-2004">Aug 2004
<option value="9-2004">Sep 2004
<option value="10-2004">Oct 2004
<option value="11-2004">Nov 2004
<option value="12-2004">Dec 2004
<option value="1-2005">Jan 2005
<option value="2-2005">Feb 2005
<option value="3-2005">Mar 2005
<option value="4-2005">Apr 2005
<option value="5-2005">May 2005
<option value="6-2005">Jun 2005
<option value="7-2005">Jul 2005
<input type="button" name="Calendar" value="Calendar"
<td><img src="../images/pixel.gif" width=1 height=5 border=0></td>
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<select name="rentDropoffHour">
<option value="1">01 AM
<option value="2">02 AM
<option value="3">03 AM
<option value="4">04 AM
<option value="5">05 AM
<option value="6">06 AM
<option value="7">07 AM
<option value="8">08 AM
<option value="9">09 AM
<option value="10" selected >10 AM
<option value="11">11 AM
<!--<option value="1">01 AM
<option value="2">02 AM
<option value="3">03 AM
<option value="4">04 AM
<option value="5">05 AM
<option value="6">06 AM
<option value="7">07 AM
<option value="8">08 AM
<option value="9">09 AM
<option value="10" selected >10 AM
<option value="11">11 AM
<option value="12" >12 Noon
<option value="13">01 PM
<option value="14">02 PM
<option value="15">03 PM
<option value="16">04 PM
<option value="17">05 PM
<option value="18">06 PM
<option value="19">07 PM
<option value="20">08 PM
<option value="21">09 PM
<option value="22">10 PM
<option value="23">11 PM
<!--<option value="13">01 PM
<option value="14">02 PM
<option value="15">03 PM
<option value="16">04 PM
<option value="17">05 PM
<option value="18">06 PM
<option value="19">07 PM
<option value="20">08 PM
<option value="21">09 PM
<option value="22">10 PM
<option value="23">11 PM
<option value="0" >12 Midnight
<select name="rentDropoffMin">
<option value="0" selected >:00
<option value="15">:15
<option value="30">:30
<option value="45">:45
<!--<option value="0">:00
<option value="15">:15
<option value="30">:30
<option value="45">:45
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="1" height="15" alt=""
<td> </td>
<table border="0">
<td><span class=small>I have no affiliation, discount or other offer.
Please show me the best rate.</span></td>
<td><a href="JavaScript:forward()"><img src="../images/res_continue2.gif"
border=0 alt="Continue"></a></td>
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""
<td><img src="../../../images/pixel.gif" width="1" height="7" alt=""
<td colspan="2"><img src="/images/res_how.gif"><br><br></td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan=2>Discount Plan (CDP) Number:<br>
<input type="text" name="cdpNumber" value="" maxlength="15"
onKeyUp="checkCDP()" onBlur="checkCDP()" size="20"><br><br>
<td> </td>
<td align="bottom"><input type="checkbox" name="cbxReason2"
value="business2" onClick="cr_ot();checkRqnCr(this)" > <img
name="corprateRate" src="/images/corprateRate_gray.gif" align="top"></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="cbxReason1" value="business1"
onClick="cr_ot()" > <!---Quote me the Program my Company has
negotiated---><img name="companyTravel" src="/images/companyTravel_gray.gif"
<td height="10"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2"><span class=small>Corporate renters - Please contact
your travel department <br>to check the Terms & Conditions of your company's
<br>contract regarding personal travel.</span></td>
<tr><td height="10"> </td></tr>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">Promotional Coupon (PC) Number:</td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="Text" name="pc" value="" size="20"></td>
<tr><td height="10"> </td></tr>
<td> </td>
<table border="0">
<td valign="top"><input type="Checkbox" name="cbxRq" value="rateQuote"
<td>I was told to "Ask For" Rate Code(RQ):</td>
<td valign="bottom"></td>
<tr><td></td><td align="left"><input type="Text" name="rq" value="" size="10"
onKeyUp="checkRq(document.selecter.cbxRq, this)" ></td></tr>
<tr><td height="10"> </td></tr>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="small">If you are attending a Meeting or
Convention, please enter your Hertz Convention Number in the field below.</td>
<!-- <tr><td height="10"> </td></tr> -->
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">Convention (CV) Number:</td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="Text" name="cv" value="" size="20"></td>
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<td><span class=small>Please apply the affiliation, discount, or other offer
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<layer id="right" left="335" top="10" src="/gaq/selectOperation.jsp"
height="1700" width="249" frameborder="0" border="0" scrolling="no"></layer></td>
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Comment 1•21 years ago
document.layers is Netscape 4 specific code. Mozilla does not support it.
The site needs to rewrite their scripts to be compatible. This is not a browser
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•16 years ago
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Updated•8 years ago
Product: Toolkit → Toolkit Graveyard
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