Open Bug 257350 Opened 20 years ago Updated 15 years ago

Cannot create a public series without running it under administrative privileges


(Bugzilla :: Reporting/Charting, defect)

Not set




(Reporter: bugreport, Unassigned)



When creating a series for a community of users, I generally only want to count the bugs they are permitted to know about. Currently, I have to create all public series datasets under an administrative account with unlimited permissions. We need to be able to create accounts specifically for the purpose of owning series datasets. These accounts would have the ability to create public datasets, but would otherwise have no more privileges than their peers. To do this, the privilege to create public datasets needs to be distinct from "admin" and, when usevisibilitygroups is enabled, the scope of the public population needs to be limited to the users to whom the dataset creator is visible.
> Currently, I have to create all public series datasets under an administrative > account with unlimited permissions. Or create them under the account you want, and briefly give that account admin permissions in order to make the data sets public. Granted, it's not ideal, and we should fix this bug, but what you want to do is possible. Gerv
Assignee: bugreport → gerv
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
Assignee: gerv → charting
Simply relax who can make his series public. To use new charts, you need to be a member of the chartgroup (by default: editbugs). Why not allowing them to also make their series public, if they want to?
(In reply to comment #1) > Or create them under the account you want, and briefly give that account admin > permissions in order to make the data sets public. Granted, it's not ideal, and > we should fix this bug, but what you want to do is possible. I don't think that's even possible. I see nothing in the code that allows making a data set public *after* it's been created.
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