Closed Bug 257588 Opened 20 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Feed name not updated when parent feed is deleted


(MailNews Core :: Feed Reader, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: mscott)


Seen on all platforms of Thunderbird branch builds 2004-08-30 -Create a News/blog account -With Manage Subscriptions, add Feed-1 (parent) -With Manage Subscriptions, add Feed-2 with Store Feed Articles in: Feed-1 -With Manage Subscriptions, delete Feed-1 tested results: The feed for Feed-1 is no longer in listed in The subscriptions Manager (expected). And the articles aren't retrieved for Feed-1(expected). But the name of the feed in the Mail panes sidebar remains the name for Feed-1. It stays that way even after restart. Expected results: Either the name of the feed is updated to that of the child (Feed-2) or when deleting a parent feed, subfeeds are also deleted.
I disagree. I don't think we should ever rename a folder just because the user unsubscribed from one of the feeds that use that folder. I guess I look at it as Folder name which has many feeds dumping into it. By default we name the folder based on the first feed you use to create it. But i could rename it, I could have created the folder first and then subscribed feeds to it. etc. I wouldn't expect the application to rename folders on me. That would be very weird. Maybe the button should be renamed to unsbuscribe instead of delete to make the difference more clear. Even though if a folder has no more feeds we do delete it.
Scott, are you saying a feed is the same as a folder? The behavior I tried to describe was deleting a feed that has a subfeed. Let say add a Yahoo Sports feed to your News & Blogs account. Then add a feed on weather as a subfeed of the Yahoo Sports feed (not to bright but..). Then delete the Yahoo feed. Now in the folders pane under News & Blogs, Yahoo Sports is the feed name, but only weather articles will be loaded to it. I know this is a really off beat case. And I agree that renaming the feed for the user is bad. That's why I also suggested deleting the sub feed. Maybe we don't want to do any of that and just let the user rename the feed folder themselves. Feel free to mark this invalid. My heart won't be broken :-) Thanks for putting up with us pounding on RSS today.
(In reply to comment #2) > Scott, are you saying a feed is the same as a folder? On the contrary, I think he's saying a folder is a container of feeds. The folder can be named anything (altho, in my testing, it seems you have to create a folder with the desired name before you subscribe; new items no longer appear in the folder if you rename after subscribing). If you add a feed without specifying a folder, a new folder is created based on the feed name. > Feel free to mark this invalid. I'll do that! :)
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: RSS → Feed Reader
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
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