Closed Bug 263796 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Crashes on exit if trying to load unreachable webpage - displays XPCOM:EventReceiver Application Error


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: asd, Assigned: bugzilla)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10.1 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10.1 I came across this by accident - I tried to reach a site that is normally up but currently not accessible. On closing Firefox (before receiving the timeout message), an error appeared: "XPCOM: EventReceiver: firefox.exe - Application Error" "The instruction at 0x01682f7b referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be 'read'". Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Find a website that you control and can normally access. 2. Stop the server. 3. Try to view the webpage, but close the browser before getting the timeout error. Actual Results: Read Details above. Expected Results: Not made Windows mad enough to popup an error message.
I forgot to note - the site came back before I could disable my extensions, in case they were the problem. I have: ieview 0.82, DictionarySearch 0.6.3, Download Statusbar 0.9.1 , Magpie 3.1.2 And, not having a webserver to play with, I couldn't test this bug out elsewhere.
Sorry for coment-spam. The crash is happening if I close simply close any of several sites while loading - for example. And this happens with or without all of my extensions enabled. I even tried closing all other programs I had running and disabling my virus scanner, but the error persists. I wonder if this is just my machine, as I would have expected someone to notice this much sooner, but didn't see a similar bug in searching.
did you disable your extensions and restart FF before trying again ? Only 2 things come to mind, when the page contains a java applet or a pdf. In all other occations you should be able to close the browser w/o consequences/popups
I'm fairly certain now that this is a 'just me' thing. As unexpectedly as the bug began, I began noticing it happen with other programs; something was just out of whack with Windows. Having just finished a format/reinstall and surfed around per normal with my standard extensions I've noticed no problems. Sorry for the false alarm!
WFM with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050802 Firefox/1.0+
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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