Closed Bug 283672 Opened 20 years ago Closed 16 years ago

installer checks for running app too soon after app starts exiting so we get two dialogs to shutdown instead of one


(Firefox :: Installer, defect)

1.0 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: asa, Unassigned)


If you run the installer while Firefox is running, the installer asks you to shut down. If you agree, Firefox shuts down and then you get another installer dialog telling you you need to shut down because it's checking too soon and Firefox hadn't completed the first shutdown. We need to delay that check for a bit longer so that we don't throw that second dialog.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0.1+
Firefox/toolkit has forked the entire installer, this isn't core. (hm, no toolkit installer component -- there should be since there's a shared toolkit piece and a firefox-ui-specific piece)
Component: Installer: XPInstall Engine → Installer
Product: Core → Firefox
Version: Trunk → 1.0 Branch
Renominating, I don't think this should block (though semi-ugly). I tried simply increasing the delay as part of the patch for bug 283680 and that did not reliably fix it. The two message boxes we get are actually different. After the first it tries to close all the windows, and that's supposed to cause the app to exit. The second message (different text) comes when there are no windows but the process is still running -- so it kills the process. There may be some issue with Firefox responding to its windows being closed. Prior to letting the installer kill the process with the second "OK" click the remaining firefox process appears to be a zombie.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0.1+ → blocking-aviary1.0.1?
clearing 1.0.1 nomination, it's shipped. It's somewhat more reliable now after bug 283680
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0.1?
i still reliably see the two different dialog boxes. latest was when upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 on multiple computers.
saw this again going from 1.0.4->1.0.6, but i don't think the two boxes were different, this time, and there was a big delay between them. nominating for 1.0.7.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0.7?
Still here, upgrading 1.0.7 to 1.5 RC1. Is this bug going to be every upgrader's first expreience with their freshly downloaded Firefox 1.5? In my experience, the bug is caused not by checking too soon but it is because the Firefox process never exits even after all windows are automatically closed by the installer. This happens reliably every time I run the Firefox installer. Combined with bug 281302, this makes the Firefox upgrade process feel extremely unpolished, though it doesn't cause any actual malfunctions.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0.8? → blocking-aviary1.0.8-
Flags: blocking-aviary2?
Not a blocker, ideally in the new software update-driven world, we're not installing over top > 99 % of the time.
Flags: blocking-firefox2? → blocking-firefox2-
Summary: installer checks for running app too soon after app stars exiting so we get two dialogs to shutdown instead of one → installer checks for running app too soon after app starts exiting so we get two dialogs to shutdown instead of one
Robert Strong says he's explicitly fixed this in the new NSIS-based Windows installer.
QA Contact: installer
No longer using the old installer
Assignee: dveditz → nobody
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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