Closed Bug 287176 Opened 20 years ago Closed 19 years ago

mess characters encoding issue on the title display when browsing a Simple-Chinesed encoding page in Traditional-Chinese OS, or same as the reverse case.


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: sharkwang, Assigned: bugzilla)




(Keywords: intl)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; zh-TW; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050226 Firefox/1.0.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; zh-TW; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050226 Firefox/1.0.1

Firefox can not support Chinese Encoding well about the page title info.

mess characters encoding issue on the title display when browsing a
Simple-Chinesed encoding page in Traditional-Chinese OS, or same as the reverse

but IE had no this issue.

Reproducible: Always

Expected Results:  
display all Chinese Encoding OK.
What is exactly the problem? Did you mean a ransom note style mix of multiple
fonts (i.e. some characters are rendered with one font while other characters
are rendered with another font) in the title bar? I'm not sure what you meant by
'title display'. If it's 'title bar', it should be the same whether it's firefox
or IE because the title bar is the realm of the OS (not that of an application). 
A screenshot would help us understand the issue. 

Keywords: intl
OK...let me explain that more detail...

first, I mean when I browse (which is a Simple-Chinese webpage)
under some Traditional-Chinese OS, the title bar can not display the
Simple-Chinese characters correctly, it shown some mess characters with '???',
not the original.

sencod, when I use MS-IE to do the same thing, it works well. you can try IE and
Firefox on my case.

that's to say there must have the way to align the function to MS-IE capability
to support Chinese encoding well. I just want firefox have no any flaw.

I thought that this was not depended on OS supporting. Maxthon as the most
successful MS-IE based wrapper had meet the same problem too in its early
version. but they fiex the issue, and announced with UTF-8 bug-fix.

for more: 
  Simple-Chinese(CHS) use GB2312 or GBK standard for encoding.
  Traditional-Chinese(CHT) use BIG5 standard for encoding.
  UTF-8 can support CHS/CHT all.
I can't reproduce the problem on Win 2k (with Korean locale as the default). If
there's a problem, it should be observed whether it's Korean or TC that is the
default because the title of the page has some simplified Chinese characters
that I'm sure are not covered by legacy code pages for TC and Korean. Moreover,
two fonts with slightly different baselines are used to render the title in the
title bar. 

You can change fonts for the title bar in the control panel of Windows, but it's
strange that your current setting works for IE while it doesn't for firefox.
What font is set to be used for the title bar currently? 

OK. as we are the users from China, Could you test it on some Chinese version?
not the 'with Korean locale as the default'!

pls check out here to see the more bug description:

We can see that the title bar show some mess encoding about Chinese-Characters,
but the tab title show the correct without '???' !

My firefox version : 1.0.1 Simple-Chinese
My firefox extension: Tabmix 0.1.5
-- Sorry, the previous message need updated.

pls check out here to see the more bug description:

We can see that the title bar show some mess encoding about Chinese-Characters,
but the tab title show the correct without '???' !

My firefox version : 1.0.1 Traditional-Chinese
My firefox extension: Tabmix 0.1.5

the web that I browsed is Simple-Chinese under UTF-8 encoding
(In reply to comment #4)
> OK. as we are the users from China, Could you test it on some Chinese version?
> not the 'with Korean locale as the default'!

It SHOULD NOT make any difference at all as I wrote before. Anyway, just in
case, I'll try again with the default code page (for A APIs) set to TC on Win 2k. 
(In reply to comment #4)
> OK. as we are the users from China, Could you test it on some Chinese version?
> not the 'with Korean locale as the default'!

As I told you, it should NOT make any difference at all. Just in case, I'll
switch the default codepage for 'A' APIs to zh-TW and see what happens. 
(In reply to comment #8)

> As I told you, it should NOT make any difference at all. Just in case, I'll
> switch the default codepage for 'A' APIs to zh-TW and see what happens. 

I still can't reproduce the bug. I even installed TabMix just in a very unlikely
case that makes any difference. I couldn't find Tabmix 0.15 (the link was
broken) so that I installed 0.14

first, thanks for your kindly checking.

but could you give me some screen snapshots about the display on, and

btw: could you tell me your country?
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Closed: 19 years ago
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