Bug 29789
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
Import utility can't import addresses with "å","ä", or "ö" in it.
(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Address Book & Contacts, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: ek96fksg, Assigned: tonyr)
(Whiteboard: PDT+, patch submitted for review)
(6 files)
48.05 KB,
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1.84 KB,
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5.15 KB,
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52.56 KB,
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1.10 KB,
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1.32 KB,
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BuildID: 2000022820
Platform: Win32
The Import Utility (Tasks->Tools->Import Utility) can't import addresses
correctly (from Outlook or Outlook Express) with "å","ä", or "ö" in it.
An address book entry in the Outlook address book:
"Johannes Sjöström"
gets cut off when imported to Mozilla:
"Johannes Sj"
Comment 3•25 years ago
Yes. We are not handling 8-bit characters including
JPN in import utility. So basically they disappear in the
importing process. Are we going to expose Import function
in Beta 1? If so, we need to fix this problem. Otherwise,
there needs to be a way to indicate that it may not work
for 8-bit data for Beta 1.
Comment 4•25 years ago
I'm going to confirm this bug.
This feature is planned for Beta 2. I would rather not
see people try to import JPN address book data for Beta 1
if this is not going to work for 8-bit data.
Ever confirmed: true
This is a problem with the nsIAddrDatabase interface. The import utility is
passing the correct string to nsIAddrDatabase->AddFirstName, AddLastName, etc.
calls. The address book database is chopping off the characters.
Assignee: tonyr → chuang
Comment 6•25 years ago
Nominating for Beta1 because if users try to import Address Book books
from Outlook or Outlook Express, all non-ASCII data will show
up as blank. It's data loss and will affect anything other than
ASCII and we should not subject users around the world with this type
of aggravation.
Keywords: beta1
nsIAddrDatabase->AddFirstName, AddLastName, etc. are expecting a UTF8 string.
Before calling nsIAddrDatabase->AddFirstName, import utility need to convert the
unicode string into UTF8 string using INTL_ConvertFromUnicode(pUnicodeStr,
unicharLength, (char**)&pUTF8Str);
You can look in nsAddrDatabase::AddAttributeColumnsToRow() to see the sample
Assignee: chuang → tonyr
Can't I just call nsString::ToNewUTF8String? In any case this is a trivial fix.
How do I get this nominated/approved for beta1 checkin?
Comment 10•25 years ago
Tony, please describe the nature of your fix and safeness
so that the PDT team can evaluate it for PDT+ status which is
required for Beta 1.
The benefit for this fix is enormous for all internaitonal
users. If it's a safe and easy fix, then we have better argument
for the PDT+ status.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•25 years ago
Sure. The import utility currently calls nsString::ToNewCString to obtain a
string to pass to nsIAddrDatabase::Add[XYZ] calls. nsIAddrDatabase is expecting
a UTF8 string so the fix is simply changing ToNewCString to ToNewUTF8String.
Simple fix already tested and working in my tree. The changes are all in the
import tools themselves and have no impact on other parts of mozilla.
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•25 years ago
Fix all checked in - hopefully [PDT+] w/b minus 3/3 meant I could do that!
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 14•25 years ago
This is not fixed yet.
See the attached image -- it imports something but not
Japanese on JPN Windows. Are we converting from system file charset
to Unicode?
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 15•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•25 years ago
I suspect the problem is getting the data from MAPI? I have absolutely no way
to test this. Kat, can yyou apply the attached patch and see if it works?
Comment 18•25 years ago
Tony, I think you can debug this yourself.
I'm providing necessary files as attachments.
1. My OE5 Adbook files in .wab format. (Actually I see 2 files in the
directory for OE5 Adbook, momoi.wa~ and momoi.wab. I attached both
just in case in a .zip file. Place these in your OE5 directory.
2. You need a font which contains Japanese glyphs on your
Windows system. If you don't have one, get this font:
the name: Cyberbit.ZIP (this contains many language fonts nlcuding JPN)
unzip this file, and install the resulting file via Control Panel |
Font utility.
Mozilla picks the font automatically and so you don't have to do any
To see that the font is being used, just go to this page,
You should see Japanese displayed correctly on the browser.
Below, I'm also attaching an image of the AdBook entries in
my OE5 Address Book so that you can compare the results.
Comment 19•25 years ago
Comment 20•25 years ago
Comment 21•25 years ago
Wait, this probably will not work straightforwardly.
The data in these wab files seem to be in Shift_JIS (which is the system
charset for Japanese Windows). If you are debugging on
US Windows, can you somehow set the charset of the original
data to "Shift_JIS" rather than your system charset when
If you can't do this easily, it would be best to get nhotta to
look at this with his debug build. I'm not building and so can't
help you with your patch.
Comment 22•25 years ago
Tony, also you can input latin 1 accented data -- as reported by
the original filer of this bug. This you can do in OE5 directly under
US Windows if you use the ALT+NumPad method to input 8-bit
acccented characters.
1. Press ALT key (usually the left one)
2. While holding it down, start using the NumPad without the NumLock.
First type 0, then the decimal codepoint of the character
on Windows-1252 character set table. e.g.
0 2 3 4
3. Then let go the ALT key. This will input "ê".
Use the decimal number rather than the hex number on the following
page to input various accented characters.
This should at least get you the latin debugging going.
Assignee | ||
Comment 23•25 years ago
Latin characters were fixed by the previous checkin. I tested them and they
worked fine. The current problem appears to only be double-byte characters.
Comment 24•25 years ago
Tony, you've made changes so that importing from Eudora, Outlook
and OE are covered by that fix, right? If so, I'd better look at
Eudora and Outlook also.
Assignee | ||
Comment 25•25 years ago
Yes & No. The changes should work for latin1 on all import formats. My guess
is that there will be problems with Japanese on Eudora. Outlook currently is
the same as OE and hopefully the patch will fix Japanese (and any other double-
byte character sets) for Outlook and OE but not for Eudora.
Comment 26•25 years ago
3/3 is gone... and it sounds like this bug is resolved enough for beta1
PDT- for beta1
PDT+ for beta2
Whiteboard: [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/3 → [PDT-] plus for beta2
Comment 27•25 years ago
Depending on how effective the last fix is, L10n might
evaluate not including the ones which corrupt import data.
Comment 28•25 years ago
Removing PDT- note. Folks indicated that they have a change in hand (maybe) and
would like to test it on Monday. I'd like to hear BobJ's input on this at the
PDT meeting Monday.
Whiteboard: [PDT-] plus for beta2
Comment 29•25 years ago
I applied the patch (posted on 3/4) and imported the Japanese data (posted on
Japanese strings are still not imported correctly with the patch.
In address book, the imported Japanese are displayed as dots (before the patch
it was garbage instead of dots).
Comment 30•25 years ago
Plus, there are still the issues of Eudora address import
as well as message importing. I don't think we have sufficient
time to check these out for Beta 1.
I suggest that L10n disable the import menu for Beta 1.
Comment 31•25 years ago
Putting on PDT+ radar for ja beta1.
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → [PDT+] (JA beta only now!)
Comment 32•25 years ago
Removing PDT+ to get it off the beta1 radar.
This is still needed for the Japanese beta, so it has the jab1 keyword.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] (JA beta only now!) → (JA beta only now!)
Comment 33•25 years ago
"jab1" is for bugs in the localization itself, not for enabling bugs.
I sent email to to clarify.
Restoring this back to PDT+ and keyword beta1.
Comment 34•25 years ago
nhotta, Please see if you can help tonyr in any way. Code review, etc.
Comment 35•25 years ago
If we remove the import utility, will it automajically disappear from the menu?
If so, one possibility is to remove this feature from the localized Beta1s.
Comment 36•25 years ago
For Japanese Beta 1, the following are probably the only thing
that is working:
1. Msg importing from Outlook and Outlook Express.
I talked to tonyr and we seem to have the following options:
1. Remove the menu item from from the .xul file
2. Remove 4 import module services in .dll format. This will
still leave the menu in but there will be no services available
to choose from.
Comment 37•25 years ago
I debugged again with today's pull which includes the patch of 3/4.
I used the same japanese data of 3/4 (ran on WinNT japanese).
In CWAB::GetValueString,
I put break points for cases PT_UNICODE and PT_MV_UNICODE but they were not hit.
I saw it hits a break point at PT_STRING8.
I don't know why the MAPI property does not have UNICODE when using Japanese
data. What WinAPI is used in order to get the property? There may be a special
API or flag to let MAPI to return UNICODE.
Comment 38•25 years ago
I called WinAPI MultiByteToWideChar with CP_ACP to convert Shift_JIS to Unicode
in case of PT_STRING8. Then japanese data is now imported correctly.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pVal->Value.lpszA, -1, temp, 128);
The issue of not getting unicode data from MAPI need investigation. But I think
we can put this ACP conversion to enable japanese address book import.
Comment 39•25 years ago
Comment 40•25 years ago
Comment 41•25 years ago
Please apply nhotta's patch as well as comment out the nickname substitution
that you, momoi and nhotta discussed. Then please test these changes with
Latin1 data to make sure that is still working as expected. Assuming this
is all good, please run the pre-checkin tests and then check in the changes.
If we can get this in tonight it will be in tomorrow's Beta1 builds. Thx.
Comment 42•25 years ago
tonyr, When you check-in, use r=nhotta and a=bobj. Thx.
Comment 43•25 years ago
To summarize the current status of this bug:
1. The proposed checkins will make Outlook/Outlook Express
Address Book import work for Japanese & other multi-byte data.
2. Outlook/Outlook Express message import seems to be
workign at basic level for Japanese and other
multi-byte encoded messages
3. TEXT import and Eudora import are not working for
multi-byte data and will be disabled for JPN beta.
Separate bugs will be filed for these problems to Text
and Eudora import issues post Beta1.
Assignee | ||
Comment 44•25 years ago
Fix checked in morning of 3/15/00
Closed: 25 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 45•25 years ago
** Checked with 3/16/2000 Win32 build **
OK. This looks good.
1. Outlook Express Address Entries in JPN get imported correctly
in all fields now.
(** I have not tested Outlook Adbook but these two share the
same Address Book data under the shared directory.)
2. Message import works OK at the basic level. I tested for
sinlge-part msgs and simple multi-part mixed msgs with HTML attachments.
More complex cases have not been included in the tests but so far
msgs are imported OK as Japanese and MIME structures are
also good.
With these results, I'm going to mark this fix verified.
Will look at more complex cases later and report on any
problem in a separate bugs., if you have access to Btea 1 builds
later than the fix date, please check it out. It should be
working now.
Marina, please check out this fix for Latin 1 data. If the original
poster or Marina finds a problem with Latin 1 data, please
re-open this bug.
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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