Open Bug 302697 Opened 20 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Firefox Installer MessageBox buttons show on system's locale and not on installer's locale


(Firefox :: Installer, defect, P5)

Windows XP




(Reporter: jorgev, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050729 Firefox/1.0+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050729 Firefox/1.0+ When the installer is canceled right at the beginning, during the extraction step, a confirmation window appears that allows you to continue the installation or cancel it. This window appears with mixed locales. The title and message appear in the installer's locale. The buttons appear in the OS's locale. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Run the Firefox installer on a system with a different locale setting (for instance, Firefox in English on a Spanish Windows installation). 2. Press the Cancel button right at the beginning, when "Extracting..." appears. 3. See the buttons that appear on the window. Actual Results: The buttons on the confirmation window appear on the system's locale, rather than the installer's locale. Expected Results: The buttons on the confirmation window appear on the installer's locale. I'll attach a screenshot to show the problem.
This is related to Bug 259085, which is Linux-specific.
Could you test this with the new installer that will be used for Firefox 2.0? Thanks
Version: unspecified → 1.5.0.x Branch
I can confirm it with Firefox 2 Beta 1. I tried installing the Spanish (es-ES) version on a Windows XP machine in English (en-US). If you click on the cancel button in the wizard, you'll see a dialog box with buttons in English and text in Spanish.
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: blocking-firefox2?
This was the case with the old installer as well, so I don't think we should block on it. Patches welcome, if you can figure out how to override the dialog strings in NSIS.
Not going to block on this. If the user was going to be broken because of this, I'd consider it differently, but the fact that the system locale is ab-CD means they can deal with ab-CD, so I'm not going to stress too much on it.
Flags: blocking-firefox2? → blocking-firefox2-
note: the screenshot is for the 7-zip self extracting archive in which the installer is packaged to make the size of the installer as small as possible. The same is also true of the one dialog that is shown if the installer needs to close the app. The two would need to be fixed separately.
I just did a quick comparison of the old installer and the new installer. The buttons for wizard pages on the old installer were not localized and they are with the new installer so there is at least significant improvement. Now the only buttons that aren't localized are: 1) The 7-Zip Self Extracting Archive which is not part of the NSIS installer 2) The messagebox buttons for the close app dialog.
Summary: Firefox Installer buttons show on system's locale and not on installer's locale → Firefox Installer MessageBox buttons show on system's locale and not on installer's locale
Version: 1.5.0.x Branch → Trunk
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: minor → S4
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