Closed Bug 30282 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

RFEL ability to remove sidebar in customize dialogue


(SeaMonkey :: Sidebar, enhancement, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: glenn, Assigned: german)


Two things about the sidebar. 1) When I click on customize, the form comes up messed up. On the lefthand side, the "Add these panels to your sidebar" window has pre-selected bookmarks, and the last one the list (at least initially) "Sports and Entertainment" is actually outside the white box and on the grey area; the scroll bar in the center appears to work and the list moves up and down; strangely, the words "Sports and Entertainment" remain on the gary as you scroll, revealing more items, including the real "Sports and Entertainment; 2) the buttons along the bottom are not active, except for cancel, which means I can't do anything. And what I would most like to do is REMOVE the sidebar, because it's annoying.
the bleeding is bug 27888 To remove it, you can select Sidebar from the View menu, or close it using the light blue grippy on the right border of the sidebar. The customize dialogue is working correctly, it is for adding and removing individual panels, not for removing the sidebar completely, but that could be a good idea! assigning to german and changing summary
Assignee: slamm → german
Summary: customize functions not working, bookmark menu bleeds out of window → RFEL ability to remove sidebar in customize dialogue
[rfe] set as new
Severity: normal → enhancement
Ever confirmed: true
spam: changing qa contact on sidebar bugs from paulmac to (all 67 of them!)
QA Contact: paulmac → shrir
I think the feature you would like to have is to remove sidebar which is already implemented and can be down under View memu. This dialog is for people who want the sidebar but don't want certain chaneles. It can't do two major removals at same time since they are two very different things technically. So the dialog is working properly and I will mark it WON'TFIX.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
marking verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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