Closed Bug 30866 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

using arrow keys on profile tree crashes


(SeaMonkey :: Startup & Profiles, defect, P1)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cmaximus, Assigned: hyatt)


(Whiteboard: [PDT+] fix ready w/b minus on 3/10)


(1 file)

Overview Description: Even if you only have one profile, using the arrow key to try and negotiate the profile list (tree) results in an immediate crash on WinNT. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Launch mozilla with -ProfileManager unless you have multiple profiles. 2) Click inside the space where the profiles are listed to give it focus (another bug). 3) Hit the down or up arrow a couple times. Actual Results: When you try to use the arrows, seamonkey crashes Expected Results: Ummm, no crash- scroll through my profiles. Build Date & Platform Bug Found: Found with the 2000030709 build on WinNT Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: I also tested a 2000030508 Mac build and did NOT reproduce. This is either new or Win specific. Additional Information: I would suspect the static XUL tree. There were bugs like this recently where other such trees were used, I believe hyatt fixed those cases.
Nominating for beta1 - how about we don't crash anywhere near startup - it looks really bad.
Keywords: beta1
Whiteboard: [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10
[PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: M14
Assignee: ben → hyatt
I am unable to reproduce. This works fine for me on Windows.
for real? I crashed several machines whilst trying to get a talkback report for this (unsuccessful). I'd be happy to come crash yours (or you could watch me crash mine :-)
I can't reproduce this either, using 30709 build on Win98. We need a reproducible case, no doubt there is some information needed that is not give here.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10 → [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10: Need Reproducible case
Maybe it's optimized only?
reproduced on Win95-sporadically -ie not every time win error 1st time was in jvm.dll -- every other time kernel32.dll cannot reproduce on NT, Mac or Linux
Okay, okay here's the key (props to paulmac for the good eye) - You must click in the EMPTY whitespace below your profile(s). Clicking on an actual profile will prevent this bug somehow. So click the whitespace, then try to use the arrows. You will crash immediately, I promise :-)
Whiteboard: [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10: Need Reproducible case → [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10
Okay, I can reproduce on Win98 now too, but how likely is that scenario, especially since an item is already selected before you click in the whitespace? This is the kind of bug that QA people find on a slow day, not the kind that real users encounter in any numbers. Are there any Talkback reports of users finding this? clearing PDT+ for reconsideration.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] w/b minus on 3/10 → w/b minus on 3/10
putting PDT+ because we have a fix. need to make sure to pass the right content node into nsTreeRowGroupFrame::IndexForRow().
Whiteboard: w/b minus on 3/10 → [PDT+] fix ready w/b minus on 3/10
This is the kinda bug engineers comment on, on a slow day :-) waterson - please make sure gbush has your testcase for this. Thanks!
This bug is MUCH MUCH worse than you think it is. It's very bad and should be fixed for beta.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
not able to reproduce again on Win95- looks good in build 2000030909
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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